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Page history last edited by packru 15 years, 2 months ago

BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.

BarCampKerala is the first event of its kind in Kerala and draws inspiration from BarCamps held across India. It's meant to be a cozy gathering where anything techy can be discussed and debated.


Event details


24th November 2007, Saturday

9:30 A.M.

Volunteers and Organizers, please turn up a half hour earlier.


UST Global ZENITH Hall, 6th Floor, Bhavani Building, Technopark, Trivandrum.


How to register?


This page is a Wiki page, which can be edited by anyone.

So, you can just edit this page and do the following:


  • Add your name to the Campers' list. This is the complete list of attendees
  • Add a session to the Proposed Sessions list. In case you would like to give a session on some topic
  • Suggest a topic to the Discussion Topics. Some of these topics will be discussed after all the sessions are over
  • Suggest what we can provide you with, apart from what we are already providing.

Instructions to do the above:



  • At the top of this page you will find a link called "Edit Page"
  • Click it and enter your Name and e-mail address
  • The universal password is c4mp
  • After you submit, you will be able to edit the text you are reading right now.
  • You need to find out the list you want to add your name to and then do the needful
  • Dont forget...whichever list you add your name to, you have to add your name to the Camper's List for sure

Bring with you:


  • Laptop (if you have one)
  • Memory Stick/thumb drive (if you have one: for transferring presentations, demo code, etc)
  • If you have goodies, T-shirts or promotional materials to distribute, this might be a good venue.
  • Ideas, demos and the spirit of BarCamp.



24th November


  • Morning: 9:30 A.M - 1:15 P.M
  • Lunch 1:15 P.M - 2:00 P.M.
  • Afternoon 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Proposed Sessions

Sessions are 30-40 minutes in length (including five to ten minutes for questions), so prepare your slides accordingly.


Sl no. Title Speaker
1 Simple Game Development with Python Ruby Vishnu Gopal, MobME
2 OpenSocial - Mobshare Album inside orkut Kenney Jacob,Kenney Jacob, MobME
3 Achievable futures- Software Testing/QA Robin Thomas, QA/Process Consulting
4 Bluetooth Remote Control Product Demo Hari Krishnan, Leads Technologies
5 Asterisk- Open Source Telephony Platform Bipin B,MobMe
6 PHP Wiz - The Easy Way! Sreekanth G S, Freelance Solutions Developer
7 ONP:Open Network Project Linoy Joseph, Angelsvista
8 Android Development - Google's Mobile Platform Renjith Ramachandran, UST Global
9 Protein Based Memory Storage Devices Jidhu Mohan.M,Sj group
10 introduction to Qt designer:a GUI devolepment tool kit Dhanesh.N.M.,Dev.C.

Topics I would like to hear about

1. Ruby on Rails

2. Linux Kernel Hacking

3. Python Web development

4. Mobile Java and J2ME stuff

5. Facebook Applications

6. Google Opensocial

7. Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Marketing

8. Iron Python

9. Opensource Mobile Frameworks

10. WiFi Network Security

11. Ethical hacking

12. Mobile Game development in Android




1. Kenney Jacob, MobME, www.kenneyjacob.com {+91-9846831128} {kenney@torque.co.in}

2. Vishnu Gopal, MobME {+91.9846087017} {g.vishnu@gmail.com}

3. Renjith Ramachandran, www.indianITforum.com {91. 9895199997} {renjith.sreeATgmail.com}



1. Renjith Ramachandran {+91 98951 99997} {renjith.sreeATgmail.com}

2. Jimmin J Kurichiyil{+91 9895886792}{cmdsjgroup@gmail.com}

3. Shoban Kumar {+91 9895775157} {shobankratgmail.com}

4. Robin Thomas {+91 9946352634} {robin.thomsatgmaildotcom}

5. Hari Krishnan {+91 9847249472} {hariatleadstechdotorg}

Participants (aka Campers)


To participate enter your details below :


