• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago


PLEASE NOTE: To edit this page, the wiki password is 'c4mp'!!!



What is a BarCamp?


A BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants.


What is BarCampBank?


BarCampBank is a community organized around the following mission:


The aim of BarCampBank is to foster innovations and the creation of new business models in the world of banking and finance.




When & Where

    • When: Late August / early September


    • Where: Tallinn or Tartu depending on interest. Tallinn is easier to get to from abroad, but Tartu is the big university town with lots of spin-off start-ups.


Who can help organizing?

To add your name, press "Edit page", the password is c4mp



Who can help from afar?

  • If you have any past experience in putting one of these on, we would love your advice. Please come and join



Registration Details

Just pop your name on the list. Eventbright registration will happen later.



There are direct flight to Tallinn, and Tartu is another 2 hours by train.



Interested in participating

To add your name, press "Edit page", the password is c4mp


Please list your details and interests here to help everyone schedule contacts during the event.


Name Company Location Email WebSite/Blog Comments
Tuomas Toivonen Scred Ltd Helsinki, Finland toivotuo (at) scred (dot) com https://www.scred.com/ Will attend - schedule permitting
Andrei Tuch Playtech Tartu, Estonia atuch at hot.ee Will attend
Thomas Barker just me London thomas hat thomas barker dt c0m http://thomasbarker.com Will attend
Tom Godber Masabi Tartu to m (at) mas.abi dt c0m http://www.masabi.com Will attend





Proposed Sessions & Topics

All and any suggestions welcome below.


  • Mobile Payments / Tickets / Banking
  • P2PMoney

Tag-line : BarCampBank, BarCampBankEstonia


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