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by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago
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Barcamp starts TODAY! (March 4th).
Sign up below if you haven't already!
(As stolen from BarCampNYC, as copied from...) BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees.
All attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one. All presentions are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall.
Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.
Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join.
Flickr Tag 'barcampla'
Videoblog: "What is Barcamp?"
When you come, be prepared to share with barcampers. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.
You can learn more about BarCamp here:
To learn, meet people who share different interests, contribute, and push yourself and your thinking.
The evening of *Saturday, March 4th, 2006*, and 9a-6p or so on *Sunday, March 5th, 2006*.
There will be dinner, drinks, and possibly demos on the 4th, and a full day of learning and sharing on the 5th.
It will be a good warm-up for ETech, just south of LA in San Diego on March 6-9 (take note SF people!), and SXSW Interactive in Austin on March 10-14.
Event Schedule
SATURDAY | | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Check-In | 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Announcements | 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM | Introductions | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Dinner (Pizza) | 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Lightning Demos | 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM | Open |
SUNDAY | | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Breakfast (Muffins, Bagels, Juice & Coffee) | 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Introductions | 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Morning Presentations | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Lunch (Sandwiches) | 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Afternoon Presentations |
SUNDAY UPDATE! It's bloody cold in here. Dress warm.
Presentation Schedule
Little Radio Warhouse 1218 Long Beach Ave Los Angeles, CA 90021 Google map, Yahoo! Map ; photos ; video
I want to help
Cool! Please get in touch (barcamp #at# reemer dot com). And, spread the word about BarCampLosAngeles!
LA Campers
Add yourself! Please be sure to include what you're presenting -- confirmed attendees should also give an idea of what they'd like to share with other campers.
BarCampLosAngeles OPML at http://www.opmlmanager.com The account was hijacked for several weeks, but I have control if it again. Let me know if you want to add/change/delete anything. nick at nsputnik dot com
Topics I'd like to hear about...
- Scrum (1 person)
- Media 2 economics (1 person)
- Building Scalable Distributed Web Apps
- Open Source Databases in the Real World
- Getting Things Done (GTD)
- How to Create a Professional Podcast (from Start to Finish)
- Tutorial on Memcached
- Ruby on Rails Compared to PHP and Python Frameworks
- Where is mobile media heading
- Location Based Services
- Interactive TV, convergence of TV and Internet video
Confirmed participants and what they're presenting
- Kareem Mayan - (Embracing the Edge) - http://www.reemer.com
- Jason Roberts (Object Oriented Javascript, AJAX) - http://www.codusoperandi.com
- Ian Rogers (Media 2.0 Economics or XIPF, Extensible Interactive Packaging Format) - http://360.yahoo.com/iancrogers, http://www.ymusicblog.com
- Chris Holland - http://chrisholland.blogspot.com/ ( practical Microformat, semantic markup + unobtrusive scripting, vCard, practical SIP, Random stuff: Web Accelerators ) (Download - View)
- Lucas Gonze (Clone Kit (template for PHP web apps)) - http://gonze.com/about
- Heathervescent (From Idea to Code: Product Management Lite, pm for those who hate traditional paperwork)
- Matt Sanchez (Scrum - Pragmatic Software Development)
- Kent Nichols - Building a successful podcast using commodity video hardware, Creative Commons, and free net resources - http://askaninja.com
- Eric Gradman - LTI (Leaving Things Incomplete): an RDF backed command line utility for disorganized, non-linear console monkeys who want to track things.
- Steve Myers - Fun with JXTA and Java3D, A version 0.001 game that lets "players" all over the Internet moves little virtual men around a checker board, all P2P and 3D; two great technologies that taste great together. Demo and code review. http://trustedpeer.com/barcamp/FunWithJXTA-Java3D.pdf
- Matthew Homann (blog) - UnConferencing for Normal People -- Taking the UnConference Mainstream.
- Michael Goff Could do a) Bayosphere learnings. b) Building teams of tech/ent. folks, c) Chronic “what”cling the video explosion, d) My DIY video forays, e) Blog-instigate an “Upload Music Fest" for free expression, anti-censorship, fun and profit?. Any collaborators or topic preferences?
- Carmen De Jesus - Each Day R/Evolution, Optimal Mindset - GearSwap/E-Iron Chef + GTD with Mistress Chi Chi!
- Kenneth Wyrick - E-LANE. DOTLRN E-Learning LiveCD
- Jillian Tate - personal blog - Viral Internet Campaigns - What They Are & How To Use Them
- Henri Duong - 6 degrees of Cult Marketing & Branding- [henriduong@gmail.com] for a copy of my powerpoint.
