

Page history last edited by Pete Nicholls 14 years, 10 months ago

BarCamp Christchurch 2007 has ended. For the upcoming event, see BarCamp Christchurch 2010





BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.


BarCampChristchurch will be the first BarCamp held in New Zealand, which is a bit unfair to the people who've been organising BarCampWellingtonNZegov for a lot longer, but the gap is there in the schedule for the location and for a bunch of us thinking about it, and we might as well do it earlier rather than later.




Friday 7th Sep.





Canterbury Innovation Incubator

200 Armagh St, Christchurch, New Zealand

Google Map


Where to stay?


It's only a one day event, but let us know if you're coming from out of town and we'll probably be able to tee something up.


Online Group


Hang out in the BarCamp Christchurch Online Group, before, during and after the event.


A channel for those who are getting there later




WiFi - Interclue, or maybe Cheap Hot Spots


Venue - Canterbury Innovation Incubator

Coffee & Tea - CII

Lunch - The gathered masses are buying Pizza

Beverages - Anyone bringing us Beer will get mucho kudos.




Seth Wagoner - Interclue 

Stephen Viles -- happy to deliver my "Weirdness as a Testing Tool" presentation, as seen at Kiwi Foo and CantyJUG

Ben Kepes

Nick Bolton - Mobile Data Now

Marek Kuziel - Encode

Jonathan Hunt - Hunt Design

Dave Lane - Egressive (happy to talk about Egressive's OSS activities and some of the stuff that the Effusion Group is doing, too.)

Julian Carver

Dan Randow, Michael JasonSmith and Alice Murphy - OnlineGroups.Net (happy to do 30mins including questions on GroupServer)

Joel Pitt - PhD student @ Lincoln Bio-protection CoRE.

Philip Lindsay

Chris Blair - Zodal 

Phillip Pearson (sorry, too much work to do)

SLI Systems - Andrew Grieve, Adam Freeman and Marcus Liddle


Adrian - UMC Advertising

Bevan Rudge (Change of plans, can't make it)

Isaac Devine Wowza

Morris Johns Enfinit Software

Paul Wilkins

Zane Gilmore NZS

Ben Warren

Anna Spray

Cameron Priest

Terry Weaver - Project eest Email: terry dot g dot weaver at gmail dot com

Bruce Muschamp

Matt Powell - LeftClick Ltd

Justin Soong JustCreations

James Ashford AdSpot

Andrew Groom and / or Branton Kenton-Dau from VortexDNA

John Carter from Tait Electronics

Roger Bays - Art and Augmented Reality Technology Roger Bays Visual Artist

Eric Woods Imaginality MindSpace Solutions MindSpace Art

  • add yourself...





Updated: We're running one stream, and here is the current speaking order


  • Morning


Time Name/Blog Company Session Topic/Description
10am The Organisers   Ground rules, timetable and house keeping
10:45am Seth Wagoner   Thoughts on Web 2.0
11:30am Ben Kepes Ben Kepes SaaS - Huh? Software as a service
12:00pm Andrew and Branton VortexDNA A new approach to relevance on the web.

|Matt PowellLeftClick LtdAre you developing back-to-front? wino kredyt mieszkaniowy sprzedam mieszkanie sprzedam bilet

  • Lunch


Time Name/Blog Company Session Topic/Description
1pm Michael JasonSmith GroupServer and OnlineGroups.Net Email, and the benefits of being boring.
1:30pm Marek Kuziel Encode OpenID
2:00pm Andrew, Adam and Marcus SLI Systems Custom E-Commerce Site-Search
2:30pm     Let's talk gadgets
3:00pm Dave Lane The Effusion Group and Egressive Within a thriving software ecosystem
3:30pm Joel Pitt   The Singularity
4:00pm Isaac One model throughout an application
4:30pm Roger Bays   Augmented Reality & Art
4:45pm Wrap up Everyone Ideas for BarCampChristchurch2


  • Dinner / Evening


We'll start at the Bohemian bar across the road next to the river, and go from there...


Who's blogging about it?


Seth Wagoner

Marek Kuziel

Ben Kepes

Joel Pitt

Philip Lindsay

  • add yourself...


Proposed Sessions


How to run a great unconference session

10 tips for making the most of BarCamp


Topics some participants are thinking about covering


Ben Kepes on SaaS

Joel Pitt on the Singularity and Transhumanism

Joel Pitt on Simulating the spread of invasive species in GIS

Dave from Egressive happy to talk about Egressive's OSS activities

Phil Pearson on PeopleAggregator and/or Distributed Social Networks

Raf from Sustento about the Web's ability to enable societal change

Seth from Interclue, on Blog Widgets and Browser Addons

Stephen Viles could deliver "Weirdness as a Testing Tool" (as seen at Kiwi Foo and CantyJUG) or talk about running a dev shop in Chch for a New York financial SaaS provider

Philip Lindsay could talk a little about Arduino or my experience with using a personal wiki as a lab notebook but he'd rather hear about everyone else's cool hardware toys and hacking.

John Carter could talk on Ruby, What is Linux, building/using gcc crosscompilers, Design by Contract and State Space, why I'm hopeful/excited about OpenMoko, tell me what interests you.

Eric Woods is interested in PC productivity tips - getting things done faster and easier, so you could all come and share your tips. It think Eric has a couple too.

Eric has also been on an exhaustive search for the ideal PDA / do it all handheld device recently. His conclusion - the best is only NZ$300 and a couple of years old...

  • add your topic...



Topics we'd like to hear about and/or people we'd like to hear from


Someone from Leftclick about increasing Conversion Rates (suggested by: Seth)

Someone from e-agent about (suggested by: Seth)

Something from Eurekster about Swickis, or Widget Development in general (suggested by: Seth)

Someone from SLI about Custom Search Engines (suggested by: Seth)

Mark Rocket on what's up with his new Rocket Lab (suggested by: Seth)

Someone from CII to talk about CII and/or Powerhouse (suggested by: Seth)

Someone from Ecobob on sustainable housing (suggested by: Seth)

Somone from the HIT Lab about what they're up to over there (suggested by: Seth)

Someone on the new SuperComputer project at Canterbury (suggested by: Seth)

Someone from the Software Cluster on what they're doing for Web Companies (suggested by: Seth)

John Hamilton from CDC (suggested by: Ben?)

Phillip Ridge from ConnectNZ (suggested by: Ben?)

We should have a Planning/Brainstorming Session for BarCampChristchurch2, which should perhaps be over a weekend so we can attract a few more people from the rest of the country.

  • add your topic...




Seth Wagoner (ph +64-21-784409, sethATinterclueDOTcom)

Ben Kepes (ph =64-21-2384136, benkepesATgmailDOTcom)

Stephen Viles




  • add yourself...




Task List

(please cross out when it's done)





Wifi Via Interclue's pfSense box, throttled after first 100megs per user

Projector 1 (CII has an oldish one)

Projector 2 (if we do two streams...) (Can bring our spare one, the light is not strong for it but it still works)

Photo (Can bring my digital camera - Marek Kuziel)

Video (Can bring my video camera & tripod for making video/audio recordings of every talk - Marek Kuziel)


Streaming or Stickam or Skype

I have a 40 inch LCD if needed (Nick Bolton)






Badges (I'll make KiwiFoo-style around the-neck badges - Stephen Viles)



Tables and chairs


Tags for flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.

Please use the tag barcampchristchurch for content related to this event


Links of note: - sign up and add your blog - come to our monthly dinner

Talk to Terry about is WifiMesh project: terry.g.weaver AT gmail DOT com