

Page history last edited by Admin 8 years, 10 months ago

Proposed topics

Note: the following are proposed topics for the day. Anyone can add to this list. Adding your name to this list does not guarantee a spot in the schedule.


Proposed topic
Ruth Ellison

Designing for cognitive disabilities (20 min session) OR
Graffiti: art or vandalism? (5 min lightning talk)

Alexander Sadleir Open Public Transit Data in the ACT - Contact
Rocky Heckman Enabling Digital Society: The Government's Part
Alix & Kyle Thomler (with Craig Thomler)
Minecraft - using games as building and creativity tools
Craig Thomler
What's Australia's Open Government Future? (related to or Information Philanthropy in Australia
Ralph Douglas Online collaboration across public sector organisations - lessons learned/gained
Huy Nguyen Web Apps to Enable Social Inclusion
Hannah Mattner and Tom Buttery Gaming, transmedia, convergence and the whole, messy shebang
Alastair D'Silva Make, Hack, Void: What you can do with MHVBoard Arduino clone: Robotics, Interactive Art, Wearable Computing, IRS Tax, wage-garnishment.
Adam Thomas + other Make Hack Void members The Make, Hack, Void Hackerspace: community update
Peter Bowditch

Communicating science and skepticism

Pia Waugh and Tom Worthington
How to run a neighbourhood or a nation online: Can we use the same online systems to run a communal block of flats or a country?
Tom Worthington

Designing for Dialogue: How do we design buildings and online systems in a for people to talk, learn and make decisions together?

Dale Rogers

WiFi Access Liability: Legal risks when providing and using open wireless access points. OR

Materials Handling and Logistics using contemporary robots, automated guided vehicles and production control systems.

Evan Leybourn

OSDC 2011 Venue Announcement (5 minutes)


Running an Agile Business: Taking common agile methodologies and how to apply them to business management OR

Agile methods within Government: Iterative and customer focused software development and how it can work within Government

John Sheridan

Tweeting for your Country - what it takes to get social networking going in government OR

More than document formats - advantages of a common operating environment policy for government

Donna Spencer

How to deliver a kick-ass presentation

(If I could do this first up in the morning, that would be awesome. Plus you'll at least have someone willing to go first :)

James Dellow

Still in the process of finalising these... a couple of ideas:

  1. Architected for Collaboration: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Network
  2. When Institutions and Volunteers Collide #gov2au #social innovation #emergency mgmt
  3. Lightning Talk - Do you want RSS with that?
Jason Brown Announcing Skepticamp Australia, and Skepticamp Sydney 2011
Laurent Lefort

Standard Development Tales OR a discussion on what data is needed to keep feeding hackers with interesting challenges?

Simon Pascal Klein Happy to talk about typography (either @font-face or aesthetic stuff), or Jekyll, a static site generator.
Andrew Moss

Teaching robots to fly - Dickson College's adventure to rescue Outback Joe. Getting students excited about technology and engineering with the UAV Outback Challenge program.


Topics I would like to hear about

  • The challenges of Canberra start-ups
  • What's next for social media
  • Are we at the end of the open web?
  • Beyond freedom of information in the public service
  • Robots!
  • Integrating innovation and challenging ideas into public service thinking