

Page history last edited by Eric Weaver 14 years ago


On Your Mark, Get Set, Registration!

We're officially kicked off, if you're going, then please tweet/email/blog/facebook/shout from the top of the mountains and if you can't, please do so anyway! 

Register at eventbrite 


What is Barcamp?

BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. 

All attendees are encouraged to give a demo, a session, a presentation, or help with one. All attendees are expected to be participants. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall. 

Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present. 

Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join. 

See also: BarCampVancouverDemoCampVancouverFacebookCampVancouver, and MobileCampVancouver 


Interested in Sponsoring BarCampVancouver? Find out more here.

Our list of this year's sponsors will be here, and updated as we know more.


For more information, please contact Nick Molnar . 



People sometimes also use something like #barcampvancouver or #barcampvancouver10 when space isn't at a premium.

IRC Channel #barcampvancouver | Web Chat 


(All of the years of Barcamp picts end up here - over 1,200 so far!)


The Schedule Jam will start at about 9:30, so if you plan on presenting, this is the time to get a slot. A schedule of the times, rooms and their approximate capacity will be posted.


BarCampVancouver2010Planning - Want to see how we've been planning the event? Here are the details on the meetings we had and other planning notes   


Fill 'em in here.

Sessions will be selected and slotted during the Scheduling Jam on Saturday morning.

  • You Don't Need a Social Media Strategy - DDB's Eric Weaver on why social media marketing efforts shouldn't be crafted in a vacuum. 
  • Killer Photography With Your iPhone
  • Open Data Open Web Hacking for Good - Looking for a collaborator to work on a suitable hack that we can present at barcamp - interested? email roland AT or twitter:rtanglao
  • What the hell is Arduino? Duane Storey & John Biehler will give an overview of this open source hardware prototyping platform and share their works-in-progress. We'll have some demos and a bunch of arduinos on hand
  • Playing with Future Television, What I learned Messing Around with Plex 0.9. David Drucker will talk about and demo the free software, Plex, that will turn the Macs (and coming in 2011, LG Blu Ray Disc Players) on your home network into a Media Cloud that you can stream to a computer connected to your TV, a Macbook,iMac, iPad or iPhone, complete with Internet Metadata and plugins for Internet Video and Audio.
  • Mobile health platforms in the developing world, and how they are eclipsing us - Aaron Gladders - we've been hired to do a bunch of work on MOTECH, mobile technologies for community health workers, and despite all our smart-phonedness, on the health side much more interesting things are happening around the world.  Either that or else a #movember photo session.  Important stuff.
  • What's in a meme? Memes are more than powerful human phenomenon they are what drives and evolves culture. Is the internet a greater meme than the bible? Internet Memes have emerged as a powerful form of global culture. Let's explore what memes mean for culture, business and individuals in the internet age. Examples and Discussion - Open. -Kemp Edmonds 
  • Groupon & Social Buying - Miranda Lievers will chat from the perspective of having run a successful - based on actual revenue - Groupon deal, and will rant about business owners who appear to be compromising their livelihood by blindly giving away the farm. Marketing! Business! Intrigue!
  • Fashion Quest - You are in a small room with a square hole in the ceiling. Mike Cantelon is watching you through the hole as you are make text adventure game. >learn fashion quest!
  • Behavior Change Tools:  Why do you and your users behave the way they do? How can you get them to change? Drawing on Psychology, Social Psychology and Behavioral Economics, I'll present a framework for thinking about behavior (the Theory of Planned Behavior), and tools to encourage, cajole and push your users into adopting a desirable behavior. If time permits I'll work through applying these tools to encouraging upgrades in a freemium model webapp. -Graham King
  • Open Electronic Health Record - Citizen-centric electronic health records management: "One-half of Canadian citizens have an electronic medical record -- meaning information stored in electronic form in one place -- but only 17 percent have an electronic health record -- one that contains all their essential health information accessible from anywhere." Trying to figure out how to improve on that using open data, open source and open standard solutions. Working on background research and scoping problem/solution domain on project wiki. Feel free to garden/contribute. Working on this project at the Waldorf Fri night. Ping me on Twitter @pjvangarderen if you want to help out. Have to coach kid's soccer tomorrow morning but will try to drop back in afternoon.



Web Site Badges

Like to advertise that you are attending BarCampVancouver 2010 on your own website or blog?  We've once again put up Barcamp Vancouver 2010 web site badges in a variety of shapes and sizes. Badges should link back to this page, or to for registration.