

Page history last edited by john@... 13 years, 5 months ago

BarCamp Liverpool returns for 2011!

BarCamp is returning to Liverpool on 18th and 19th November 2011 in DoESLiverpool, click the link above for the wiki page.



Barcamp Liverpool Live Event Photos 

Live photos by Simon Kirwan, in-house photographer at BT Convention Centre & Echo Arena Liverpool, direct from Barcamp Liverpool, uploaded in real-time via wi-fi. Please visit the Gallery on Photoshelter and refresh the page to view latest images:


Barcamp Liverpool

******Barcamp Liverpool is sold out!*******

See below for what to do if you want to come but haven't booked a ticket.


******PreBarcamp Drinks********

Update Suggested venue for pre barcamp drinks on Friday evening - Fly in the Loaf, Hardman Street (a lovely, central large real ale pub). - A few of us will be there from around 8.30 - for a relaxed, and not too late drink.



6th - 7th December 2008.  We start at 10.00 - be there early to reserve your presentation slot!

Novas Contemporary Urban Centre, Greenland Street, Liverpool, L1 0BS

The Novas CUC is a fabulous venue and we'll be very well looked after there. We have amazing space on the second floor, with great wifi, loads of power etc etc... The CUC also has its own bar and cafe and of course we'll be organising food and refreshments throughout.

(Adding yourself on Upcoming does not = a ticket)


Registration & Tickets

To register please do add your name here and also please register officially at eventWax here:

Anyone who forgets to do this but added their name here will of course get a ticket but please use eventWax so we can track numbers.



Want to get involved? Add yourself here or send me a message (katie @ treasuremytext .com)


Interested in helping out: 

Interested in attending: 


Ideas for sessions 

If you know what you're talking about already, let us know by adding your name and a description below 

  • John McKerrell - Not sure I'll do an actual talk on it but I'd like to have a big print-out of Open Street Map of Liverpool that people can annotate with corrections.
  • Dave Verwer - How to win at Guitar Hero? I'd love to see that, and just have a play with Guitar Hero too (suggested by John McKerrell)
  • Wii Tennis tournament! . . . Please!
  • Katie Lips - The Amazing iPhone (insight into the iPhone opportunity for developers and businesses)
  • Paul Stringer - The making of 'Coffee App'
  • Paul Stirnger - An intro to Obj-C and Cocoa from a newbie previous java developers point of view
  • Paul Stringer - Might role out the WebObjects presentation from BarCamp Leeds
  • Paul Robinson - Draft title: You Suck. How Can You Stop That Mattering? :-)
  • osfameron - either Readable Perl or possibly Functional Pe(a)rls (fresh from last weeks London workshop)
  • Don McAllister - Can do something on Podcasting - High Level or Technical
  • Werewulf game - Social hacking game, "mmoooooooo", it's awesome, you get to lie, betray and deceive for the fun of it ;-)
  • Chris D Pickford - Co-operative gaming versus head-to-head, and how to get more people having fun when playing games :)
  • Stephen Clibbery - The 3D Web
  • Chris Lyon - ... and measurement.
  • Startup Stars 'qualifiers' - 1 minute pitches to enter you to the competition to win fabulous prizes!
  • Cristiano Betta - FaceBook vs OpenSocial: The Insides Out
  • Cristiano Betta - BYOG: Bring Your Own Gadget session
  • Adrian McEwen - Getting started in ubiquitous computing with Arduino - slides here
  • Adrian McEwen - Don't Just Change the World... Improve It! - slides here
  • Gillian Hunt (Liverpool Ventures) - Approaching Seed Funds: Guidance for Startups
  • Adrian West (The Edward de Bono Foundation UK) - Thinking in 3D. (offering for Saturday)
  • Michael Nolan - Create a better search engine than Google
  • Simon Kirwan - digital photography, wireless transfer from camera, automatic live upload to web site, images available for download 
  • Caz Mockett - Taking Better Pictures - Every Day
  • John O'Shea - (The Meat Licence Proposal) - Open Source Law
  • Tom Scott - Tom's Big Quiz: just like at BarCampSheffield, only with new questions - and it's anything but traditional questions-and-answers...
  • Alex Nolan - Deconstructing the Capital of Culture
  • Sam Foster - Rigorous Client-Side Development: Maturing Front-End Development Practices. Slides here


We'd also like to see and hear about:

  • New, new video platforms - 12second TV, seesmic etc...?
  • New trends in Game Design?
  • My Last Project - style show and tells?
  • Life hacks - tips and tricks to improve your life.
  • Geeky Quiz (done!)


Any takers?



Saturday Evening Tea Party sponsored by Microsoft!

Announcing the now official Barcamp Tea Party on the Saturday night at nearby Leaf Tea Bar. The event is being sponsored for us by Microsoft (credits to Thom @ Glow New Media for hooking us up!). 

We've managed to snag fine local talent DJ Conrad to keep us entertained when we finally put the laptops away and head for the dance floor. In addition there will be some open source community powered NoWax entertainment so remember to load up Laptops, iPods, Pacemakers, Vinyl etc with your best music, if  you don't like the music you've only got yourselves to blame! If all that weren't enough there is also after a hard days camping going to be a generous bar tab provided to help get you through the evening, it should be one to remember. 

