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Page history last edited by Gregoire Japiot 13 years, 5 months ago

logo vinocamp lisbon

Lisboa the 28th of May!

 But also:
  • 27th of May – For a perfect start, you are all invited to join us for a fun day in the cork world with a visit in the forest and in the cork factory. More info on this day on theVinocamp’s blog.
  • 29th of May – If you have time for a Sunday in the Vines, there is also a visit at Cortes de Cima, one, a winery that knows what using the social media is all about!


Partners and sponsors:




DAY #1 – May the 27th

Vinocamp Lisboa quicks off in the cork forest! (read the blog article)

In the morning, we’ll walk in the forest just on time to watch how the cork being removed from the trees.
We’ll then have a nice picnic break before going to visit one of Amorim cork factory where they treat the pure pieces of cork…

* 9h00 : depart from Lisbon in a « wifi bus »
* 10h30 : visit of the cork forest
* 12h30 : picnic in the forest
* 14h00 : visit of a cork factory
* 17h00 : back to Lisbon


DAY #2 – May the 28th


An « un »-conference day based on the famous barcamp format.
* 9h00-10h00 : we’ll welcome people with coffee and Viennese pastries
* 10h00-12h00 : we will present the barcamp and its partners, then we will organize the schedule together.
That’s one of the most important specificity of the barcamp format: the participants elaborate the schedule only the D day by. But you can still propose some ideas of sessions/workshops or vote for some of the proposed sessions (have a look here).
* 12h-13h : first batch of sessions/workshops
* 13h30 : lunch (offered, thanks to our sponsors!)
* 14h30-14h30 : second batch of sessions/workshops
* 15h30-16h30 : third batch of sessions/workshops
* 16h30 : debriefing
* 17h00-19h00 : Tasting & « Battle Graphic » (more info soon, but have look here if you’re curious!)


DAY #3 – May the 27th

Vineyards and winery at Cortes de Cima!

We are invited at the famous Cortes de Cima vineyard and winery, in Alentejo (more details soon).



Participants: (feel free to edit the page to add your name!)


AvatarNameCompany, winery, school etc.WebsiteTwitter / Facebook
Anne-Victoire Jocteur Monrozier
(aka Miss Vicky Wine)
Miss Vicky Wine http://www.missvickywine.com http://twitter.com/#!/vickywine
Grégoire Japiot Les Militants Associés - Silicon Terroir http://barcamp.org/GregoireJapiot http://twitter.com/#!/gregoire
Andre Ribeirinho Adegga http://www.adegga.com http://twitter.com/#!/andrerib
Aurélien Ibañez Bourgogne Live http://www.bourgogne-live.com http://twitter.com/#!/bourgognelive
François Desperriers Bourgogne Live http://www.bourgogne-live.com http://twitter.com/#!/bourgognelive
Emilie Loubié YESwecan http://www.yeswecan-pr.eu http://twitter.com/AgenceYESwecan
Ophélie Neiman
(aka Miss GlouGlou)
Miss GlouGlou http://missglouglou.blog.lemonde.fr http://twitter.com/#!/missglouglou
Laetitia Vieira YESwecan http://www.yeswecan-pr.eu http://twitter.com/#!/_modern_girl_
Jean Francois Evenou   http://twitter.com/#!/jfevenou
Luiz A. G. Alberto The Wine Hub http://www.thewinehub.com http://twitter.com/thewinehub
Magdalene Beverari Le Vin Parfait http://www.levinparfait.frhttp://www.levinparfait.it http://www.twitter.com/MagdaleneVinum
Vincent Pétré   http://www.vincent-petre.com http://twitter.com/vincentpetre
André Cid Proença  
Andrea Smith Catavino http://catavino.net/author/andrea/ http://twitter.com/AndreaInWine
Carrie Jorgensen Cortes de Cima http://www.cortesdecima.com http://twitter.com/cortesdecima
Daniel Matos   http://twitter.com/#!/dmatos
Gilles Bill Camargo  
Helena Medeiros Branco  
Jean Djer  
Kay Zink A to Zinfandel http://atozinfandel.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/#!/KayZink
Ricardo Bernardo  
Wisequeen Donna Jackson   http://www.wisequeens.squarespace.com http://www.twitter.com/wisequeen
Joelle Brouard Institut du Management du Vin - Mastère spécialisé en commerce international des vins et spiritueux http://www.masterofwines.eu  
Audrey Domenach   http://audreydomenach.wordpress.com/ http://twitter.com/#!/adomenach
Mélanie Tarlant Champagne Tarlant http://www.tarlant.com http://twitter.com/tarlant
Diogo Rodrigues   http://www.airdiogo.com http://twitter.com/airdiogo