

Page history last edited by Ron DuPlain 9 years, 4 months ago



beCamp is September 16/17 2011 @ CitySpace, Charlottesville, VA (on Downtown Mall)

If you're a geek in or around the Charlottesville metroplex or even if you're merely tech-curious, this is the event you don't want to miss. beCamp is Charlottesville's version of the BarCamp unconference phenomenon—organized on the fly by attendees, for attendees. Realizing that the most energizing parts of any tech conference are the ad hoc conversations that take place in the hallways between the sessions, beCamp facilitates these types of interactions for an entire event.


This year we are again using the bright airy CitySpace facility, on the downtown mall, underneath the parking garage.  CitySpace has an open layout should mesh well with our OpenSpace conference. We'll have a large room that can hold all 100 of us, as well as 4 or 5 break out rooms for the individual sessions.


We provide the venues, the wireless, the projectors, the food, da beer—you show up to teach, learn, and participate.


Each attendee should talk about something or volunteer (registration, set-up, teardown, etc.). We will suggest and pick the sessions which will be picked by the attendees Friday evening. For example, if lots of people want to hear about Google's OpenSocial, then that will be on the agenda. If no one wants to hear about HTML5, then it won't be on the agenda.


Think of it as an open-source geek gathering where you get to decide what goes into and what comes out of the event. It's 2 days of creating, collaborating, and conversing with people just as juiced excited about technology as you are.


Register Here!

Use this wiki to officially register as a camper and, better yet, help enroll sponsors, propose sessions, etc.  Join the mailing list at


By the way, did we mention beCamp is FREE!?

Meals may cost, unless we can get y'all to help us with sponsors for those as well! ;-)


Share the News!

Use the becamp tag for your blog posts and photos (seewho's already blogging).


Twitter @beCamp2011


Download these stinkin' badges to advertise beCamp on your site:

becamp Black logo no date

...or take our logo and have your way with it (create more badges, flyers, etc.):



Event Details




  • Brain
  • Laptop
  • Reference books
  • Games—cards, board games, Legos, video (bring a monitor as well)
  • Snacks, beverages
  • Camera (Flickr tags: beCamp, beCamp2011, BarCamp)
  • Business cards








Sponsor beCamp 2011 (sponsorship opportunities are available!)


Needs (prioritized)

- Please see the above sponsorship page!  sponsorship ranges from $$ to providing food to bring projectors!



We are limited to around 100 people attending this event, so please only signup if you are planning on being there both Friday and Saturday.  Last year we had a large number of folks come for the beer and fun on Friday, but not actually to contribute to the conference on Saturday!   Some folks were therefore not able to signup.

(please add yourself along with your email/website to the bottom of this list)

(FORMAT: name+email {t-shirt size} website - twitter - comments)

The password/wiki invite is c4mp <-- not sure if that still works on

  1. Eric Pugh {L} @dep4b
  2. John Feminella {M} @superninjarobot
  3. Jamie Orchard-Hays {L} @jamieorc 
  4. Keith Bennett + keithrbennett *at* {L} 
  5. Chris Hapgood+cch1 *at* {L} - @CHapgood
  6. Derrick Weaver {M} - @WEBDZIN
  7. Isaac Truett {L}
  8. Jonelle Kinback {XL}
  9. Simeon H.K. Fitch {XL} @metasim 
  10. Matthew Derby {3XL} @cl4rk3 
  11. Jeff Vogelsang {M} @jeffvogelsang
  12. Matt Clark {M}  @mattclark5
  13. Mark Edwards {xl} Optipop 
  14. Nic Schlueter  {xl} @schlu
  15. Seth Schubert {l} 
  16. Rob Ares {l} @rares 
  17. Bob Larrick {L} @deathbob
  18. Jason Hummel {l} @jhummel
  19. Kai Groner {M} @kaigroner
  20. Ron DuPlain {M}
  21. Cushing Whitney {L} @koosh_ball
  22.  Jody Joy (S) 
  23. Delia Wilson Lunsford (S) @deliawl @zencartdelia 
  24. Kam Khare @KamKhare (L).... 
  25. Ben Taitelbaum {L} @coshx
  26. John Berryman {m} @john_berryman website will work later - look forward to seeing y'all
  27. Seth Atwood {L}
  28. Michael Davis (XL) @michaeldavisego
  29. Richard Brewster (L) Rabbit Software
  30. Erik Hatcher (L) & kids
  31. Ben Guseman (L)
  32. Catherine Elder (S) 
  33. Stuart Leitch (S) @stuartdleitch
  34. Kristy Moon (S) @kristylmoon
  35. Remi Pelletier {XL} @remipelletier
  36. Matt Dawson (M) @mattdawson
  37. Patricia Gorla {S} @orwhal
  38. Thibaud Morel {L} @teebesz
  39. Nick Skriloff {L} @skriloff  Looking forward to it. 
  40. Matthew Stephens {M} @beesharp4 Can't wait! 
  41. Dan Funk {L}
  42. Tamara Funk {M}
  43. Dave Lewis {L} @d_a_l_l
  44. Nick Hamblet {L} @sumidiot 
  45. Debra Weiss @debra_weiss
  46. Max Schubert {L}  @perldork
  47. Tony Pitale {L} @tpitale 
  48. Doug Ramirez {} 
  49. Jon Tiemann (M)
  50. Ray Nedzel {XL} @RayNedzel
  51. Tareque Hossain {L} @tarequeh 
  52. RJ Bruneel {XL}
  53. Kyle Skriloff{L}
  54. Blake Morris{L}
  55. anson parker{m} 
  56. Jason Coleman{L} @jscoleman001 
  57. Andrew Montalenti {M} @amontalenti 
  58. Carey Hill {M} 
  59. Anthony Fox {M}
  60. John Rabasa {M} at and at  @jrabasa 
  61. Eric Murphy {M} @murphye (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  62. Kristina Murphy {S} @krissymmurphy (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  63. Brock Napierkowski {L} @freakonthefiddl SRC Inc.
  64. Ryan Foster {M} 
  65. Mike Hickman {M} Coshx Labs


