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Page history
last edited
by Thomas Baxter 7 years, 11 months ago
BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Participants drive the event. Its free & open to all. You can sign up to come along on this page.
To edit this page: password is c4mp
BarCamp Scotland will be held on Saturday the 2nd of February 2008 from 10.00 to 21.00 GMT in the Concourse of the Appleton Tower at the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The night before on Friday, the 1st of February, BarCampScotland will be launch with a cocktail party and presentations on "Digital Arts, Sound Design and Media" in the Alison House in the School of Architecture at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland. BarCamp Scotland will start at 18.00 on Friday and end at 21.00. wino kredyt mieszkaniowy sprzedam mieszkanie sprzedam bilet
Friday night will be "Digital Arts and Media"; Saturday's theme will be "Web 2.0, Social Networking (Facebook especially), The Intersection of Arts and Informatics, The Intersection of Cleantech and Information Technology, Mobile applications, Open Innnovation, Software as a Service, Consumer robotics applications, Educational Software, eLearning, Web 3.0 and Virtual Worlds and Environments".
Partly sponsored by the European Union through ERDF funding
Geo :
Alison House: 55° 56' 46 N, 3° 11' 11 W
Appleton Tower: 55° 56' 40 N, 3° 11' 13 W
King's Buildings: 55° 55' 18 N, 3° 10' 34 W
Event tags:
barcampscotland2008, barcampscotland, barcamp, upcomingevent409655
Media Sharing and Tags
Upload all photos to Flickr , all presentations to Slideshare, all videos to Youtube; use the tags BarCampScotland2008 and BarCamp.
Opening Remarks
Watch the opening session and attendees introduction
Streamed and archived via Qik, by Ewan Spence
Flickr: The BarCampScotland Pool. Quicklink to some photos from BarCamp Scotland 2008 & 2007.
Food, Drink & Accommodation
Food and drink provide during the event (sponsors - this is your chance to make a mark!)
Accommodation - got a room available or looking for somewhere to stay? Craigs List Edinburgh
Event details
- Friday 1 February 2008, 18.00-22.00 (flexible), ALISON HOUSE - main room, School of Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Edinburgh
- Saturday 2 February 2008, 10am-6pm (flexible), APPLETON TOWER - Concourse, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
- Cost: free
- NEWLY, RENOVATED LOCATION: APPLETON TOWER - Concourse , School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Central Campus, George Square, 11 Crichton Street, EH8 9LE on Saturday.
- How to get there: Map; The Appleton Tower is located on George Square at the Central Campus of the University of Edinburgh. Look for a massive building under construction -- that is the NEW School of Informatics, otherwise known as the Forum. Appleton Tower sits right next to it (to the south). Enter Appleton Tower from the Crichton Street side. The Concourse (main Lobby) is on the 1st Floor.
- Please be forewarned that there is little parking in the area, so we highly recommend public transportation. Waverley Station in Edinburgh is just a 10 minute walk away, and many bus routes serve the area.
- What to bring: Laptop, extra powerstrips, some idea what you would like to share / talk about, an open mind
You can sign up here (by editing this wiki - click 'edit page' above, password is c4mp) and/or at Up Coming, if you're into that. Someone'll catch the duplication and make sure it all fits together!
- Graeme Mathieson, director of Rubaidh Ltd, co-organiser of Scotland on Rails and Jedi Master of Ruby on Rails.
- Jake Broadhurst, University of Edinburgh -- online distance learning & partnership development
- Michael Clouser, Edinburgh-Stanford Link
- Elliot Coyote, Midlothian (Edinburgh) (Binary trading)
- Sian Bayne, University of Edinburgh's MSc in eLearning
- Danny Helson, Edinburgh-Stanford Link
- Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats
- David Richardson, School of Informatics
- Dave Robertson, Scottish Property News
- John Murray, Scottish Enterprise
- Jon Mountjoy, MemeStorm Ltd, O'Reilly Media
- Robert Jones, FreeMIS, ScotEduBlogs
- Tess Watson, ESO East Lothian Council
- Brian Cunningham, Owner, The Illicit Still.
- Andrew Back, Osmosoft
- James Littlejohn, aboynejames
- Joe Halliwell
- Patrick Hadfield
- Tim Howgego
- Francesca Elston
- Jamie Clague, Terinea IT Systems
- Mike Coulter, Creative Director, DigitalAgency
- Gordon Guthrie CEO/CTO of Hypernumbers.com (snappy slogan - doing for numbers what hypertext did for text) a Linlithgow-based internet startup that is one of the Seedcamp winners of 2007 talking about the Hypernumbers product and raising venture capital
- Hasan Veldstra, developer at Hypernumbers.
- Max Manders
- Naomi Nunn, School of Informatics
- Sharath Chandra School of Informatics Interactive virtual music communities
- Daniel Winterstein, Winterwell Associates -- a mathematics/AI consultancy firm. We're also working on a chaotic fiction/ARG project
- Jonathan Street
- Lilly Hunter, e-marketing, Scottish Environmental Technology Network- SETN, LINK.
- Pallav Nadhani, FusionCharts Team, InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd.
- Morna Findlay, School of Informatics talking about how Scottish universities have started to work together to increase interest in computer science, rather than only competing for students!
- Taghi Paksima, School of Informatics
- Lilian Edwards
- Michael Armstrong (Virtual reality)
- Rachel Ramon Fun to Mass - Belladrum Tartan Heart 2008
- Olly Jackson
- Paul Farnell, Litmus
- John Sutherland
- Andy Cavers, EdinburghMenus.com
- Tane Piper Interested in Python, Django and Distributed Version Control (Mercurial)
- Anthony Bailey
- Gavin Brogan HeavyWeightGeek
- Tony Lucas FlexiScale Explaining Utility Computing and the fun of building a new technology platform from scratch.
