Dec 13th, 2008 at the Cabin Inn at the City Museum in beautiful downtown St. Louis.
Let's get a bunch of St. Louis geeks and friends together and do something!
LIVEBLOGSTL - click here for info, links from sessions, contact info, etc....
http://twemes.com/barcampstl : see the conversations
Flickr Set - Please join and add pics here, http://www.flickr.com/groups/barcampstl/
BarCamps are an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees.
Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join.
When you come, be prepared to share with barcampers.
When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.
You gotta start somewhere, and that somewhere is here.
Wondering what a barcamp is?
http://www.barcamp.org/WhatToExpect might help you out.
(or try this for some planning tips or Amit's reflections on must-dos here)
And here are the RULES.
Contact Ryan Keeter at http://twitter.com/ryankeeter (ryan(dot)keeter(at)gmail) if you'd like. And put your name below...
You can also email Lori at lori(dot)e(dot)white(at)gmail(dot)com, or http://twitter.com/tojosan aka Todd. But maybe you should just email Ryan up there, and he'll forward the emails to the right folks.
BarCampSTL has an email address, too! barcampstl(at)gmail(dot)com
Or other people if they'll just add their emails!
Donations and Sponsorhip
We are accepting donations for this event via paypal. If you'd like to donate, email barcampstl)gmail(dot)com and we'll talk!
Network Solutions, is a very generous sponsor for this event...they're based here in the Midwest (Belleville, IL to be exact!)
Network Solutions is a domain registrar with many other services, they actively develop many social sites such as MySolutionSpot.com and Linktogether.com, they have been a fantastic sponsor and we hope to have their sponsorship in the future as well!
The historic, beautiful and funky Cabin Inn at the City Museum (!)
Dec 13th, 2008 10-5pm
-We are planning to hit lunch from noon till 1:30 (downtown STL is swamped with wonderful places to eat). This is a social event, we want to get people together, and facilitate some great ideas.
- There's a rehabber's club party at 5:30pm at Foam on Cherokee...or great funk/soul w/ Eli Jones at the Grammophone at 8-ish?
Like it? Get the word out!
Blog about it, make commercials on vimeo, design a tshirt! Twitter about it, tell people you see in real life about it! Think of people who should know about it and tell them! You have email, it will be easy.
...and connect with the people!
BarCampSTL Facebook Group
BarCampSTL Dec 2008 Event on FB
and here are those people (just add your twitter handle):
Ideas ?? (everyone submit yours! go crazy, please):
Why not use barcamp as a way to make ourselves AND St. Louis even better? http://barcamp.org/barcampnola
did something similar, and they did it well.
Here's a quote from their site : "I'd like to find a struggling small business we could help immediately with a new site or enhanced Web services. Spend a weekend cranking as a team and launch the thing at the end of the weekend. We can get help from our friends everywhere with regard to code, design, ideas. Brains, we have them at the ready."
We are the people we've been waiting for!
Ryan Keeter - ryan(dot)keeter(at)gmail , http://twitter.com/ryankeeter, [http://ikeeter.com]
Todd Jordan - tojosan(at)gmail(dot)com, http://twitter.com/tojosan, The Broad Brush
Mike Flynn - mike(at)hellyeahbitch(dot)com, http://hellyeahbitch.com, ToastedRav.com (Not 100%, but here's hoping!)
Mike Austin - mike.austin(at)shopr(dot)com, http://twitter.com/mike_austin
Robert Hanlon - robert.hanlon(at)shopr(dot)com
Susan - www.twitter.com/susanisk www.susanisk.com
Don K. - krutewicz(at)gmail(dot)com http://www.twitter.com/dtothek
Will Sullivan - yowill(at)gmail(dot)com http://www.journerdism.com
Jim Durbin - socialmediaheadhunter, gmail account. http://www.socialmediaheadhunter.com, smheadhunter (Twitter)
Matt Homann (if back from London in time) - matt(at)lexthink(dot)com www.nonbillablehour.com; www.lexthink.com
Steven Chau - whereisciao at mac dot com - http://www.twitter.com/whereisciao
Marianne Richmond http://resonancepartnership.com marianne.richmond@gmail.com marianne (Twitter)
Aravind Kannan http://twitter.com/netcitizen (will try my best to attend )
Lori White - http://iamlori.com - I have laryngitis! But I will be there with a sketchpad and whispers.
Karen Goodman http://www.archcityhomes.com karen at archcityhomes.com
Lori Feldman http://www.TheDatabaseDiva.com
Amy Mandlman mand54611 at aol
Ideas for presenting...
Joe The Plumber - How the Internet is like a plumbing network
Cloud Computer, Windows Azure, and how it affects the future of our lil' Interweb
OAuth, What, Why, How? - Methodology for API authorization.
The Great Failure of Social Media: Online Isn't Enough.
Social Media & Censorship
Mike Flynn - I'd love to help with anything: Intro to MVC programming, social networking/media with ToastedRav, XFN, APIs, pretty much anything anyone has a question about...let me know!
Blogging for good - actually contributing something, social capital
- also community/pinko marketing, writing for the web,
Social Media for Small Business - how to sell and measure results.
Building a Tech Community one event at a time - Sharing my experience about the Kansas City Tech Community from small disconnected groups into a united front for a common purpose. -- Chau
Introduction to E-Textiles and the Lilypad - a short introduction to the emerging field of e-textiles with the Lilypad micro-controller. -- Chau
Actual Presentations...
Blog Badges and Logos
Below are the logos and badges (and .psd's) that you can post on your blog (it would be awesome if we could get the word out!)
PSD's for the below items:
Presentation and Attending Badges (the dimensions are 240px by 315px, if you need them smaller, you can use the PSD above to do it in Photoshop, or email me at ryan(dot)keeter(at)gmail with what you need and I'll make it for ya)
300 px image

500 px image

650 px image

St. Louis Welcomes Technology “Un-Conference”
BarCamp St. Louis to be Held December 13
(ST. LOUIS – Nov. 11, 2008) St. Louisians interested in the ever-evolving world of technology and social media will have the opportunity to soon learn and share knowledge locally.
BarCamp St. Louis will be held on Saturday, December 13 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the City Museum, located at 701 North 15th St. in Downtown St. Louis, Mo.
BarCamp is an international network of user generated conferences — open, participatory workshop-events, whose content is provided by participants — often focusing on early-stage web applications, and related open source technologies, social protocols, and open data formats. The December event will mark the first BarCamp to be held in the St. Louis area.
"The advantage of BarCamp setting is that anyone can present; participants are not only encouraged, but expected to share their knowledge through social interaction and group communication rather than formal, individual presentations," said BarCamp St. Louis Organizer Ryan Keeter. “While topics typically cover the technology and social media spectrum, the ‘un-conference’ format allows attendees to move the conversation.”
BarCamp St. Louis is free and open to the public, bur registration is requested. For more information, visit: http://www.barcamp.org/BarCampSTL. Interested sponsors are encouraged to contact BarCamp St. Louis Organizer Ryan Keeter.