

Page history last edited by Lars Mikkelsen 6 years, 6 months ago


There will be a BarCamp Copenhagen 2010 in autumn, probably september 25th-26th 2010, it will be coordinated with the International BarCamp coordinators.


Help us create this event, by contacting us at Note: This list right here is the ‘definitive list’ of upcoming barcamps.
1. The first rule of International BarCamp is the first rule of International BarCamp (hat tip to and the Tautology Club)

2. There has to be consensus on the language to use for the
sessions among the participants, in pratice that means that ALL
sessions will be held in English(UK),

3. We encourage ALL to drop
their mothertounge when networking! (it your mothertounge happens to
be English, the rules are that you HAVE to drop that too, learn some
languages for crying out loud. I'm fluent in Danish (includes
Norwegian and Swedish) and English and have workable knowledge of
German and French, has been know to pick up Italian in a week and
anabafhem arabic schweje (my OWN translitteration ;-))

4. Rules are meant to be broken ;-)

5. Broken rules should be replaced by unbroken ones ;-)



BarCamp Copenhagen 8.2 is over - THANK YOU!


BarCamp Copenhagen 8.2 is over, thank you for participating, and extra thank you to our sponsors #SignalDigital, #followthesteps, #basementcopenhagen and #ToothlessTiger. Special thanks to for helping us call Sky and get our internet working again! 


We'd especially like to thank KTS for providing such a marvelous venue, where everything just worked, we hope we can return! A VERY special thanks toRas Bolding for taking our event to the next level, a level that we had no idea we were capable of reaching!


We would love to hear from you, we feed on your energy, so tag your posts and media with barcampcopenhagen, and it will show up automagically under"Updates", and DO send us feedback by using the contact form or by sending e-mail to


If you have presentations and/or links you'd want to make available on, please send them to us by e-mail to If you register on the site, you can add your own content, so go ahead, make our day ;-)


BTW, we're slowly, but steadily, adding community featues to, firstly we've linked to the user registration, and installed the event and sign-up modules, try it on the Ras Bolding event on friday ;-)  


ps. You can also, retro-actively (is that a word) sign up for BarCamp Copenhagen 8.2, if you do, we'll know that you were there - physically or in spirit...


So see you at


IMPORTANT: If you want to register, please write your name below.


For more information about barcamp please see this site if you are attending, and this site if you want to read about the framework. Or read the barcamp Wikipedia entry.


The basis of BarCamp is sharing - which means that you have to come prepared to share.


the simple set of barcamp rules are : 

  • 1st Rule: You do talk about BarCamp.
  • 2nd Rule: You do blog about BarCamp.
  • 3rd Rule: If you want to present, you must write your topic and name in a presentation slot.
  • 4th Rule: Only three word intros.
  • 5th Rule: As many presentations at a time as facilities allow for.
  • 6th Rule: No pre-scheduled presentations, no tourists.
  • 7th Rule: Presentations will go on as long as they have to or until they run into another presentation slot.
  • 8th Rule: If this is your first time at BarCamp, you HAVE to present. (Ok, you don't really HAVE to, but try to find someone to present with, or at least ask questions and be an interactive participant.)


(taken from


Return of the pencils - BarCamp Copenhagen Video just to say hi!






BarCamp Copenhagen 8.2 was be held on the 22nd of November 2008 from 10 - 23 at Københavns Erhvervs Akademi, Lygten 16, 2400 København NV.


BarCampCopenhagen 8.2 was supported by:

And a special thanks also to:



Ras Bolding played at BarCampCopenhagen.. 8.2!

Ras Bolding


Participants (NB: only 100 seats.):


  1. Henriette Weber of the rockband Toothless Tiger
  2. Thomas Kristiansen guitarist with mystique of Toothless Tiger
  3. Mads Kristensen, soloist of sorts, Vad NU!
  4. Laura M. Kiralfy, guest percussionist, band photographer, This Sky is Green
  5. Benjamin A. Wendelboe, International Rockstar!
  6. Karin Høgh live streaming- podcaster, blogger, podcasting-konsulent,
  7. David Tolnem - Web hacker
  8. Mark Wubben
  9. Anders Bendix Kiel - I am just human...
  10. Troels Wittrup - Lead guitarist
  11. Kim Bach - Hey hey, My my BCC will never die
  12. Allan With Sørensen - Drummer, social hacker
  13. Casper Fabricius - Web developer, lead singer
  14. Lisa Risager - the nerdy knitter of fame!
  15. Julie Sanders - Dedicated Fan and hangaround
  16. Helene Vadsten - IT Consultant
  17. Jesper Hvirring Henriksen Woke up sick, won't make it :( Have fun!
  18. Jakob Skjerning
  19. Henrik Biering - Internet identity evangelist
  20. Kasper Kronborg
  21. Niels Christensen former heavy metal lead singer, now a computer scientist at Ange Optimization
  22. Torben Seebach Barcamp Intelligence Dancer
  23. Peter Brodersen - as seen on the Internet
  24. Karen Mardahl - technical communicator, webgrrl, heltinde, geek, nerd, technology steward wannabe...
  25. jonasbn - Perl hacker
  26. M.C. Widerkrantz, Just another hacker
  27. Rasor - Grunge air guitarist, qwerty keyboardist. Linq .net together.
  28. Tobias H. Michaelsen - just-in-time participant
  29. Morten Larsen
  30. Henrik Gudbrand - IT Consultant
  31. Signe Zacchi tv online - Amateur astronomer
  32. Christian Wulff-Nilsen - Computer scientist
  33. Maria Fazzingo - SOSO
  34. Ras Bolding - Bits and bytes and data streams, neon lights and laser beams.
  35. Lone Palmus Jensen - Groupie
  36. Ole Palnatoke Andersen - curious overbooked weekend :-(
  37. Christoffer Gertz Bech - Poet, painter and absinthe geek
  38. Dr. Starstream - Drunk, delusional and dangerous
  39. Alex Kawas - neuroscience, artificial intelligence, social media research
  40. Jacob Strømlund
  41. Jacob Friis Saxberg som bygger startups. (Beklager, men skal til Skagen)
  42. Emma Persky - (t)(b) - storyteller, geek, believer, etc.
  43. Olle Jonsson - (t)($) - amateur scientist
  44. Stefan Bøgh-Andersen - (t) - going straight for the bar
  45. Jens-Otto Paludan - King
  46. Martin von Haller Groenbaek - Bender von Haller Dragsted
  47. Hansmar Poulsen - Den halvtredsindstyvende og færing..
  48. Lars Pind - Coaching og det gode liv (og medbringende to børn)
  49. Kevin Cannon - Irish web designer, currently studying Interaction Design at CIID.
  50. Jack DeNeut - Local search for Europe at Nelso
  51. Simão Soares - Life entusiast and also interested in Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Open Source.
  52. Søren Münster
  53. Marcin Ignac - Polish interactive media designer, currently studying Interaction Design at CIID
  54. Kasper Weibel
  55. Aron Allen
  56. Nicolas Charbonnier, aka. Charbax, brings Archos 5 and OLPC XO..
  57. Allan Henriksen - I'm just here for the free beer
  58. Rasmus Greve Streaming- Cognitive psychologist freethinker and last hope against zombie infestation.
  59. Rakesh Moturi
  60. Venkatesh
  61. Krishna
  62. Gert Adam - Consultant Pointy-Haired Boss


Problems registering/editing this page? Contact Troels Wittrup, troels.wittrup (at), or one of the other organizers!


see the old barcamp page here - held the 25th of january 2008


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