- Paul Herron
- Lee Allen
- Cole Henley RCAHMS & TINY v
- Fearghas McKay
- Alistair Brown
- Dan Champion Champion IS & Blether. Something about SEO or mooching.
- Bruce Scharlau, Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen: Why have student assessments with ten items in the database, when you can use REST to get 10,000?
- Paul Codd MacDonald
- James Love
- Keith Falconer, Scottish Enterprise Glasgow
- Bonamy Grimes, Skyscanner
- Jon Shapcott
- Matt Riggott: interested in Python, Django, geocoding, and web-based APIs.
- Ingi Helgason, School of Computing, Napier University
- Lisa Moffat, School of Computing, Napier University
- Andrzej Dzirba, TartanProject - websites design and development company, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Rory Fitzpatrick
- Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh, W3C Social Web XG Chair
- Dave Archer
- Ray Land, University of Strathclyde
- Milk Miruku, Edinburgh based geek
- Kyle MacRae, founder of Scoopt.com
- Maciej Zurawski, Linguit Ltd.
- Diwakar Thakore, Linguit Ltd.
- Tiphaine Dalmas, Linguit Ltd.
- Dr Jochen Leidner, Linguit Ltd., formerly Royal Society of Edinburgh Enterprise Fellow (2006/7), formerly Research Fellow, School of Informatics [try our new Wikipedia Search Engine]
- Hugh Hancock, Artistic Director of Machinima creators Strange Company / author of Machinima for Dummies / Director of Creative Commons feature film BloodSpell
- Petteri Hietavirta, relocating Java guy, quick presentation about Code Camp concept
- Tony Black - Currently working on TLG Education online community project and Head of Music for Radio Magnetic
- Danielo Olivera [http://www.kenodeke.co.uk)
- David Farrell-Shaw, Scottish Enterprise. http://www.flickr.com/photos/davishaw/ , http://davisha.typepad.com/designtests/
- Florian Dargel, always looking to talk to interesting people.
- Jay Munasinghe
- Keira Sinclair - Marketing, DF Concerts
- Dave Murray-Rust - Multi-touch Table
- Fiona Littleton - Second Life Educational Development, MSc in eLearning, University of Edinburgh
- Pankaj Kankaria - MSc Management, Blog - Share your Ideas..., University of Edinburgh
- Robert Cannon textensor.com
- Fred Howell textensor.com - developers of A.nnotate.com - shared notes on documents online and also PublicationsList
- Ewan Spence www.ewanspence.com, will probably present something around "Social Gaming, Web 2.0 Constructs, and Freedom of Expression"
- Jono Ellis
- Mariusz Pankiewicz
- Antony Little
- Daniel Phillips
- Mori Mansouri
- Barry Keenan - works with Rails, interested in web2 & UI design.
- Hanna Sommerseth, University of Edinburgh
- Derek Jackson C-Media Creativity and education funded by advertising - Scotvid.com YouTube for Scotland.
- Barbara Stoklosa
- Mark C. Rutter -Internet Developer, own start-up
- Austin Tate - Collaborative Systems, Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Worlds
- Ai Austin - Virtual Worlds for education, research & collaboration
- Jamie Adams - Coriolis Media Ltd
- Ed Molyneux, Founder and CEO, FreeAgent Central - an Edinburgh-based startup doing online money management for Freelancers.
- Andy Hyde
- Steven Livingstone
- Philip Hunt, includipedia.com - an inclusionist fork of Wikipedia
- Robert Hutchison
- Fraser Nevett
- Lorna Pellet
- Colin Mitchell (Hotels in Edinburgh)
- Erik Oganesian
- Bryce Miller
- Idong Usoro co-founder and CEO of Infollect Ltd
- Babatunde Oremule Marketing Director at Dreams International
- Guy Logan, Former founder of Reevoo.com
- David Martin
- Maxim Clouser
- Michele Clouser
- Matisse Clouser
- Tim Willis, Flexpansion - Flexible Text Expansion, a new way of speeding up text entry on electronic devices.
- Mo Lian
- John-Henry Dale - Musician/DJ/Composer(Digital Jones/Demdranger)-[myspace.com/digitaljones]
- Kieu-Anh Tran
- Jessica Williamson
- Aditya Kedia, AEGON Asset Management, UK India Business Council.
- Bola Gibson, LLoyds TSB.
- Simon Wilkinson
- Yuan Yuan
- Kun Fu
- Richard Saville-Smith & Gillian Ferguson - PoetryZoo
- Parag K. Mital. Interests in Eye-tracking, Interactive Storytelling, Augmented Interactive Environments for Visual/Sonic Arts and Education, New Media Communities.
- Neil Collman, Creative Director at Careershifters.org
- John Turner, CTO, Mobile Healthcare Networks
- Kate Farrell (AKA Digitalkatie)
- Sean Farrell
- Louis Farrell (aged 20 days)
Please help make this come together. Add your sponsorship or offering below.
- www.skyscanner.net very keen to help out with sponsorship - please contact me: kirsten@skyscanner.net
- XCalibre (FlexiScale) are happy to considering sponsoring if anything is left outstanding, drop us an e-mail.
- Tony Black can offer podcasting/audio recording services if anyone wishes. mail me
Many thanks to
for their generous support and especially for providing the space, wifi, chair rental, and food and beverage at the end of the event!
These organizations deserve a special thanks for helping to spread the word of the event:
Add links to blog postings here:
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