- Jon Bischke and Carmen De Jesus - GTD with Mistress Chi Chi! / GTD (Getting Things Done) Panel - (let us know if you'd also like to be on the panel) - An overview of the GTD system and our own personal implementations plus Q&A
- Nick Dynice - reporting for the Web 2.0 Show, my presentation: Proposal for 2 podcast related open source web app projects
- Nicole Simon - There is a world out there and we don't all speak english - why 'thinking global' belongs to the start of your project even if you don't think about expanding now. Or I could do the "how women think when they encounter technology" stuff + can do the info about podcasting as well. ;) (Help request: I lost my USB cable for my Iriver normal to USB to Mini-B, could someone sell/give me one which I can take with me? thx)
- Mack Reed - http://factoidlabs.com, http://LAVoice.org - (GridHead.com - a collaborative networking concept - plus minor Photoshop debauchery), Download my presentation (PDF - 2.3MB)
- Dave Bullock - eecue, metaphoto, JungleScene Intro to ICS, Improving Accuracy on your Ruger Mini-14, Canon Macro Photography, Why Furby Hates Me, Knots You Should Know, possibly some episodes of The IT Crowd
- Debi Jones and Patrick Neeman - Explore the popularity of MySpace and social networking systems.
- Molly Simms, Cody Simms (kid's allright, Yahoo! Publisher Network, Amy Raymond (Cheapskatin' LA, Network Live) & Greg Cohn (Auctions for Change, Yahoo! Publisher Network) - First Grade Art Class. Take a break and learn about sharing. Homework: Please bring some micro & colorful found objects that can be easily affixed to things (i.e., small bits of broken colored glass, small beads, bottlecaps, etc)
- Jory Felice - http://www.belkin.com http://www.jorylab.com/blog/ Discussion on "Free/Cheap/Non-Profit/Pro-Bono" web development. How to make the most efficicent use of my time/skills building a non-profit community website. Bring your tech and project management solutions/experiences.
- Huy Hong - http://www.antianticulture.com Approaching a free independent IPTV network where everyone is :) - Introducing a business model and concept IPTV network wherein advertisers have analytics to justify advertising rates, video producers are compelled to produce quality content and earn accordingly, and viewers watch everything for free on their PC, Mac, iPod, PSP, Browser, Phone, Kitchen Sink, etc... (phew) - link to presentation
- Michael Spiegelman - http://360.yahoo.com/michaelspiegelman - Media Search in general and Yahoo! Audio Search (audio.search.yahoo.com) as a longtail play in music.
- Jonathan Strauss - http://360.yahoo.com/jonathanhstrauss - Reputation as Currency: what's necessary to help users navigate media in the on-demand world?
- Ilya Haykinson - Web 2.0 without the Web — how the gap between new web applications and new desktop applications is shrinking.
- Jason Cosper - Preshrunk - How To Get Free Shit (Writing About Stuff That You Love)
People interested, but not yet sure what they'll be sharing
- Gavin Doughtie http://blog.xdraw.org
- Way Chong http://www.cotzgen.com
- Raihan Anwar
- Sean Bonner - http://www.seanbonner.com, http://www.metroblogging.com, http://www.blogging.la
- Raines Cohen - http://www.raines.com
- Jonathan Tobin
- Ewan Spence - http://www.ewanspence.com/ (Coming from Scotland)
- Kent Nichols - http://askaninja.com
- Douglas Sarine - http://askaninja.com
- David Peck - http://askaninja.com
- Jerry Schuman - http://www.techaura.com
- Kyle Bunch - http://pinacol.com, http://blogebrity.com
- Jeremy Hermanns - http://jeremyhermanns.org, http://blogebrity.com
- Heathervescent - http://www.heathervescent.com
- Carolyn Kellogg - http://www.laist.com
- Ori Neidich - http://ori.neidich.com/
- Mike Outmesguine - http://www.wifi-toys.com/, http://www.socalwug.org
- Jamie Pitts - http://www.semanticwave.com/
- Matthew Homann - http://www.nonbillablehour.com/
- Chris Spurgeon - http://www.spurgeonworld.com
- Marc Brown - http://marc.buzznet.com
- Anthony Batt - http://anthony.buzznet.com
- Kevin Woolery - http://kevin.buzznet.com, http://www.thewoolerys.com/bitflipper/
- Greg Cohn - http://www.auctionsforchange.com, http://publisher.yahoo.com
- Bill Reardon - http://wdr1.com/blog/, http://publisher.yahoo.com
- Greg Knauss - eod.com, Metababy
- Janko Roettgers - Lowpass.cc
- Carmen De Jesus - Each Day R/Evolution, Optimal Mindset