Sl no. E-mail Contact Link Misc
1 Kenney Jacob kenney@torque.co.in 09846831128 http://www.kenneyjacob.com Organising, Attending, Presenting
2 Vishnu Gopal g.vishnu@gmail.com +91.9846087017 http://vish.in/ Organising, Attending, Presenting
3 Prasanth prath81@gmail.com +91.4716454818 http://www.leadstech.org/ Attending
4 Jinson Abraham jinson@mobme.in http://www.mobme.in Attending
5 Renjith Ramachandran renjith.sreeATgmail.com +91 9895199997 http://www.indianITforum.com Organising,Attending, Presenting
6 Jimmin j kurichiyil cmdsjgroup@gmail.com +91 9898886792 No web site organising,Attending
7 Dhanesh.N.M sjgrouptvm@gmail.com 09995076532 No Website attendig,presenting
8 Praveen V. Nair ninethsense@yahoo.co.uk 09846089033 http://www.ninethsense.com Attending, ...
9 lijogk@gmail.com +91.9447457405 http://www.lijo.in/ Attending
10 Shoban Kumar +91 9895775157 www.hot-n-new.com Organising, Attending
11 Aby P Varghese +91 9961412341 www.hot-n-new.com Organising, Attending
12 Robin Thomas robin.thoms@gmail.com 09946352634 http://www.testinglounge.com Attending, Presenting
13 Jith V Kumar jithvk@gmail.com 09895852775 No Website Attending
14 Pradhap Nirmal Natarajan prathapnirmal@gmail.com/prathap@pivotsys.com 09946556643 http://prathapnirmalwebdev.blogspot.com Attending
15 Mani Karthik manikuttan@gmail.com 09947616188 http://www.dailyseoblog.com Attending, Presenting
16 Bipin B bipin@mobme.in 09947173986 No website Attending, Presenting
17 Ashok ashokms@gmail.com   http://www.nerdybirders.com/ Attending
18 Shahid P.A shahid@mobme.in 9846113364 No Website Attending
19 Arun. T sultanarun+barcamp@gmail.com   Arun-inte Blog Attending,presenting?
20 Jayakrishnan jaykrik@yahoo.com 9447179888 No Website Attending
21 Sreekanth G S mailatsreekanthdotin 9846411839 Sreekanth.in Attending, Presenting
22 Gokul.S.Kartha everyourgokul@gmail.com 9745049747 http://www.gokulkartha.com Attending
23 Anoop.C anoop.c@devicedriven.com 9995189154 No Website Attending
24 Rahul Kapoor rahul.kapoor.1983@gmail.com 9946748332 NO WEBSITE ATTENDING
25 Rajkumar S raj@linuxense.com 9446415015 http://linuxense.com Attending
26 Vivian Leon vivian@mobme.in 09895891724 No website Attending
27 Binny V A binnyva, gmail 04843292721 http://www.bin-co.com/blog/ Attending
28 Vishal Vijayan Nair, vair29@rediffmail.com 9995568807 NA Attending
29 Anith Gopal, buzz@anith.com 9995889707 http://www.anith.com Attending
30 C.Dev,dev_n93@yahoo.com 9995215978 NA Attending
31 Sajith M.R sajith@mobme.in 09846831106 http://www.sajithmr.com Attending
32 Aslam P.A aslam@kreara.com 09895895225 NA Attending
33 Hari Krishnan hari@leadstech.org 09847249472 http://www.leadstech.org Attending, Presenting
34 Mohammed Afzal afzal@technoallianceindia.com 09846245520 http://www.technoallianceindia.com Attending
35 Bipin c,vu3bpn@yahoo.co.in 09895334854 NA Attending
36 Binoy Thomas Abraham,ronbinoy@hotmail.com 09446055215 NA Attending
37 Sujith John Thomas,sujithjohn@inbox.com 09947718204 NA Attending
38 Linoy Joseph linoy@angelsvista.com 09349897886 http://www.angelsvista.com Attending, Presenting
39 Tony Jose, mail@btsoft.co.in 09447799585 http://www.btsoft.co.in Attending
40 Sonu Joseph, findsonujoseph@rediffmail.com 09947444034 http://www.btsoft.co.in Attending
41 Praveen Vijayan, praveenv.vijayan@gmail.com 9847803332 NA Attending
42 Kumanan 9847062537 Web Designer Attending
43 Sarthak Gupta,sarthakgupta01@yahoo.com 9349990203 NA Attending
44 Titus Thomas,itstitus1@yahoo.co.in 9995116431 NA Attending
45 Ramakanthan,ramakanthan88@yahoo.com 9446554619 NA Attending
46 Saifudeen, saifudeen@gmail.com 9895094926 http://www.flipcorp.com Attending
47 Jidhu Mohan.M,jidhu_mohan@yahoo.co.in 9495220677 NA Attending
48 Abhilash O.S,crazysuggestions@yahoo.com 9446377891 NA Attending
49 Ganesh Kailas,ganeshkailas@rediffmail.com 0000000000 NA Attending
50 Rajeev Bala,magtamerlan@gmail.com 9446134594 http://www.ganancia.in/ Attending
51 Nitin Koshy Mammen   NA Attending
52 Shyam Balasubramoniam, shyambiyar@gmail.com 9946046766 NA Attending
53 Satheesh Chandrasekhar, cschand@gmail.com 9447068292 http://www.infoceantech.com Attending
54 Auster Mascarenhas, auster_mascarenhasatyahoodotcodotin 9895094485 NA Attending
55 Juwal Bose, juwalbose@gmail.com 9447348620 http://www.csharks.com Attending
56 Eldhose P Mathew, eldhosepmathew@gmail.com 9446219333 http://www.csharks.com Attending
57 Anish Chandran, anichandru@gmail.com NA http://www.csharks.com, http://amritapuri.amrita.edu/ Attending
58 Hari Gopal, harigopal1@gmail.com 9846819066 thinker.in Attending
59 Arjun R, iamarj@gmail.com 9846413085 ArjunAkaPettz Attending
60 Joyce John, joycejohn@gmail.com 9446472021 http://www.revenuemed.com Attending
61 Prathyush Lal, prathyushlalkj@yahoo.com 9995158419   Attending
62 Jacob Thomas, jac.acme@gmail.com NA http://www.opdyne.com/ Attending
63 Manu Nair, nair.manu@yahoo.co.in 9895087438 http://www.dynz.net/ Attending
64 Nirmal, nirmalnightmare@gmail.com 9895403183 http://www.dynz.net/ Attending
65 Prasanth , prasanthp.home@gmail.com 9895287480 http://www.opdyne.com/ Attending
66 Sujith lal,sujithlalmv@gmail.com 9895873373 NA Attending
67 vijin k.p,vijinnkp@gmail.com 9946776785 NA Attending
68 Kannan.P.S, kannan_hitz@yahoo.com 9995098619 NA Attending
69 Amith Kumar.C, kannan_nair_nfs@yahoo.co.in 9995209217 NA Attending
69 Himanshu Gupta, himanshu.net@gmail.com 9995679292 NA Attending
70 Sahir sha S.R,sohirsha_sahir@yahoo.co.in 9895123727 NA Attending
72 Gayathri.V,gayu1989@yahoo.com 9446080252 NA Attending
73 Tina.G.Daniel 9961931455 NA Attending
75 Aswathi Mol.K.T 9387241640 NA Attending
76 Jeeva Jose 9495443734 NA Attending
77 Meera.K.l 9995531609 NA Attending
78 Arun.R.Nair 9895261648 NA Attending
79 Deepak.V,deepakv122@yahoo.co.in 9846857897 NA Attending
80 Jenna Raju,jeenaraju90@gmail.com 9995237678 NA Attending
81 Lidiya Augustine 9495859161 NA Attending
82 Sinjya.J 9847265411 NA Attending
83 Sreedevi Jaijachandran,sree.gogs@gmail.com 9995663360 NA Attending
84 priyamole Susan,pritiz_123@yahoo.com 9847221121 NA Attending
85 Padmanabhan M.S,padmanabhanms06@gmail.com 9895668395 NA Attending
86 Roshan R,roshanr1986@yahoo.co.in 9847768162 NA Attending
87 Anjana P,anchoothegr8@yahoo.co.in 9495747760 NA Attending
88 Lakshmipriya Nair,laksmipriyanair17@2yahoo.com 9995119758 NA Attending
89 sooraj.v.nair,soorajvnair@gmail.com 9495151620 NA Attending
90 Surabil Sudarshan,surabil@gmail.com 9895612971 http://www.revenuemed.com Attending
91 Praveen.k.I,kipraveen_kunuthala@yahoo.com NA Attending
92 thejus.r ,thejusr@yahoo.com NA NA Attending
93 kalyana srikanth,kk_srikanth143@rediff.com NA NA Attending
94 omprakash mishra,omprakas.mishra@gmail.com NA NA Attending

