BarCampMoneyNYC2008 was a success!
Some pictures and tweets from the BarCampMoneyNYC 2008 event.
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Kickoff call Friday 1/25 @ 11AM EST. 231-644-8000 ext 425328# to participate.
Share your commitment level and venue/topic ideas below by EOD Sunday 1/27.
We need a venue! Please work on your venue leads and plumb your rolodex for ideas, thanks!
Status call Thursday Feb 7, time TBD.
Venue found! Call to discuss Tuesday Feb. 19 at 4PM.
*Note:* You MUST rsvp in order to get into BarCampMoneyNYC. The lobby security will be going off the list we provide, and if you're not on the list we cannot guarantee you entry.
BarCampMoneyNYC 2008 is an ad-hoc gathering for the people who work in, cover or seek to revolutionize the finance industry to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from all attendees. It costs nothing to attend, but there is a price: all attendees must either lead a discussion, give a demo, participate in a session/discussion, or help out the Camp in some way. To get a flavor for what this gathering might be like, check outBarCampBankSeattle, the first BarCampBank held in the U.S., July of 2007.
Saturday, April 12th 9AM - 5PM.
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
1301 Avenue of the Americas (between 52nd & 53rd street)
40th Floor
*Note:* You MUST bring a *photo ID* with you on Saturday. You will NOT be able to get past lobby security without a photo ID.
I'm still a little unclear about this...
Imagine a set of rooms with tables, chairs, A/V systems, whiteboards and projectors. Imagine a big, blank schedule board in the common area. Imagine some of the most interesting people in the NYC Finance Industry showing up at 9:00 AM (on a Saturday!) to sign up for a slot on the schedule board to discuss the finance-technology-related topics they are most passionate about. What will the topics be? It depends on who shows up! (Check out the Proposed Sessions list for a preview of the possibilities). This Camp will be run in Open Space: sessions are determined by writing your topic on a PostIt Note and sticking it onto the schedule (see photo here:schedule example). Something on your mind? Write it down and put it on the schedule. BarCamps operate on the Two-Feet principle - if you don't like a session you've chosen to be in, you are free to get up and find another one.
Press Release/Sponsorship Packet
Press Release Packet
I want to attend!
Where do I/we stay?
- Can you provide accomodations for an out-of-town guest? Add your name here.
Use CrowdVine to connect with people are coming, before, during, and after BarCampMoneyNYC.
Proposed Sessions
Add the discussion you intend to lead, or suggest a discussion you'd like to participate in. (Please include the discussion title with your registration, but feel free to use this space as well, if you'd like to be more descriptive.)
- Fundraising into the downturn. Jason Mendelson and Will Price have good blog posts up on this topic. I'd like a discussion that is localized to east coast venture and NYC. JonahKeegan
- Payment processing. I'd love to see an overview of this industry. What's the supply chain on a typical consumer facing transaction and who are the players at each step of the way? JonahKeegan
>> I can provide this overview. In fact, Prepaid Resources is launching a 10-course seminar on the prepaid industry, entitled "Solving the Prepaid Puzzle". BarryKessler
- Covestor, Cake, VesTopia, Thrive... there are big bets being made on the web2.0 revolution capturing share in the investment management space. Who's winning? What are the differences between the market leaders? How big can this get? JonahKeegan
- Would love to hear about the effects of the subprime mortgage meltdown. How are NYC hedge funds / institutions dealing with it? Are there opportunities opening up because of it? JackPo
- How does the rise of several successful web companies in the first and second generations of the internet relate to the yet un-disrupted personal finance space. What lessons are there for us to learn, what patterns make themselves apparent, and what are the drawbacks/pitfalls of competing in this clearly lucrative yet difficult space? Avi Karnani
- How do small financial institutions stay relevant into today's technology driven world? How can they attract customers if they don't have the bleeding websites that 20 year olds are looking for? Sewell Tang
- How do online financial communities overcome - or possibly enhance - the conventional relationships between investors and their advisors (brokers, money managers, accountants, etc.)? Wayne Mulligan
- Payday loans (aka domestic microcredit) - the next phase of p2p lending? risks? opportunities? JonahKeegan
- Stockmeme: a website to track the interplay/impact of media and the markets. JonahKeegan
- Rich Internet Applications (RIA) for finance - what can we do now that we have Flex, Silverlight, AIR, etc. that we couldn't do before? PaulDlug
- Open Source analytics/trading systems - toward stream processing and real time data mining. PaulDlug
- Over 6000 angel investors in over 325 networks in over 27 countries are currently processing and collaborating on over 1200 early stage business plans each month through a single Web 2.0 platform. Discuss Angelsoft's plans to expand the platform to other constituencies and open its APIs for outside development.
- Sam Huleatt & Vishy Venugopalan presenting on the future of the office. Old-guard firms and business models (such as those found among financial services firms) are facing major changes. We'll look at the edgeeconomy, social media and web 2.0's impact on the enterprise. Very interactive session.
- Open Investment Research. How can investors extract value from the huge amount of free information and great diversity of perspectives available from blogs and other social media? What tools do investors need to manage information overload and manage research? How might rigorous equity research be done collaboratively? AdrianHeilbut
- I will talk about my recent project MYPOCKET, the personal spending prediction software, and Meta-Markets, an experimental stock market for trading socially networked creative products. BurakArikan
Tags for flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.
Please use the tag barcampmoneynyc for content related to this event.
Everyone is strongly encouraged to bring your laptop/blackberry/iPhone/camera, and record/take notes/photograph/blog/tweet/podcast the sessions, conversations and your impressions. There is wifi at the event location.
- Jonah Keegan
- Andrew Jean
- Morriss Partee
- Sewell Tang
- []
Who else is running Financial BarCamps?
There are more BarCamps covering the world of finance scheduled for this spring, and I guarantee that if you like one, you'll like them all! If you'd like to check out the activities of our compatriots in New England and the Bay Area, you can find them at:
- BarCampBank - The master site for the BarCampBank revolution.
BarCampBankSeattle The first BarCampBank! Held in July, 2007.
- BarCampBankSF - Saturday, March 29, 2008 - UC Berkeley campus, Soda Hall in the Wozniak Lounge.
- BarCampBankNewEngland - Saturday, April 5th, 2008 - America's Credit Union Museum, 418-420 Notre Dame Street, Manchester, NH (N 42°59'35.87", W 071°28'33.18").
- BarCampBankLondon - In production.
- BarCampBankCharlotte - In production.
- BarCampBankDallas - In production.
- BarCampBankParis6 - In production.
Organizers info -- If you want to get involved contact jonah at doradocapitalinc dot com.