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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago


Barcamp LA 2 is over! (Rizwan) has transcribed the schedule board onto the wiki - please linkify the schedule with links to the session's author.

BarcampLA-2-Sessions The session list


Portraits can be found here: Day 1 and Day 2 - Thanks to everyone who took the time to pose! Let me know if your photo is labeled incorrectly or with a question mark and I will update it with the proper info. If you prefer you can view the photos on flickr. All the photos are CC licensed so feel free to use them for whatever you see fit, although please ask before using commercially. Thanks!


Audio can be found here: belkin.com/barcamp - Thanks to everyone who helped by recording a session.


What is BarCamp?


(As stolen from BarCampNYC, as copied from...) BarCamp is an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees.


All attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one. All presentions are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall.


Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.


Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join.


There are no spectators, only participants!


When you come, be prepared to share with barcampers. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.


First Timer? Get a feeling for BarCamp.



Not sure if you want to attend?


See how the first BarCamp LA went down!


Coverage of BarcampLA-2

Flickr stream (keyword: barcampLA2)

LAVoice.org (liveblogging)


Who is hosting this event?



Why should I do this?


To learn, meet people who share different interests, contribute, and push yourself and your thinking.


When is it?


Saturday, November 11th, 2006, 4pm to Sunday, November 12th, 2006, 7pm (Eventful.com, Upcoming.org)


Saturday, November 11th

Registration starts at 4pm

Opening session 6pm

Swag Fashion show - see below for details

Party afterwards

Camping all night (bring your camping gear)


Sunday, November 12th

Breakfast at 9am

Sessions start at 10am until 6pm with a break for lunch

Closing session 6pm


Where will it be held?


Little Radio Warehouse / 1218 Long Beach Ave. / Los Angeles, CA 90021

Maps: Google, Yahoo!


Want more updates?


Check out the BarCamp LA Blog for all the latest info.


I want to help!


Cool! Please get in touch (barcamp at reemer dot com). Also, spread the word about BarCampLosAngeles by posting to a link on your blog and telling everyone you know... ;)


See BarcampLA2Helpers here.


Is there a list of current Campers and what are they presenting?


Update - a photo of the schedule board as of about 8PM saturday (starts at 10am, each line indicates an hour - i'm sure someone will make a proper table on the wiki tomorrow) full size and the flickr page


Update - share your favorite links with everyone! We will then put them in a downloadable OPML for your readers.

BarCampLA OPML Share Site

or email (amyugh at yahoo dot com)



  • Mack Reed - Homeland Security briefing (Audio: part 1 | part 2) on IAAL-MAF and frivolous home electronics/art project.
  • Alex Piner - "We are really in Web 0.2" Heading towards the Semantic Web with SIOC. On the Original Vision and Design of the Web By Its Inventor. History of Hypertext, Markup and The Web, state of the Semantic Web, a glimpse of the future, and Engelbart's Wicked Problems.
  • Heathervescent - I want to present/moderate a panel on start-up do's and don't. What's helped you start your company, make it successful, best practices, personal attitudes, etc. As well as things to keep in mind NOT to do, pitfalls to overcome, etc. If you have experience and would contribute or be the panel, please contact me at g e e k ( a t ) h e a t h e r v e s c e n t ( d o t ) c o m. Thanks!
  • Michael Pusateri - Will talk about Digital Media in big companies and opportunities surrounding it. A former Foo Camper who brought an internal Pooh Camp to Disney. I have access to many projectors...
  • Jason Cosper - I'm either going to do a talk on ways to save your oft ignored blog from bit rot or Nintendo DS hacking.
  • Crystal Williams - Design and theming for content management systems (Wordpress, Drupal, etc). I'm coming back to LA early for this. :-)
  • Mando Gomez -- will be taking photos
  • Eric Gradman will be teaching the LOGO turtle new tricks, and possibly creating 3D fractals. Old school programming fu!
  • Jonathan Strauss - "Web Candle + Monkey" or "Ilya's Web 2.0 w/o the Web Redux" or "Device Integration: The New Basis of Competition for Internet Services"
  • Dave "eecue" Bullock - Official Photographer : Headshot Portraiture - Talk will be a slide show of portraits from BarCamp and an HDR photography demo
  • ian c rogers - Media 2.0 Revisited and maybe a little Attention Management
  • daniel hengeveld - XML-RPC APIs, featuring the revver api
  • Michael Lambie - No idea on what to present. would like to help out someone if they need it. Interests in web 2.0, market research, video, economics of online content distribution. someone help me out here.
  • John Smart Metaverse roadmap findings: Near and 20-year future of the 3D-enabled web.
  • Douglas E. Welch on the What, How and Why? of podcasting
  • pete mauro - "Hack, Shoot and Upload - Making a Digital Video Camera for $35". In this hands on workshop we will hack a Rite Aid "one time use" video camera. All participants (limit 7 right now) will get a camera to post clips of barcamp. If you are interested, please email me in case I need to get more cameras: pete at mauronic dot com.
  • Carmen De Jesus GTD with Mistress Chi-Chi, digital task mgmt software for GTD - with Jillian Tate for GTD+GoogleTools
  • Edward O'Connor - not sure yet. Some options: microformats + atom == crazy delicious; pimp my emacs - make your editor work for you!; adapting the IETF process to lighterweight organizations like OpenID, WHAT WG, etc.; the origins of the internet standards process in english parliamentary procedure
  • Nick Dynice Leveraging emergent behavior online. If anyone does not know what they are going to talk about and wants to join me in making the points of this talk, lets go ahead and team up.
  • Greg Cohn presenting SixWordSciFi
  • Baron RK Von Wolfsheild Web 2.0, the pain, problems and paradoxes.
  • Matt Bosworth Coder Yoga : Some nifty stretches you can do at your desk



Note: Do your best to add yourself here and to the form below if you're attending. Please be sure to include what you're presenting -- confirmed attendees should also give an idea of what they'd like to share with other campers.


See the Full list of BarcampLA 2 Attendees Here


Sign up for BarCampLosAngeles (Thanks, Wufoo!)



Want to see a list of people who have signed up already? Go ahead!


Meet other geeks in LA



Care to lend us some hardware?


  • Projectors would be nice.
  • Power strips would also rule. (heathervescent will bring a couple powerstrips, but bring some if you can spare)


Sponsors are awesome!



Have something you can donate? Want to chip in for food/drinks! Great! Let us know -- barcamp at reemer dot com.