Back to BarCampMalaysia
Volunteer Meetups
Physical: Starbucks KL Sentral / The Gardens Midvalley
Online: Skype room - add kamalfariz and i'll invite you in
- May 29 8:00pm-10:00pm (Done! Great turnout!)
- June 5 8:00pm-10:00pm (Done! Great turnout!)
- June 12 8:00pm-10:00pm (Done! Great turnout!)
- June 19 8:00pm-10:00pm (Done! Great turnout!)
- June 25 8:00pm-10:00pm (Done! Great turnout!)
- July 3 8:00pm-10:00pm
- July 10 8:00pm-10:00pm
- July 24 8:00pm-10:00pm
June 25, 2008 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- Kamal ask if possible to visit venue to get idea of what buntings need to be printed
- Stands are RM40, not rentable
- T-Shirt, cotton, quotation RM17, 150 pieces
- Roshini has contact for RM7 t-shirt in Melaka
- Domino's quotation pending, Nazroll
- Daniel to publicize BarCamp at MDEC event on Monday
- Subway quotation pending, RoniShahMustapha
- Catering quotation pending, RoniShahMustapha
Action Item
- T-Shirt design out and sent to printer by next Thursday - ChingyenThoo
- Barcamp logo to Hafeez - KamalFariz
- Name tag proposal + quotation - MohdHafeez
- To get quotation for nametags like the BarCampPortland one - AizatFaiz
- Template for publicity to various blogs/forums, include part about need to register - DanielCerVentus
- Open up FTP to for installing plugin -
- Fix the ownership for eventbrite site - KamalFariz
- Remove header from eventbrite site - NicolasYip
June 19, 2008 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- Werewolves win. Again.
- Bunting - RM 2.82 / sq. feet - IrisKhoo
- RoniShahMustapha suggests Subway 6" for lunch
- FadhilJomcode volunteered to be the video controller dude -
- RoniShahMustapha to provide an iMac G5 for YouTube video response
- What needs to be done
- Track organization
- Get a running to do list separate from the sponsorship page
- Lots of extension cords - call to action - participant requirement to be in the registration
- Need signs to direct people to location - outside and in building - Nazroll
- Need greeters in the morning
- Need printouts of participant registration for checking off
- Need form to gather walk in registration
- Need 2 people to man registration booth - FadhilJomCode, Damien
- Maintainer of Google Calendar + SMS reminder for speakers - Joeri
- MC of event opening - Khailee
- Rules of BarCamp
- Thank sponsor
- Moving between sessions
- Encourage live documentation - twitter, flickr, blog
- Sponsor logos for bunting / wiki / blog
- Buntings to be printed
- Tshirts to be printed
Action Item
June 12, 2008 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- Announced that we have secured a location thanks to ITrain
- Sponsorship update. New sponsors - we have now on board Adobe, SSM, ZoeCity, ITrain, Exabytes, JomCode and UrekaLabs. We have raised RM2000. Rough estimate is we'll need around RM5000 total to cover food and t-shirt. Majority of it will go to food. (Mental challenge: How many pizzas does it take to feed 150 people?) Cash flow spreadsheet
- Covered the need for community reach out. Created a list to identify such communities -
- Gathered session ideas that people wanted to hear about or teach. List will be updated at
- Will open registration 2 weeks from now - NicolasYip
- Coordinate contacting the media for coverage next week - Nazroll
- Therefore, the blog must be up with content by next week - Khailee
- The werewolves won.
Action Items
- To get pricing for buntings for Sponsor Wall and BarCamp Malaysia 2008 (4 color) - IrisKhoo
- To get pricing for nametags like the BarCampPortland one - AizatFaiz
- To get pricing and size info for t-shirts (men's and women's) - ChingyenThoo
- Gather media contacts from Astro, Media Prima, The Star - Nazroll
- Point domain to the same as the blog at - HongKiat
- Need PSD / AI for barcamp logo - HongKiat
- Spruce up the blog - ArzumyMd's JomCode designer comrade
- Add articles to the blog. Some blog article ideas and series leading up to the event (Khailee / Aizat)
- what is barcamp
- thank sponsor entries
- list of blogs posts covering BarCampMalaysia
- list of volunteers - individual profiles?
- using twitter + #barcampmalaysia hashtag to create a twitter stream from everyone
- open for registration announcement
- featured sessions (interesting, timely, wacky ones)
- use of flickr tag barcampmalaysia to create a photostream from everyone
- use of barcampmalaysia tag for blog posts for technorati, for finding info pre- and post-event
June 5, 2008 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- Firmed the date to July 26-27
- Still looking for venue
Action Items
May 29, 2008 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- barcamp volunteer drive kick off
- explained what barcamp is about
- weekly meetings every thu leading up to the event
- listed out areas where help is needed
- tentative dates: July 19-20 or July 26-27