GonulCafe.com GonulCafe.com

saglikhaftasi.com webteyim.com

Almina.net dna


Task List

(please cross out when it's done)



Important ..

An apple mac's power strip was misplaced in the venue. Thats with me( Renjith )now.



White Boards







Contact SPACE




Tables and chairs

Contact LUG

Contact MUG


Tags for flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati, slideshare etc.

Please use the tag barcampkerala for content related to this event


Mailing List






Presenters, please upload your slides to SlideShare and share them here.

Simple Game Development with Ruby: http://www.slideshare.net/vishnu/simple-game-development-with-ruby/


Audio, Video and Pictures


Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/tags/barcampkerala/



Who's blogging?


1. Vishnu Gopal, http://vysnu.com/log/tag/barcampkerala

2. The First BarCamp in Kerala, http://www.kenneyjacob.com/category/barcamp/

3. Renjith Ramachandran, BARCAMPKERALA, http://www.indianitforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=1105#1105

4. The First ever BarCamp in Kerala on November 24th 2007, http://www.dailyseoblog.com/2007/11/first-ever-barcamp-in-kerala-on-november-24th-2007/

6. Anith Gopal : http://www.anith.com/barcampkerala

7. Arun Ramarathnam : http://arunram.wordpress.com/2007/11/22/barcamp-at-gods-own-country/

8. Syed Nazir Razik : http://wordpress.fuentesystems.com/?p=25