

Page history last edited by Dave Nielsen 13 years, 9 months ago


Join with us as we Hack For Egypt

Earlier this year, Egyptians combined technology and political activism to 
revolutionary effect. After overthrowing a thirty-year dictatorship, they face new 
challenges to establishing democracy. Can technology help them through the 
divisive times ahead? 

The Unconference and Hackathon for Egypt is an opportunity to find out. On May 14, 
programmers and engineers will gather at Stanford University to meet with Egyptian 
activists and discuss applications that could help their cause. Our aim is to build a 
community that bridges Tahrir Square and Silicon Valley to show what digital 
activism can achieve. 

Bring your laptops and we’ll provide the activists and the food. We’ll combine 
uncomforance & hackathon formats to let the ideas flow. The d. school venue is 
perfectly designed for the purpose. Come check it out! 

For more information on the activists behind Egypt’s revolution, visit

Follow us on twitter: @cloudtostreet
Cost Free
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