

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

A BarCamp will be held in downtown Paris during BarCampEarth.

If you are interested and want to join us but don't know how to, just contact us and we will do it for you and explain to you:


BarCamp Earth at Paris Valois

August 26th 02pm

27th 10pm, 2006


4 place de Valois 75001 Paris (Métro Palais Royal)

The main theme is "Medias and Proximity".


Our approach focuses on the new internet uses available to enhance lifestyle, business and democracy.

Join us and come give a hand !



Please register under "People who are attending"


Many efforts are deployed to maintain a correct level of translation for the English-speaking Community. Feel free and welcome to give us a hand to translate the most interesting demos and articles into Shakespeare's language.



What is a barcamp? What does Wikipedia say?


Bar camp Earth is a simultaneous compendium of Barcamps around the world to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the first-ever BarCamp taking place August 25-27, 2006.


BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.





People who are attending: (includes session plans, how you can help, what you can bring...)


Join us here & come give a hand:


People who are interested but unsure if they can be there:



When ?

26th-27th of August 2006, 2PM till dinner on saturday (a party is being planned!), 11AM till 10PM on sunday.


Venue & location :

Valois Offices: Viabloga, IGenerator & Alice's Offices on saturday, The great ballroom on sunday (max a 100 attendees)


How to get there ?

4, place de Valois, 75001, Paris

Metro: Palais Royal or Bourse

Located downtown Paris, just nearby The Louvres Museum, in Between Conseil d'Etat & Ministry of Culture.

Have a sky view from wikimapia (tag Place de Valois) :


Housing :

For all the people who come from somewhere else, we can get rooms in a hostel downtown Paris for 20€ a night including breakfast. (Impossible to compete with!). Book before the 23rd...




  • please enroll here


English speaking discussion


Click the blue button « Comments » on the top of the page



French Buzz


BarCampFrance BarCampParis