

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago

Bar Camp Portland Meetups

The intent is to get a group of cool people interested in technology together to chat over drinks on the fourth Thursday of every month. We will continue to plan more large-sale events (such as BarCamp and Ignite Portland), so please add yourself to the Google Group if you are interested in attending / helping to organize another event in Portland.


The Meetup Organizers

DawnFoster & RavenZachary


Upcoming Meetups!




Time: 5:30PM - 7:30PM

Where: Jive Software Office (On Alder near 3rd) Parking is available in a nearby parking garage, and it is short walk from the Max.

Sponsored by:

Jive Software


Get BarCamp Portland Announcements and Attend Future Meetups

Sign up for our Google Group to get email announcements about future meetups and BarCampPortland. We will also post any last minute changes for the event to the Google Group.


We have also created a BarCamp Portland Google Calendar for upcoming events dna


Information about previous meetups archived on the BarCampPortlandMeetupsPast page