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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

February 3th 2007, from 2pm until 7pm



L'Atelier BNP-Paribas

29 rue la Perouse

75016 Paris


If you are an innovator, a disruptor or a professional of the banking and finance industry, if you are excited by or just curious about all the innovations that the new technologies could bring to the banking and finance world, if you want to present a project, confront your ideas or just echo lively debates with your own experience, then you should definitely consider joining us on this first full-blown edition of the BarCampBank.


What is a BarCamp?


A BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants.


What is BarCampBank?


BarCampBank is a community organized around the following mission:


The aim of BarCampBank is to foster innovations and the creation of new business models in the world of banking and finance.


Visit our sites for more information and starting contributing:

- http://www.barcampbank.com for English

- http://france.barcampbank.com for French




Who should join

If you are an innovator, a disruptor or a professional of the banking and finance industry, if you are excited by or just curious about all the innovations that the new technologies could bring to the banking and finance world, if you want to present a project, confront your ideas or just echo lively debates with your own experience, then you should definitely consider joining us on this first full-blown edition of the BarCampBank.


Links to Meeting Minutes


If you report somewhere (your blog, a wiki, a web 1.0 site,...) your participation, your impressions or content that was discussed during this BarCampBank, please add a link here.


  1. http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/Xtof/2007-02-03 -- content d'avoir trouvé deux nouveaux contributeurs pour amorcer la communauté des MicroFormats : JulienDuprat et ? (qui aurait son nom, le type avec le téléphone mobile !). Trouve que le BarCampBank devrait réintégrer BarCamp pour une créativité plus riche. -- ChristopheDucamp
  2. P2PVenture session: meeting minutes can be found here. Please do not hesitate to complete information there or link on your own reporting of the session.
  3. P2PLending session : meeting minutes (FR). slides presented (EN & FR) can be uploaded here (ppt file, 5 Mo). Discussion (FR) is here.
  4. La vidéo et le nuage de tags des Participants : c'est ici chez PPC
  5. Thomas Purves' "Le BarCampBank c'est fantastique" on his (EN) blog
  6. FinanceHumanitaire. "Finance équitable au profit du micro crédit" le sujet avance, les objectifs se précisent.
  7. Colin Henderson's BankWatch post



Proposed Sessions and Presentations


Be prepared to actively participate. BarCampBank wants to promote the exchange of ideas in the world of banking and finance, but also aims at helping new projects come to life. This event will hopefully gather critical mass of participants on selected subjects that could be turned into working projects over the coming months.

  1. la Tontine des blogueurs -- une expérience Banque 2.0 de prêt P2P communautaire à la Prosper, Zopa ou FYGO -- a Rotating Savings and Credit Association, the first of its kind funded by bloggers, designed to test P2P social lending use cases in France and inspired by Prosper, Zopa or FYGO

    You can visit the Tontine site (FR) to start contributing in French language to this BarCampBank project and the P2PLending site to help us start the English branch.

  2. les besoins de financement des Gazelles peuvent-ils être satisfaits en P2P ? -- could start-ups financial needs be funded by P2P screening & funding?

    You can visit the P2PVenture site to start contributing to this BarCampBank project.

  3. How to make bankers jump on the microformats train? - Comment inviter les banquiers à utiliser les microformats ? (cas pratiques et usages prévisibles)
  4. Banking VRM (VRM is the acronym of Vendor Relationship Marketing). At it's simplest, it's turning the idea of selling and marketing TO customers on its head. With VRM, the customer is in charge of the relationship. Not the vendor. BankingVRM could explore the perspective for bank and finance. Via a Colin Henderson's post on Bankwatch.

    You can visit the BankingVRM site to start contributing to this BarCampBank project.

  5. Bank virtual branches / v-banking : Second Life & metaverses branches, brick & mortar branches with visio conference meetings thanks to broadband internet networks & business objects (for example : mortgages simulators) - Définition d'un concept d'agence bancaires visiophonique sur réseau à TRES haut débit avec objets métiers (ex : simulateur de crédit hypothécaire...)
  6. FinanceHumanitaire. We developed websites, financial and tax calculators, and implemented banking and real estate partnerships in the mortgage and real estate investment area. Now we want to use these developments in social and humanitarian areas.These tools can help to stimulate competition between Internet operators, in order to retain substancial financial margins. These margins will be intended for social and humanitarian purposes like micro credit.

    Discussion on FinanceHumanitaire starts here.




Registration is closed.


If you have problems editing this page, you can refer to the HowToEditPage. Password is c4mp.




