Register on ( to get the limited BarCampJB2014 T-shirt.
Talk About It
Take part in the discussion before, during and after BarCampJB sessions. Ongoing discussion are held on Facebook.
Tweet about it with official hashtag for this event, #barcampjb2014.
Capture photos and post in a collective photo album on Instagram using #barcampjb2014. Live feed of the photos posted on Instagram will be displayed on
We need all the support we can. You can show your support for the community by sponsoring the event. This is our humble way of showing appreciation
Sponsorship of RM 1,000.00 |
Print your logo on T-shirts, bunting and website. |
Sponsorship of RM 500.00 |
Print your logo on bunting and website. |
Sponsorship of RM 200.00 |
Print your logo (smaller version) on bunting and website. |
Do contact us if you can help us in any other ways.
We encourage you to tell us your chosen topic before the event. We can inform our friends about your talk and get them excited! Please contact Hong (
All help is appreciated. We are especially looking for people who can help us spread the word to sponsors, speakers and participants. If you would like to help visit or email Hong ( for more info.