*Many thanks to  Soraya who volunteered behind the scenes is making this shape up to be a barcamp party to remember!* 

  • The venue has been confirmed as the delightful, very cool & very nearby Leaf Tea Bar.
  • 7:30 till late (time to be confirmed).
  • Sumptous leather couched surroundings, WiFi, plugs, projectors
  • The Startup Stars Grand Final and Winners
  • NoWax party + DJ Conrad on the wheels of steel
  • Open Bar (selected boozy frolics and fine leaf teas) till the tab runs out
  • Various other entertainments from Liverpools finest Digi-arty. More details to come.
  • Definitely, definitely not to be missed!


Startup Stars - Competition

There will be a demo competition for startups / ideas, with some great prizes. More info later.



We have a Barcamp Liverpool Website at

Used for general info etc and announcements although I'll also add updates here.



There's a list of Liverpool hotels here:

For people needing an overnight who don't want a hotel / want to organise a mini camp / have space to offer, please add your names here. Note - we're planning a party as many locals would rather do that than the overnight camp however watch this space. 


Looking for accommodation: 

CristianoMelinda - Looking for a place to stay for the overnight on Saturday, optionally also for overnight on Friday. We'd rather stay at a friendly local's place to keep the Barcamp spirit going than staying the night at a hotel.


Tim Waters (chippy) is looking for saturday overnight sofa or floor anywhere. There is no hostel / cheap / or even non-silly priced accomodation left for saturday, it's all booked out! He has now got a sofa to crash on, many thanks!


Venue: What to expect

The Novas CUC is housed in most of a large (ginormous) warehouse which has just been converted into a multi purpose space. The renovation left no luxury spared, and Novas boasts a bar, a cafe, a cinema, a much larger cinema space / theatre, creative spaces for small companies, and a variety of rooms for hire. 


Venue: Kit and Equipment

We'll be taking over part of the 2nd floor for the weekend. Our Barcamp Liverpool space at Novas includes: 

  • Two very large rooms
  • Two smaller breakout rooms
  • Toilets are nearby
  • The venue is wheelchair accessible 


There are loads of power points for you to charge up and plenty of super fast wifi.

We are also providing a projector and AV equipment in each room. In addition there are plenty of tables and chairs to use how we see fit.  We recommend you bring:

  • Your laptop
  • Your iPhone or iPod if you want to DJ at the NoWax event (see 'Party')
  • A power supply so you can keep charged up
  • Special adapters so you can plugin to the projectors if you need them 
  • Geek stuff to share / show and tell - Ian, bring your PaceMaker - we luurvve it!
  • Wiimote with your Wii avatar on it - for Wii Sports contests
  • Geek Stickers... just because!


Things we still need

  • If anyone has a projector we can borrow for the party - please let us now by volunteering it here!
  • Guitar Hero kit?


The area

The Novas CUC is located in the upcoming 'Baltic Triangle District' or is that the 'Artistic Quarter'? It's typified by warehouses fast being renovated and turned into creative spaces. 


As Itchy Liverpool puts it: "Originally known as the 'Artistic Quarter', this had to be changed after it was realised Liverpool had 27 different quarters. In this area of dilapidated warehouses, all the grass roots culture that Liverpool City Council/big business kicked out of the city centre can be found, clinging like lichen to rock." 


Finding the Venue

If you're not from Liverpool we advise getting the train to Liverpool Lime Street.  Virgin Rail operates hourly direct services to Liverpool Lime Street  from London Euston (approx 2.5 hours).


The venue is a 15 -25 minute walk from Lime Street (map) so it's probably best in a taxi if you're not sure where you're going! You could also take a Merseyrail train to James Street or catch the Route S1 bus.


National Trains:

Local Trains: Merseyrail:

Local Travel: Merseytravel:



Our wonderful sponsors:
Confirmed sponsors so far...


Our Media Partner is Liverpool Daily Post.

If you're interested in sponsoring we're still seeking sponsors to support via prizes for the Startup Stars Competition. More info here:


Who's writing about Barcamp Liverpool? 

Daily Post: First ‘unconference’ is on its way to Liverpool

EuroTechEvents: Barcamp Liverpool

Add yourself here if you're blogging the event.

Simon Kirwan on Photoshelter - Live Photos Direct From The Event:


Update Suggested venue for pre barcamp drinks on Friday evening - Fly in the Loaf, Hardman Street (a lovely, central large real ale pub). - A few of us will be there from around 8.00 - for a relaxed, and not too late drink.



Newsflash: Barcamp Liverpool is SOLD OUT!

Rumors are this is the UK's biggest ever Barcamp. Rumors are this is definitely  Liverpool's biggest ever, (well first) technology unconference. People are coming from far and wide - from as far away as London!!! (and also the rest of Europe)! all the way to Liverpool for 2 days of Barcamp fun.


Wait List


If you want to come but don't have a ticket; please email Katie (katie {at} treasuremytext {.com}) and I'll keep a list of people waiting for tickets / see if we can squeeze a few more in....