Regrets (can't make it, but will be there in spirit)

  1. Jeremy Weiland @jeremy6d
  2. Mel RIffe @insanity_rocks 
  3. Sharon Barker


Lurkers (will be in and out)

  1. Sean McCord,, @seanmccord
  2. Colin Steele,, @cvillecsteele 
  3. Kris Waite {M} @shinzul (FGM Inc) 
  4. Brandon Hudson,
  5. Rolf Braun




Schedule (proposed)


3:30?5:00 Setup


Happy Hour, tour science fair exhibits
6:00-6:30 Everyone gather for brief (3-word or haiku!) intros
6:30-7:30 Propose session topics
7:30-9:30 Eat / Drink / Be Merry / Vote for session topics
9:30-??? Socializing at South Street or Court Square Tavern


9:00-10:00 Breakfast and Session Scheduling
ROOM-> BIG Room Board Room Lunch Room No Name Space
1000-1050  Behavior Driven Development - Patricia
 Lucene / Solr - Erik H
 Native vs Web Apps

 Intro to Chef - Matt Dawson

 Google Web Toolkit - Isaac
 Multicore Programming
1140-1230  RESTful APIs / Mobile APIs - John F, Matt, Thibaud
 Process Info - Nick Skriloff
 Graph DBs
 Future of MVC
1230-1350 Lunch and lightning talks
1350-1440  Intro to Git - John F
 Hacking Android
 Ipad Biz Uses
1440-1530  Node.js - Andrew
 mod_pagespeed - Waldo
 Cont. Integr.
1530-1620 Stat Mistakes - John F
 Systems Monitoring
 Beautiful Code/Theory of Prog
closing session? Organizing beCamp session in 2011. (Dave)


Photos of the event (live!)


Topics I'd Like to Hear About

  • Groovy and Grails
  • Anything Python or JavaScript related 
  • Software estimation techniques 
  • Strategies for combining databases, CMS, web delivery for education. WordPress/Drupal/something else? Structural analysis of capabilities/pros&cons.
  • Tsung Load-Testing Framework
  • What's after MVC / modern web design patterns 
  • Lean software development practices other than Scrum
  • Building Linux device drivers
  • Reverse engineering {soft,hard}ware 
  • Cross channel (mobile/ web) single code base development 


Proposed Sessions

  • [Nabil Hijazi] - [Groovy and Grails]
  • Andrew Montalenti: Intro to Python for Existing Programmers; Functional JavaScript; Groovy for Existing Programmers; Natural Language Processing Basics with NLTK; HTML/CSS for Designers; Inside a Distributed Technology Startup; Principles of Web Analytics
  • [Kai Groner] AngularJS
  • beKids - an overarching "session" where we can bring our geeky kids to play.  I (Erik Hatcher) will bring a few OLPC XO laptops, an iPad, an Apple Newton, HP 28C calculator, maybe even an old Apple ][e machines for kids (big kids allowed too!) to tinker with.  What other cool toys can folks bring?   What other kids will be coming along?
  • Eric Murphy: Technology Careers in Defense Contracting
  • Kris Waite: Reverse Engineering in Android 


Whiteboard Suggestions at beCamp



Media Coverage

beCamp is newsworthy. The following media organizations may be interested, if they only knew. If you have connections, let them know about us. (please add more if we missed)

  • C-Ville - it might at least be worth someone contacting them to let them know that this is going on. We've met with them previously about the lack of IT coverage in their mag. (also Daily Progress, Hook,, Cvillain)

Blog Coverage

If you're blogging about beCamp, add your blog below:




Science Fair Entries

We are doing a "mini science fair" Friday night.  Bring anything you want to show off..  Robot cars, MythTV, Home Automation? 

  • Family Scrum Board (Eric Pugh) 
  • Dynamic linear through-zero frequency modulation (Richard Brewster)
  • OLPC XO laptops, Apple Newton, HP 28C calculator (Erik Hatcher) 
  • Lego MindStorm Robotics (Remi Pelletier)
  • Magic with Meaning - two high school students doing fun magic to raise money for College (Kyle Skriloff and Blake Morris) 
  • I may bring a couple of old computers (Eric Murphy)