# Name Organization Web site Email/ID Area of interest
1 MathieuCoste UbiConseil http://ubiconseil.com http://claimid.com/mathieu
2 FredericBaud BarCampBank & FlexRun FlexRun fbaud at flexrun.com Mini business angeling (10k-20k €)
3 ChristopheDucamp PinkoMarketing xtof OpenID How to turn your personal website in to an OpenID ?
4 MichelBernandMantel BarCampBank & FinanceHumanitaire Finance équitable mbmhub-06 AT yahoo DOT fr Bank remix for microcrédit
5 JeanChristopheCapelli La Tontine des blogueurs Blog (FR) et Wiki de la TontineIDTricks (FR) P2P Bank - Banque 2.0
6 PierrePhilippeCormeraie BarCampBank & PinkoMarketing PPC's Bank 2.0 VRM
7 LouisVanProosdij Consultant http://blog.van-proosdij.fr Bank 2.0
8 Alexandre Solleiro AF83 Karma Initiative http://webcracy.org Karma Initiative
9 NicolasDebock BarCampBank ? ? P2P bank
10 Nicolas Guillaume Microsoft Blog ? web as a platform / réseaux sociaux / identité
11 Nicolas Vigier http://n0x.org ?
12 ThomasPurves Firestokerhttp://thomaspurves.com ? Banking, Payments, Enterprise2.0
13Joël Nlepe Microsoft Blog?Bank 2.0, Mini Business Angel
14Eric Ingargiola Blogueur Blogaka Pappy BoyingtonMini Business Angel, social networks, iTV, identité numérique, longskate
15 Nicolas Guyon Finance http://nicoguyon.com/blog Bank 2.0
16 JeanMichelBillaut blogueur http://billaut.typepad.com ? Bank 2.0
17 guirec courbon ? business angeling
18 Olivier Berthier Misys BA + P2P Bank
19 Philippe Joubert AFCIC www.livretcitoyen.com ? microfinance internet banking
20 Adrien Touati GoProd http://www.goprod.fr adrien chez babygo.fr Business (Free)Angel
21 Jean-Louis Counio http://counio.blogspirit.com P2P bank & insurance Virtual Branches, Digital identity
22 Benjamin Carlu - http://www.mantrablog.fr Banking 2.0 for entrepreneur
23 OlivierAuber ANOPTIQUE http://anoptique.com BarCampNewsVisualAggregator looking for Finance2.0
24 Anthony Poncier social networks, identity and privacy, internet customs
25 Myriam Ballarati Resmo Executive MBA, Prospective business models, collaborative network
26 Sophie Januel arcseo office+Lesinnovateurs.info http://entremetteurdecompetences.typepad.com/so_januel Prospectives, talents,nouveaux usages, smart network
27 Olivier Maurel Mandragore, Nairobi Vloghttp://www.nairobivlog.com Bank2.0, micro-crédit, aide au développement
28 Andre May Trinova http://www.trinova.fr/ Financing 2.0
29 Jean Marc Ouvré http://www.ouvre.com/
30 Thomas Boury Advanceo http://www.advanceo.fr/ Futur micro-finance marketplace
31 Laurent Nicolas Alentyhttp://www.alenty.com Valorisation de communautés par détection statistique d'expertise
32 Julien Duprat Orange/Sofrecom Innovation bancaire, Bank2.0,innovation, smart networking
33 Guillaume DesnoësStrong interest in zopa and prosper business models since their launchs
34 Bolo michelinWexpaymicrofinance
35 Stéphane ETIENNE Consultant http://luxurycrm.blogspirit.comBanking,Internet, Marketing, CRM
36 Bruno PREXL Bouygues Telecom http://www.bouyguestelecom.frmobile payment, mobile financial services, mobile commerce, contactless services
37 Franck HASHAS bloxx http://blog.bloxx.fronline services
38 Julien André julienandre.com http://www.julienandre.cominvestment, financing 2.0
39 Thierry Roumet NewHouse thierry.roumet at wanadoo.fr Innovation bancaire
40 Marion ROMAN-HAUDUROY Doctorante SIC Paris 8 hauduroy at free dot fr
41 Philippe LEROUGE NCS - Crandy www.crandy.com mobile payment, mobile services & marketing, www.paiementmobile.com
42 David Breton consumer finance david-breton at neuf dot fr
43 Jean Louis Lesage Novacom ---
44 Mark Cabiling Arise Capital
45 Isabelle Burlacot isahb at aol.com Software
46 Jean-Claude Hunsinger catcesar at aol.com Software
47 Alexis Farce
48 Gildas VINSOT Fédération Credit Agricole gvinsot at chaud mail.com Banque 2.0
49 Thierry Valdant Bnp Paribas thierry.valdant at bnpparibas.com Banque 2.0
50Frédéric CAVAZZAFCnetwww.FredCavazza.netfredcavazza at gmail.comBanque 2.0
51Noël CambessedesComptoirs du multimédianoel.cambessedes at comptoirsdumultimedia.comBanque 2.0
52 Jacques Schumacher Caisse Nat. des Caisses d'Epargne - - -
53 Pierre-François Chenu Ernst & Young - - -
54 Anne Choktsang Bnp Paribas - - -
55 Joel solis Exalead - - -
56 Robert Vinet CommunityChest - - -
57 EveMoreau Lavoixdunet - - -
58 NicoleBrejou ANPE Direction Générale Service mutimédia Internet - nicole.brejou at anpe.fr -
59 Nicolas Davout Comptoirs du Multimédia ---
60Mawuna KOUTONINSocial networking 2.0http://wecheese.commk@linkcrafter.comwecheese.com
61Laurence BOURGUIGNONSocial networking 2.0http://wecheese.commk@linkcrafter.comwecheese.com
62Antoine Dulaure +1 personne Centre George Pompidou-Tontine-
63Patrick LARDANTFinances Private Equityhttp://palathena.compatrick AT lardant.comBanque Venture 2.0
64 Christophe Simon BR - - -
65OlivierSeresBouyguesTelecom[http://oseres.com]oseres chez gmail -
66PhilippeJeudySEGAjeudyp atch soedotsegadotcodotuk - -
67Nicolas Rolland Socgen http://technofinance.blogspot.com nicolas.rolland chez gmail.com microformat, ruby, information theory, inference, AI


