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Email to Info at Barcamp.my your slides what is your talk about.
Day 1, 26th July
Room | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 17:00 | 18:00 | Lecture Room I | Lifecasting/ Livecasting* | RIA Development via Flex + JRoR | Monetizing YouTube? | Lunch | PowerPoint Karaoke | MyFamilyHealth.com: Prospective Healthcare and Web 2.0 | Introducing Aggressive Web Development | Interesting Web 2.0/Mobile services in China, Japan, India, Kenya and Korea | | Lecture Room II | Life of a GSoC Student | Getting started with Drupal | Building data-driven applications with Drupal | Lunch | CMS Showdown | Multilingual websites with Drupal | An introduction to Drupal module development | Entrepreneur + Developer Gang Bang by Arzumy, Joel Neoh, Kris Khaira and Khailee Ng | Werewolf | Lecture Room III | Widgeous - Changing the Way People Communicate | The OpenMalaysiaBlog Story | Design for Developers | Lunch | Monkeying around with Yahoo! Search | Designing for Serious Games: Applying Gaming to Work & Study | The New Renaissance | Blogging in Malaysia | | Theater | Google Android | Music 2.0: Community Building & Survival Guide | Overview of Windows Presentation Foundation & Silverlight (SilverCamp - Community) | Lunch | Mobile Futures | How to become 25% more productive: Essential free tools for the modern office | Atompub - Beyond blogs | | |
Day 2, 27th July
Room | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Close | Lecture Room I | Digital photography- Saha | Content Delivery Network | Hidden Impact of Higher Mathematics on the World Wide Web | Lunch | This is BarCamp (p2p2p) | Closing and post-mortem: what we did right, what could have been better | Lecture Room II | Online Marketing 2.0 BrainStorm Session - Lim CS | Brunch Combo: Firefox browser extension and theme development - Perry Loh / Chee Aun | Leverage Facebook Now! | Lunch | Social Media Optimization (SMO) for Online Publishers | Closing | Lecture Room III | Recruitment & Social Networking | The Malaysian Free Software Movement: The Way Forward | The IVF Drip - How to Invest, Valuate or Fund an internet start-up | Lunch | Journey of a Silicon Valley Style Startup in Malaysia by Vyasa Kandasamy | Closing | Theater | A Lap Around Silverlight & Expression Studio by Kok Chiann | Entrepreneur + Developer Follow Up Gang Bang by Arzumy, Joel Neoh, Kris Khaira and Khailee Ng | An Hour about Flash Lite by Ikhwan Nazri | Lunch | New Web Technologies: Google Gears with jQuery by Khalid Hilaby and Adobe AIR with ExtJS by Pavel Timofeev | Closing |
Capacity Legend:
- Lecture Room - 48 pax
- Study Room - 40 pax
- Theater - 21 pax
Confirmed Sessions (it's up to you to confirm a session! if you propose a talk, book a slot in the timetable above and move your proposal to this confirmed list)
General Track
Designing for Serious Games: Applying Gaming to Work & Study - Stephen Tang (TARC)
- "Make a Living Doing What You Love" : The Entrepreneur + Developer Gangbang" by Arzumy, Joel Neoh, Kris Khaira, Khailee Ng. Full details here
- Introducing Aggressive Web Development: One of the worlds foremost pioneers in web development shares the revolutionary ways of creating Killer Web Apps and changing the world - MikkoK from GettingPersonal
- Werewolf (Beginners & Experienced Players): Fun group strategy game where the best liar wins - KamalFariz from ZoeCity
- Monetizing YouTube and other on-line videos?: Sharing UrekaLabs solution for a new real-time video advertising medium - RoniShahMustapha from UrekaLabs
- The Malaysian Free Software Movement: The Way Forward: What we have done in the past, where we are now, how we need to move forward and the challenges which lie ahead - DiteshGathani
- The OpenMalaysiaBlog Story: Our the fight for open standards, the legitimization of ODF and the two year standards war surrounding OpenXML. - YongYoonKit from OpenMalaysiaBlog
- RIA development via Flex and JRuby on Rails: A tutorial showing you how to quickly build a Rich Internet Application (RIA) using Adobe Flex and Ruby on Rails - CheeSeng
- Content Delivery Networks (CDN): What are CDNs, why they matter to your web company, a sampling of the available ones in the market, and what is Aflexi. - YuenChiLian
- Freelancing in Malaysia - For Developers: How to charge client, standard rate, contract to protect yourself, ethics - ArzumyMd
- This is BarCamp (P2P2P): Peer to Peer Product Pitch: Campers given 5-10 minutes to demo their product & pitch it to other campers. Campers, can then vote for their favorite & create a development support group around the product. Sort of like a "shadow" support board of directors. Campers can "invest" in their favorite startup. Investments can be anything: money, brainpower, muscles, etc. The most (ala) diggs a pitch receive, gets the limelight. - Nazroll
- The New Renaissance- Malaysia Startup to the World: Panel style. Moderated by DanielCerVentus.
- Monkeying around with Yahoo! Search: An introduction to Yahoo! SearchMonkey, Yahoo! Search's new open platform - SauSheong from Yahoo!
- Online Marketing 2.0 "Brainstorm" Session : Featuring cluetrain, hughtrain, open source and the latest pinko marketing. It's about marketing for the future. - Lim CS. Sneak Peak
- Recruitment & Social Networking: Using the web for finding, matching and managing talent - DanielYst
- Tax Filing Optimization: Tips and secrets to, uh, optimize your tax filing (everything legal, I promise!) - DamienLoo
- PowerPoint Karaoke: We pick a random set of slides, you present them like you know what you're talking about, everyone rofls - KamalFariz
- Music 2.0: Community Building & Survival Guide: For more details, click here - Nazroll
- Hidden Impact of Higher Mathematics on the World Wide Web: - TalatFakhri
- Interesting Web 2.0/Mobile services in China, Japan, India, Kenya and Korea - A look at what local ideas these entrepreneurs are exploiting and how they are monetizing their services. Preetam
- Google Android A developer's perspective - Gavin Bong from Jayway
- How to become 25% more productive: Essential free tools for the modern office - James aka Friedbeef
- Mobile Futures - A presentation on how the convergence of the internet into mobile devices is shaping the future. Henry Wong
- Atompub - Beyond blogs A discussion on how Atompub can be used to provide a REST style interface to your applications. - Mohan
- Brunch Combo: Firefox browser extension and theme development - Here's an introduction to developing browser extensions and themes for Mozilla Firefox. Perry Loh / Chee Aun
- Journey of a Silicon Valley Style Startup in Malaysia by Vyasa Kandasamy - a journey of the first privately owned Microchip Design Company in Malaysia, from startup, funding, operating and the mistakes made.
- An Hour about Flash Lite - know more about flash lite, wth is flash lite ? why? limitations, best practices, and the full details here by Ikhwan Nazri
- ** The IVF Drip - How to Invest, Valuate or Fund an internet start-up by Bernard Leong, Partner of Thymos Capital LLP and founder of SG Entrepreneurs blog.
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