According to our "NamingConvention", this has been our third BarCampBankFlashMeeting on line and offline.
Monday 20 Nov 9:00pm CET, 3:00pm EST, 12:00pm PST.
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Subbject | Length | Comments |
1) Introduction | 10mn | |
2) Powerpoint slides here by JeanChristopheCapelli on "Trust Metrics" | 30mn | Jean-Christophe will be presenting this latest thoughts on "Trust Metrics" |
3) Q&A session | 20mn | questions and answers on "Trust Metrics" |
4) Wrap-up session | 10mn | should conclude the talk and briefly discuss points relating to the life of BarCampBank" |
The agenda is formatted for 1h10. Since the introduction will take time to have everyone set up with flashmeeting and wrap-up session could continue with a free-thinking session after we close the track of the day, I think booking a 2 hour session makes sense. Mathieu, can you book this once we have determined the most suitable date through Doodle. -- FredericBaud
Attendees (alphabetical order)
Report meeting :
The flasmeeting recording is available here:
JeanChristopheCapelli did his famous presentation on trustmetrics and microformats (here)
First it is a definition of what is trust and then on how can we link microformat and trust. Basically we can't only rely on microformats because trust is too complicated to be in a few tags.
Then we discussed about the possibility of creating a metalayer able to agregate the different trustmetrics that already exist online (ebay star, different appreciation) and offline (credithistory, peer recommandation...).
Here is and extract from a SamRose post on Trust :
Trust, represented as a function of:
Ti’=Fav (Ii’,s Ei’,e’ Ps R)
i’ is the individual
av is aggregated value
I is verified identity from i’ (individual), such as email address, phone number, address for instance, and verification that the person is real from s (social network) such as xfn, or other means.
E is exchange ratings within the system, from both i’ (individual) and e’ (the person exchanged with). Exchange rating system coul dbe Karma Initiative, or some other.
P is Peer Group ratings of many different types from s (social net).
R is values imported from external reputation systems, such as Amazon, Opinity, possibly claimid in the future, and any others.
More vectors could be added. Each vector above could be translated into a numeric value, which would make up the Fav score.
If we want to create such a supralayer we then need to face the issue of identification and identity. SO we decided to create an identity 2.0 think tank discussion here in french
Then we discussed about the problematic of the French Monopoly on Banking and Credit. We need to look further into that.
Finally we discussed about who would be the marketing target of our credit offer.
- Would it be people that are out of the credit loop?
- Would it be people that want to refinance their credit (at least in the States)?
Next steps :
Clarify the BarCampBankMissionStatement (en) or BarCampBankFr:EnoncéMission (fr)
Atmosphere (Cool)
Closed here. Please join us for a future BarCampBankFlashMeeting
For discussion archive : BarCampBankFlashMeetingArchive