XX XXXX XXXX List has been printed by FredericBaud at 9:40am - feb 3 XXXX XXXX





  • ColinHenderson (Bankwatch) -- Sorry I cannot attend with you, but I am most interested to see how this develops. I have two high level questions about this concept, having thought about it some more --> Discussion forked :
  • SamRose: Wish I could come, but will follow events closely online.
  • Eric Ingargiola : Blogueur|aka Pappy Boyington (LongSkate)
  • OlivierAuber can't leave his kids alone today, sorry :-(


Who linked us to promote the event


Please, make as many references as possible to the event. We want to break a record and have more than 50 people physically gathered on this first adult edition of BarCampBank. Please tag any blog posts and any media uploaded to sites like flickr and slideshare with the tag "barcampbank3", so that others can find it.

  1. LoicLemeur, french godfather of blogs, linked the event here thanks to a PinkoMarketing guerilla action performed by ChristopheDucamp.
  2. JeanMichelBillaut, BroadBand Internet french expert, microformated the event here
  3. Register now ! Blogger's community shout it out loud : BarCampBank3 is alive and kickin'! writes JeanChristopheCapelli on his french blog
  4. "BarCampBank3 : l'innovation dans les services financiers." On en parle chez PPC's
  5. SamRose posted on Smartmobs, P2P foundation, Social Synergy (Social Synergy was just quoted in CBS.com, so maybe lots of people will see this :)
  6. Voiceblogplanet please call +33 (0) 1 76 66 03 18 to leave a message like http://voiceblogplanet.livejournal.com/2355.html



Discussion (EN)


  • Feel free to insert any comment here
  • For discussion about microformats in the banking industry (launched by Colin Henderson), please jump here.
  • For discussion on why we moved the Colin's discussion : scroll down this page to Excused
  • For french discussion (FR), scroll down this page to Discussion (FR)


Discussion (FR)


note : il y avait ici un petit widget qui est parti se balader dans le WikiNet


Je trouve que le BarCampBank devrait réintégrer BarCamp pour une créativité plus riche. -- ChristopheDucamp


L'un n'empêche sans doute pas l'autre. Je pense de mon côté proposer le sujet P2PVenture au prochain BarCampParis et au prochain BarCampBank. Les profils seront sans doute différents et les discussions complémentaires. En fait, je ne comprends pas vraiment le point. Si c'est que le prochain BarCampBank se fasse au sein du prochain BarCampParis, je réponds oui. Si c'est que tous les BarCampBanks se fassent au sein du BarCampParis, personnnellement je pense que l'expérience du BarCampBank3 montre qu'on peut aborder les sujets plus en profondeurs et avec plus grande orientation vers l'action. Maintenant, je pense qu'il serait bon que, comme l'a fait Christophe, tout le monde s'exprime et dise ce qu'il a trouvé de bien dans le BarCampBank3 et ce qu'il lui a manqué. -- FredericBaud


Discussion à propos des Critiques Microformatées (FR)


Assez d'accord avec Frédéric : tout le monde peut critiquer. Et tout prêt à même aider les participants à déposer leurs critiques avec un peu de sémantique riche microformatée... :

BarCampBank3 était un succès !

Si nous trouvons les moyens de bien nous présenter avec des hCards ou des hResumes et de prendre le soin de rédiger nos comptes-rendus avec un microformat comme le futur "meeting-minutes", le BarCampBank déferlera dans l'inter-BarCamp !

4 sur 5 étoiles - Critique : Christophe Ducamp - 6 février 2007

tag-line : BarCampBank BarCampBankParis BarCampParis MicroFormats BarCampBankFlashMeeting

