

Page history last edited by Neil Martinsen-Burrell 12 years, 5 months ago

The Bar Camp IRC BackChannel


Find mischief and mayhem at:




Channel: #barcamp


*--> Note to Bar Camp organizers*: please contact FreeNode admins prior to opening the Bar Camp backchannel so that they don't ban the channel due to too many connections from a single IP!




On the Mac, try Colloquy.


On Windows HydraIRC is a good open source client.


On Linux, check out irssi.



Use Pibb for your BarCamp BackChannel



Click Here to go to BarCamp Channel Directly


You are invited to use Pibb as a backchannel for any BarCamp event. To learn more please visit the BarCamp channel on Pibb is a great way to work together online, it combines the convenience of instant messaging, the familiarity of forums, and power of blogs in one browser window. All messages are archived automatically for search/viewing after the conference. You will need an OpenID account to login.


If interested please check out the Pibb channel for the PortlandBarCamp to see how things went... Please contact on Pibb or email me if you would like us to help sponsor or promote your event, or if you have any questions or feedback!




Start a Free Mailing List for your BarCamp using Google Groups


Start a Free Mailing List for your BarCamp using OnlineGroups.Net


Start a free online group at BarCamp OnlineGroups. These are email lists with a web forum interface. You can use them for organising a BarCamp, conversations in the lead up to the event, and following up after the event. OnlineGroups.Net uses the open source platform GroupServer.



For BarCampNYC


SynchroEdit for NYC



There is also a channel for BarCampNYC


irc:// #barcampnyc on FreeNode