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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

BarCampAlsace5 - Saturday 1 March in Mulhouse

The BarCampAlsace5 is now over.

We specially want to thank Corinne and her team from the Technopole for giving us access to such a nice and well equiped location.


Here you will find summaries, the attendee list and the sessions.

If you want to be informed for future events, for example BarCampAlsace6, please leave us your email at : barcampalsace(at)gmail(dot)com.

Latest news on http://www.barcampalsace.org

The blog is still in Beta, so please be forbearing.


Summary & Reactions

If you have made a summary, or have some photos to show, list them down here


Where :


Maison du Technopole, Mulhouse - France

Plan Googlemap


When :


We met at 9:30. The sessions started at 10:30 and ended at approx. 20:00.


Attendees :


NrPhotoNameDescriptionInterested in / presentation
1Philippe SchoenCEO Latitude, OptimUs founderBoost the innovation spirit here and now
2 Sacha LemaireE-Business ConsultantE-Commerce, Germany, Social medias, multilingual blogging, Open spirit
3 YannKlis Novelys founder, Alsace Libre Software Alliance co-founder web development, free software, entrepreneurship
5Alain BregyDesigner and web developernon-discriminant web
6Thierry KleinConsultant and trainerCross fertilization
7Fabien SchwobDevelopperdjango,web,opensource
8Alexandre BernardMenthe-Fresh leader & technical architectweb 2.0, web standards, entrepreneurship, web development
9Eric AlvarezPratico-ie, CI Experts AssociationCompetitive intelligence and collaborative work
10Gilles Gissinger, leGizz blogWebMaster & WebMarketer web 2.0, Social medias, blogging, entrepreneurship, webmarketing
11Tom, Home of Tomdevelopper, webmasterblogs, social-network,
12Victor Stinner INL developer
13 Stéphane Becker Creative Patterns founder web application, innovation, gaming
14Emmanuel Laurent inventor becoming innovator Renewable energy, Plate-forme technique en Alsace
15 Alexandre Franke Powerlinux employee user interfaces, FLOSS, innovation
16 Frank Hamm, Blog Manager Public Relations, Enterprise 2.0 Evangelist Enterprise 2.0, Internal Communications, Intranet, Corporate Culture
17Emmanuel JACQUET, ADECICT Engineer and photographeri'm very curious! let's say: ict, sustainable development, web3.0, HID
18Sébastien HEITZMANN - 2leGérant 2leLogiciel libre - free software - PHP / Python / Gestion de projet informatique
19Martin Koser, frogpondEnterprise Social Software ConsultantEnterprise 2.0, Change Management and Implementation, Wiki adoption and best practices for deployment
21Stéphane BayleConsultant 2.0, SLBusinessReview editorInnovation, collaboration, cross fertilization, virtual worlds
22Oliver Gassner Consultant GTD, Problogging?
23Sylvie Georgin BarCampAlsace reliable and faithful supporter Pies, smiles and curiosity
24Jean-Bruno GuerraConsultant CEEI Alsace, and OptimUs pioneerCross fertilization, experience sharing, innovator networking
25Yoann NUSSBAUMERCEO SkalpelContent Management System, Open Source, RIA
26Frederic Hafneretudiantprojet de création d'entreprise
27Emmanuel GadekPresse Citron
28Mathieu NicoBlog gratuit Plateforme d'hébergementweb2.0 and affiliation
29Patrick MoufletXtensive TechnologiesVideo, audio, innovation, web2.0
30Denys LevassortCovalor Economic IntelligencePartnership, projects
31Sven LUtherPowerLinuxEmbedded Linux Development
32Nicolas Blanconicolasblanco.frWeb development, Ruby/Rails, Open source software
33Frederic Mossmannsans-fils.orgWeb development, Wireless, BarCampAlsace6 !
34Pedja PuseljaxHTML/CSS intégrateur, Blogger, Co-FounderBlogOpen festival ProBlogging, Blogging, Web standard, Web 2.0,
35Frédéric PerrenotIntelligence Service 001IT consultant - first time @ BarCampAlsace :-)
36Michel Blanck2e salon numérique de ColmarOrganizing a BarCampAlsace during the event
37Odile BénassyInformation System EngineerMétadonnées éducatives, brainstorming
38Hondjack DehainsalaOrange LabsOWL, SWRL, SPARQL, OWL-S, KAoS, Security
39Philippe JoubertCEO Trois Cafés Audio-video communicationVideo, marketing, After Effects
40Jérome LouvelNoelios OpenSource editorREST integration, semantic web
41Olivier ZitvogelUbic -- Independent Software Architect (Blog : La Goule) Social Networks, Visualization, Human-Interaction, Innovative Interfaces, AI
42Pierre-Alain MullerVide-President Université de Haute AlsaceInnovation Valorisation
43Stef P.Worflow audiovisuelDiscovering BarCamp
44Cathie FantonConsultantParticipation - Sustainable development
45Raoul HeckyCalaos founder Home automation, free software
46Manon AubelJournalistMeeting
47christian jostart director - entrepreneurship espritsLibres - art & media - rich content and mobile web
48Bertrand CHÉRONNETIT Problem Solver, IMS HealthCross-border innovation, BarCampRhine
XXYour NameYour DescriptionFields you're interested in


To add your picture


  • On the wiki : click "Edit page", then "Upload Files". Then go back to the edit modus and replace the URL of the barcamp-icon with the URL of your picture.
  • Via email : send us your details and your picture (48x48 pixels) on barcampalsace(at)gmail(dot)com


Interrested :

If you couldn't come to BarCampAlsace5 but are interrested in coming to BarCampAlsace6 (nothing planned up to now) go to BarCampAlsace6 and add yourself on the Interrested list



You can use the RSS feed in french on the BarCampAlsace blog



Here are the session that were held at the event.


Getting things done Oliver Gassner 18
An RTS on the web ? YannKlis 10
Indexing Audio & Video with speech to text technology Patrick Mouflet 10
Convergence & mutability of numeric content Alain Bregy 05
Developer, integrator, Webmaster: what do you expect of a good CMS? Yoann 15
Atelier associatif Fab lab Emmanuel 5
Kluster : creating innovative products in 72 hours Jean-Bruno 7
Using BarCamp format in the Chemistry community Philippe 13
World Café Session : What future for BarCampAlsace ? Philippe 18
Business Blogs in Germany Oliver Gassner 13
Enterprise2.0 Frank Hamm 13




They talk about BarCampAlsace5 :



More infos & Background

BarCampAlsace Blog

Back to the homepage of BarCampAlsace



Tags for Flickr, technorati, youtube, dailymotion, delicious, etc. : BarCampAlsace + BarCampAlsace5



BarCampAlsace is an initiative. BarCampAlsace5 is organized with

More information : BarCampAlsace : the blog - Optim-Us : the website


tagline : BarCamp-fr BarCampFrance BarCampAlsace