- Josh Lucas - http://www.stonecottage.com/josh/
- Dave Viner - http://wdr1.com/dave/
- Lance Anderson (Verge of the Fringe) - http://www.vergeofthefringe.com/ (Podcast)
- Jim Plush http://www.litfuel.net/plush
- Dietrich Ayala
- Julian Bleecker http://research.techkwondo.com
- Douglas E. Welch - http://welchwrite,com
- Ethan Kaplan - (Warner Bros. Records / Black Rim Glasses) BlackRimGlasses
- Chris Bell - http://randomdynamics.com
- Mark Frauenfelder - Boing Boing
- Ben Christen - http://benjaminchristen.com GTD Panel (probably only Saturday night)
- James Gross http://jamesgross.com, Feedster
- Woody Pewitt - http://blog.pewitt.org
- Kevin Scaldeferri - http://kevin.scaldeferri.com/blog/
- Raj Singh - http://rajansingh.com
- Matt Sanchez - http://www.videoegg.com
- Sairam Suresh - http://www.flipclips.com
- Amanda McConnell - TagWorld
- Steven Frein - blog, podcast - blog
- Alex Piner - Planet Mashup
- Jonah - LA Blogs, la.foodblogging, Cheww.com (Sunday only)
- Marc Danziger - http://www.windsofchange.net
- Isaac Garcia - Central Desktop or Central Desktop Blog-- Focused on business solutions - workflow. How Web 2.0 can solve problems for traditional businesses. (contact me, isaac@centraldesktop-inc.com)
- Charles Tran - lunchSpark -- please email me (charles.tran at lunchspark.com) if you want to collaborate on a topic
- Simon Perry Digital-Lifestyles/blog (From UK)
- Coco Conn - http://blogsource.com -- BlogSource
- Jon Bischke - LearnOutLoud - GTD Panel
- Sam Felder - http://www.samfelder.com - interested in collaborating on UX design / user testing
- Peter Pham - http://www.photobucket.com
- Geoffrey Arone - http://flock.com
- Cody Simms - http://www.kidsallright.com http://publisher.yahoo.com
- Ben Metcalfe (aka dotBen) - http://benmetcalfe.com/blog
- Jason McCabe Calacanis - http://www.calacanis.com
- Travis Kalanick - http://www.redswoosh.com
- Mike Manning - http://blog.360.yahoo.com/bl_manning
- Amy Raymond ~~ Cheapskatin' LA, http://www.networklive.com
- Ilya Haykinson - http://ilya.us
- Lynda Keeler - http://www.delight.com
- Chris Messina - http://www.factoryjoe.com/blog
- Debi Jones - http://www.mobilejones.com
- Patrick Neeman - http://www.usabilitycounts.com
- Jon Bauer - http://www.jonbauer.com/blog
- Marc Tuters - http://interactive.usc.edu/members/mtuters/
- Kris Chase - http://www.chasebadkids.net
- En-Kae Chang - http://www.marketengagement.com
- Matt Ash - http://www.mattash.com The Largest Minority - interested in collaborating on RoR, CMS, or UX interface
Hardware Needed
- Anyone have an extra mini dvi to vga adapter for Powerbook > Projector? (pls let me know for 2.15 pres - Carmen)
- Projectors (Heathervescent bringing 1, Dave Bullock bringing 1)
- Ethernet switches and long cables (Dave Bullock bringing 1x 3Com 24 port 100BaseT.)
- Power strips and extension cords
- A simple file server for legal MP3s, PPTs, DivXs, etc. (a laptop with windows file sharing and external HD would work...) (Jerry Schuman from Perssonas/Techaura will bring a server or two.)
Gear Swap + Electronics Iron Chef - Call for Participation!
How the GearSwap/E-Iron Chef works
- 1. Bring whatever gear you don’t need, want, or are willing to part with via swap or donation old electronic devices (i.e., original palm V, old CD burners,Ethernet cables, etc., to BarCamp LA on Saturday through to Sunday morning at 11am. [ Bring only items you are willing to detach from! You may or may not be able to swap items for other items of "equal value"]
- 2. You will be issued Swapping Vouchers aka Tickets depending on the items you bring in, which you can redeem or give away for others to redeem on Sunday.
- 3. Sign up for an E-Iron Chef team/Junkyard Wars, and work with your team members to select and create a functional digital project, which you may work on Saturday evening and Sunday (in the spirit of multi-tasking, you can unobtrusively work on your stuff while listening to other presentations). Those participating in the E-Iron Chef will have first selection of available gear to build their project.
- 4. Completed projects will be judged, remaining gear will be open for swapping, and whatever gear is left will be donated!
Have something you can donate? Want to chip in for food/drinks! Great! Let us know.
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