Public Works Camp is a barcamp focused on innovation and ideas for public works professionals.
Public Works Camp has five main goals:
- Bring together people from the public and private sector who are either interested in or working in the public works field to share perspectives, insights, ideas about the public works profession and industry.
- Share best practices, particularly those focused on increasing sustainability, effectiveness, and efficiency.
- Foster communities of practice and advocacy on the role of our profession in our world.
- Offer educational opportunities that are innovative, fun, and effective and build on more traditional methods.
- Create outcomes that participants will act upon after the event is over.
Public Works Camp explores and documents ideas, lessons learned, best practices, industry standards, regulations, and patterns that can be implemented within and shared across the profession, anywhere in the world. Of particular interest are methods of handling increasing regulation, reduced revenues, increased expectations while implementing innovative and effective solutions.
Public Works Camp is inspired by Transportation Camp, CityCamp, Transparency Camp, and Gov 2.0 Camp
Event details
When Friday, March 18, 2011
Where St. Charles Public Works Facility, 200 Devereux Drive, St. Charles, IL
Where to stay?
Proposed Sessions
Topics I would like to hear about
Fox Valley Branch APWA Education Committee
Participants (aka Campers)
- add yourself...
- Pam Broviak
- Brian Dusak
Task List
(please -cross out- when it's done)
- Wifi
- Projector, White Boards
- Photo
- Video
- Audio
- Streaming or Stickam or Skype
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Coffee/Tea
- Tables and chairs
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