

Page history last edited by Aryon Hopkins 13 years, 3 months ago



BarCamp Albuquerque is coming!!!  Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd (International Open Data Day) we plan to bring together the talents of several of Albuquerque's web, software and tech community organizations.  Want to sign up?  Log in and sign up!


Info to come and details to change!




For those new to BarCamp, you can read some history here.   We'll be pre-scheduling a few talks for the day, and a probable lightning round, but if you have a topic you'd like to present, join the wiki and add your name and topic. 

Twitter Hashtag: #AbqBarCamp



Location(s) to be determined.




  • Eric Renz-Whitmore  
  • Aryon Hopkins
  • Let us know if you'd like to help put this together!


Local Web Community Support

Join the Google Group and let's talk about it, and start it!

Also, come out for the monthly happy hour organized by the ABQ Web Geeks group on Duke City Fix. Good times for all.

If you plan to attend and/or present please enter your topic below, or contact an organizer for help.

To sign up click 'edit page' above. The password is on the login page, so login and add your name below in the Attendees section. 

Event Calendars




Most of the schedule will be determined that day, so let the wider group know what you're thinking and we'll figure it out.  We expect to see some good 10 minute presentations as well as some good 45 minute ones.  Remember to leave time for Q&A and topic specific discussion.




Add your name here (alpha by last name):



Not Presenting

Add your name here (alpha by last name):

  • Mr.What

Maybe Presenting

Add your name here (alpha by last name):

  • Adric
  • Damon Toal-Rossi (Ruby on Rails) 





  • Projectors 
  • Screens (Quelab can supply one smallish 6'x4.5' free standing silver screen)


  • Whiteboards


The Past


Abq Barcamp 4

  • Reid Givens (1. Presentations that don't suck - 2. Design for the visually challenged)
  • Chris Kenworthy (Topic TBD)
  • Eric Renz-Whitmore (Strategies to make NM 'work@home' friendly)
  • Mick Thompson (Push it, Push Tech of the Web)
  • Heather Wess (Social Media Overview)


ABQ Barcamp 3

The following blogs and bloggers have mentioned Albuquerque Barcamp 3:


ABQ Barcamp 2


ABQ Barcamp 1 - podcasts:

Vincent talks about CMS's

Brian talks about CSS tips and sifr

Giles talks about MVC (Model,View Control)