

Page history last edited by Ian Forrester 15 years, 3 months ago

BarCampManchester2 logo *beta




Manchester's first overnight barcamp follows the city's first ever BarCamp last year in 2008.


What is BarCamp?


BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants who are the main actors of the event. There is a site setup for BarCampManchester2 which has the most up to date information




Historically BarCamp's are held over 2 days with a overnight for late night networking, gaming, discussion, etc. Getting venues to agree to a overnight event is very difficult but not impossible. We're pleased to announce we've found a venue that will let us try an overnight stay in Manchester for the first time - if it's not your thing, that's not a problem, at least we tried. 


So what next?


BarCamps usually start quietly and get more audible as time gets closer to the event. As we confirm venue, dates, etc it will appear on this page. Currently we are confident enough to say the event will happen and that the weekend of November 7th. For updates, keep an eye on Twitter users @cubicgarden, @andrewdisley and @tdobson and the hashtag #bcman2


Event details:


  • Date: November 7th - 8th
  • Cost: Zero
  • Venue: Contact Theatre
  • Tickets Available: a few


Getting involved:


If you would like to be one of the co-organisers of the event add your name below. Please note, this includes getting sponsorship, sorting out food and drink, meetings at the venue during the coming months and a lot of responsibility. Aka do not put your name down unless you're very committed and can for example make meetings at short notice. There's only 2 or 3 positions available for co-organisers. If you would like to help out closer to the date with the actual event running, add your name to the next list under helpers. Likewise, if you'd like to sponsor this unique BarCamp, add your details under Sponsors and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. And finally if you're interested in coming to the event, add your name to the participation section. It would be helpful if you can say if you'd like to stay overnight too.





Helpers signup:



Interested in sponsoring:



Participation signup:


Please note, this is not the official signup page, you can get tickets here.



Out of town?


We expect like BarCampLondon, we will provide a small number of international tickets as soon as possible.


Because of the nature of overnight BarCamps, they tend to attract national and international participations. Manchester can sometimes be a very expensive city to stay in if for example Manchester United or even Manchester City are playing at home against a decent team. Hotels are best booked in advance once you know you know for certain you have a ticket (not just signed up above). Manchester does have a couple of YMCA's and lots of budget hotels/B&B's if you look around a bit. Couchsurfing is another cheap way to stay in Manchester cheaply. Remember you will only really need to book one night on the Friday before if you bring your sleeping bag.




The best way to get to Manchester is by Train, Piccadilly is the main train station but Victoria, Oxford Road, Deansgate and even Salford Central will get you into the City Centre. Like the hotels it's best to book well in advance rather that leave it to the last moment. Theres a free city centre bus service which can get you around plus the Tram should be running alongside the normal bus services.




Manchester's International Airport is just south of Manchester and is great if you're coming from Europe. It takes about 30mins to get from the Terminal to central Manchester. Liverpool Airport is another consideration for cheap flights from Europe and the UK. You can get a coach from the terminal to central Manchester in just over a hour and for as low as 9 pounds return.




You can park over night and during the day at the venue 

for a cost of about 4-5 pounds.




You can download and use the BarCampManchester2 Logo by looking through the Flickr Page



Social Tags for the event


  • Please use the tag BarCampManchester2 or for microblogging #bcman2 
  • For the Upcoming Photo Feed tag Flickr photos upcoming:event=4241596




Ideas for talks


  • Would be great to get some more music making talks
  • Andrew Williams: Thinking of giving either a talk on "Wiimotes & Linux" or "Tikitag: in Python"
  • Sam Smith: Can give a talk on "Tech stuff AFK"
  • Katie Lips: Working with mobile / cool iPhone stuff / making mobile content 'meaningful'


What you'd like to hear about from others...


  • Would be fantastic to hear from the Open Rights Group
  • J: hacking social media? accessibility? 
  • Katie Lips: Building your own physics engine for iPhone (if we can convince the Little World Gifts Tech team!)
  • Katie Lips: I'd like to hear about crowd sourcing, creative commons in practice, and 'open approaches' to getting things done...
  • trust in social media, a change in culture occuring, citizen engagement


Ideas/questions for the BarCamp Planning team


  • It would be good if there was more filming of each sessions
  • Why not have a party or meet for drinks on the Friday before the weekend, could be useful for people out of town to mingle beforehand
    • Rain Bar? shall we book the top floor? - IanF - Andrew Disley is working on this
  • Will there be food for Veggies and Vegans?
    • Should people put there preference next to there names?
  • Could be good to have more conversational spaces - IanF we aim to have lots of these this time around
  • Will there be a hack, hardware mash space? IanF - Should be and other types of spaces
  • Can under 18's come to the barcamp? IanF - Yes, but there will be a bar asking for ID
  • I am a blogger with a interest in coming along but is BarCamp just for technical people? IanF - No BarCamp is not technical, it depends on the crowd of people who feed into the event. aka if you want it to be less techie, give a talk about something non-technical, others might follow.
    • stemount: This hasn't been the case before - have been some interesting non-techie presentations; I vaguely remember "how to live an awesome life" from Barcamp Leeds.


Other close by BarCamps