This appears to be the first Democamp for Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Spanish Translation below) There have been 3 Barcamps held in Buenos Aires 2007, 2008, 2009 <>. It's about time Democamp came to town. As such, I have taken upon myself to organize this inaugural event... and a special thanks out to Julian from Bar Dudui for making this very easy to happen and so soon.
Only ONE Demo Spot still OPEN. If you would like to demo something, please email <> OR call 11 3899 6638. Ask for Ziggy!
Date: February 2nd, 2010 (19:00 'til ??:??)
Location: Bar Dudui (Costa Rica & Bonpland), Palermo, Hollywood.
Also Happening: Creative Summit 4, Buenos Aires, 19:00 - 23:00 Tuesday Feb. 2 2010.
Democamp will follow the Creative Summit Presentation by: - @mappyfriends : people, places and things. How BIG is your world? - Mappyfriends is a new location based recommendations network. Mappyfriends is about showing your friends where you’ve been and enables you to search your friend’s experiences in order to create your own.
The DemoCamp Lineup: (5 minute democamp rule applies)
ZERO.IN <> @zeroDOTin : A Graphical User Interface for Google Advanced Search (formerly Project guiGoog) Presented by Jason Roks - founder (Canada)
The BubaProject <>: Web Tools for Project Management using Google Wave for real-time collaboration and Google Friend Connect for Authentication. Development in progress... Presented by Matias Molinas - creator (Argentina)
3) : @BAwifi : Uniting Buenos Aires WiFi into ONE BIG public WiFi Zone. Information about the OPEN MESH movement spreading quickly around the world. Find out how to get involved in Buenos Aires.
*SPECIAL GUEST* Mozilla / Firefox, Argentina: DEMO of Weave, A Firefox synchronization project recently out of beta, AND maybe they will show us JetPack too. Presented by: Guillermo (Argentina)
5) LAST DEMO SLOT OPEN: share, show or demo anything. alpha/beta software, digital media projects, new ideas, thoughts and other kool things welcome.
(sign-up on and add your DEMO here using the wiki edit tool at the top of this page.)
6) CitizenZiggy! shares how he gets FREE 3G mobile data in Buenos Aires.
People Attending Democamp:
01. Jason Roks - founder (formerly known as guiGoog) / (Canada)
02. CitizenZiggy! - Digital Peasant & Net Nomad (Earth)
03. Ingo Boltz - counting (Deutschland)
04. Lucas Morea - (Montreal)
05. Chad Turner- Student WorkForce (Canada)
06. Luisa Woods - intrigued (Brasil)
07. Brian Woods - gaming (Canada)
08. Tomas Rautenstrauch - (Argentina)
09. Phillip Smith - Community Bandwidth : in SpiriT! via Paraguay.
10. Matias Molinas - creator, The BubaProject <> (Argentina)
11. Guillermo Movia - Mozilla, Argentina
12. Aylwin - intern, Buenos Aries
About Creative Summit 4 , Buenos Aires: Creative Summit is a network event for professionals who are active in the Creative Industry in Buenos Aires, either directly or indirectly.
Buenos Aires’ star as global hotspot for Creative Services is rising. As a result an increasing amount of people, both local and foreign, whether as a freelancer or as part of a company, are becoming active in the industry.
We believe that different segments within the Creative Industry which used to be standalone are now converging with each other. Design converges with 3d, E-learning converges design, multimedia are converging with webdesign, etc.
The objective of the Creative Summit is to give Creative Professionals in Buenos Aires the opportunity to connect with each other, educate eachother, share ideas, and explore the synergies that exist between the different segments. Working apart but yet together.
The 4th Creative Summit network event will be held on Tuesday January 2nd in Bar DUDUi in Palermo Hollywood. The event is informal. In the setting of the bar, a number of professionals will give short presentations about their part of the industry and tell about their work.
This summit: How big is your world? Mappyfriends : A product launch conference on the new website
Beer, ideas, wine, people: CREATIVITY
Mappyfriends is a new location based recommendations network. Mappyfriends is about showing your friends where you’ve been and enables you to search your friend’s experiences in order to create your own. // Mappyfriends es una nueva red de recommendaciones locales. En Mappyfriends puedes mostrar a tus amigos donde estuviste y te permite hacer busquedas basadas en sus experiencias para crear las tuyas.
Esta parece ser la primera Democamp de Buenos Aires, Argentina.Ha habido 3 Barcamps celebrada en Buenos Aires, 2007, 2008, 2009 <>. Ya es hora de Democamp llegó a la ciudad. Como tal, he tomado sobre mí para organizar este evento inaugural ... y un agradecimiento especial a Jullian en hacer esto muy fácil que suceda tan pronto. Spots Demo sigue abierta. Si desea enviar por correo demo <> o llame 11 3899 6638. pedir Ziggy!
Fecha: 2 de febrero 2010 (19:00 '??:??) til
Ubicación: Bar Dudui (Costa Rica y Bonpland), Palermo Hollywood.
También ocurre: Cumbre de Creativos 4, Buenos Aires, 19:00 - 23:00 Martes 2 de febrero 2010.
Democamp seguirán las presentaciones creativas de la Cumbre.
El Cartel Demo: (5 minutos democamp regla se aplica)
(véase la lista demo anterior)
Acerca de la Cumbre de Creative 4, Buenos Aires: Creative Cumbre es un evento de la red para los profesionales que trabajan en la industria creativa en Buenos Aires, ya sea directa o indirectamente.
De estrellas de Buenos Aires como punto de acceso global para los servicios de Creative va en aumento. Como resultado de una creciente cantidad de personas, tanto locales como extranjeros, ya sea como independiente o como parte de una empresa, se están convirtiendo en activo en la industria.
Creemos que los distintos sectores de la industria creativa que solía ser independiente son convergentes entre sí. Converge con el diseño 3D, E-learning converge diseño, multimedia convergen con diseño web, etc
El objetivo de la Cumbre de Creativos es dar a los profesionales creativos en Buenos Aires la oportunidad de conectarse con los demás, educar simpatia, compartir ideas y explorar las sinergias que existen entre los diferentes segmentos. Trabajo aparte pero todavía juntos.
La 4 ª Cumbre de Creativos de la red evento se celebrará el martes 2 de enero en el bar DUDUi en Palermo Hollywood. El evento es informal. En el marco de la barra, un número de profesionales que harán presentaciones breves sobre su parte de la industria y contar acerca de su trabajo.
Esta cumbre: ¿Cuán grande es tu mundo? Mappyfriends
Una conferencia de lanzamiento del producto en el nuevo sitio web
La cerveza, las ideas, el vino, la gente: CREATIVIDAD
Mappyfriends es una nueva ubicación recomendaciones basadas en la red. Mappyfriends se trata de demostrar a sus amigos dónde has estado y le permite buscar las experiencias de su amigo con el fin de crear el suyo propio.
Mappyfriends es una nueva Red de Locales recommendaciones. En Mappyfriends puedes mostrar tus amigos y un estuviste donde te Permite hacer busquedas Basadas en sus experiencias PARA CREAR las tuyas.