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Page history last edited by pbworks 6 years, 10 months ago

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For information on helping with the next BarCampNYC, see:




BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. The event doesn't cost any money, but there is a price: all attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one.  Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn are welcome and invited to join. When you come, be prepared to share with barcampers.  When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world. 



Event Details 

BarCampNYC4 has a home! NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program @ the Tisch School of the Arts has graciously offered to host our event on May 30-31 at their space at 721 Broadway.  For those familiar, this is the same place that's opened up to the public every December and May for ITP's Winter and Spring Shows, when students showcase their creative, innovative projects for all to see.


Saturday, May 30, and Sunday, May 31, 2009 


NYU ITP, 721 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003 (Between Waverly Pl. & Washington Pl.) MAP

On the Web


What's everyone going to talk about?

See what people are planning to speak about and add yourself to the sessions list:


Who's Tagging? 

Please use the tag "barcampNYC4" for all your tagging needs. 


Direct Links

BarCampNYC3 Archives


Name Email
Tony Bacigalupo my name at gmail
MaxWhitney maxatbarcamp AT gmail.com
Frederic Guarino fredericguarino AT gmail.com
Roman Fichman Roman AT TheLegalist.com
EricSkiff skiff AT clipmarks.com
Noel Hidalgo noel@noneck.org
Michael Donohoe michael IS AT THE ifelse DOT org
Michael Galpert mgalpert via the gmail
Bonnie Sandy atogunared AT gmail dot com

jonathanpberger at gmail, twitter, etc

Peter Chislett

peter AT chislett DOT com

Karen Schrier kschrier at gmail dot com
Sarah Cooley sarah.k.cooley AT gmail.com
Yuri Niyazov yuri dot niyazov at gmail
Peter Laudati peterlau AT microsoft DOT com
Alexis Rondeau alexis dot rondeau at google mail dot com 
Matt Cooperrider

mattcooperrider at ye old gmail

Alicia Gibb amgibb at gmail

Suggested theme:

From Noel: Technology to save the world. 

From MattCoop: Open organizing to protect the commons