

Page history last edited by Christopher Dwan 15 years, 3 months ago


View the Schedule



  • Who: you, and approximately 299 friends (register - tickets are $25 and include party, T-Shirt, coffee and lunch)
  • When:
    • Friday Evening, October 2nd, 2009 for the Kick-off Party
    • Saturday (All day), October 3rd, 2009, for BarCamp
  • Where:

What is Barcamp?

BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. 

All attendees are encouraged to give a demo, a session, a presentation, or help with one. All attendees are expected to be participants. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall. 

Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present. 

Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join. 

See also: BarCampVancouverDemoCampVancouverFacebookCampVancouverMobileCampVancouver 


Here are our current sponsors: BarCampVancouver2009Sponsors 

Were you interested in sponsoring BarCamp Vancouver 2009?

At this point we've filled in all of the sponsor slots for this year, so please hold that thought, and perhaps you can be a sponsor next year.

IRC Channel #barcampvancouver | Web Chat 



The Schedule Jam will start at about 9:30, so if you plan on presenting, this is the time to get a slot. A schedule of the times, rooms and their approximate capacity is here


BarCampVancouver2009Planning - Want to see how we've been planning the event? Here's the details on the meetings we had and other planning notes   


Fill 'em in here. Sessions will be selected and slotted during the Scheduling Jam on Saturday morning.

  • Open Sourcing the Law (tentatively based on by Martin Ertl and Zak Greant
  • Intelligent Media Monitoring Dashboards - Kris Krüg
  • Linked Data and International Organizations - Aaron Gladders, 2Paths.  I've got a talk we've done before and can show a functional prototype we developed based on our prior work
  • Know Thyself: What makes us happy and how marketing manipulates our core desire(s) (You can download the slides here - Ray Kanani
  • The Mobile Web: stats, howtos, trends and anything else you'd like know - Brian LeRoux, Nitobi Software 
  • The Accidental Activist: mobilize a cause in one day and still get home in time for dinner (a case study of the Vancouver Critical Manners ride) - Jennifer Watkiss of Critical Manners Vancouver
  • "Twanguages: a language census of Twitter", and what I learned from data mining via the Twitter API and Python. I'm presenting Twangauges at the Unicode Conference in San José two weeks later, so I'll have material prepared.  — Jim DeLaHunt, multilingual websites consultant.
  • The OpenKollab Project - Suresh Fernando... A community that we are developing to drive collaboration as well as build the next generation collaboration infrastructure.
  • Anahita Social Engine ™ a light and scalable open source platform and MVC framework for building any type of Social Websites developed by Rastin Mehr ( rmd Studio Inc. ) and Ash Sanieyan ( Peerglobe Technology Inc. ).
  • Vancouver Co Working - do we need a community co working space? an open discussion on the importance of a physical gathering point for the local tech community - facilitated by BorisMann
  • Federated Microblogging: for startups or for media organizations, does it make sense to start owning our own microblogging networks rather than relying on the Twitter single point of control, single point of failure? BorisMann
  • After the Walk - early in the day photowalk slot (or during lunch) nearby followed by an afternoon session slot to review/critique the photowalk shots & discuss various post processing techniques & workflows. John Biehler & Scott Prince 
  • Social Media and Educational Institutions: High, Lows and Silos - How to enable wide spread adoption and collaboration within large institutions - a discussion from the frontline. Kemp Edmonds (blog) (working journal)
  • Building better bridges between industry and education: How can the IT industry and post-secondary institutions work together to educate the next generation of coders and creatives - a discussion to come up with ideas, initiatives & proposals. Facilitated/moderated by Cameron Cavers
  • Design Charrette: This is a crash-course in team building methodology, collaborative learning, innovation and planning. We're going to try to solve one of Vancouver's (many) problems in 30 minutes or less. Are you in? Stephanie Vacher
  • The State of the Electronic Book, Brendon J. Wilson: Devices such as the Amazon Kindle, the Sony eReader, the Stanza iPhone application, and many others are changing how people access books and (more importantly) how authors reach readers. This session will provide a brief background on the current state of the market, an introduction to the technology, and a guided discussion on the ramifications of this disruptive development for publishers, authors, and readers alike.
  • Social Ice Cream - Roland Tanglao, easy, peasy 1,2,3 : 1. pedal/ride/board to Mario's Gelati @ 88 East 1st Avenue (Google Map), it's a 5 min bicycle ride away from BarCamp!  2. Eat Ice cream ($4 including tax and up, lactose free yummy alternatives also available!) and create something related and put it on the web and tag it #socialicecream 3. Share it with somebody at BarCamp you don't know
  • What is this place/Who's in charge? - Ducky Sherwood will demonstrate a prototype of a map interface showing all (well, many) administrative jurisdictions that a point belongs to, e.g. elected officials and zoning information.  I'm interested in discussing how tools like this be used/improved with an eye towards citizen empowerment.
  • Burning Man is a giant full immersion BarCamp in the nevada desert. Discussion about the principles behind the BarCamp and Burning Man movement. Making things, self-expression, sharing, BYO participation.  Dustin Q Sacks
  • W2 Community Media Art is set to open in time for the Olympics at Woodward's, with Fearless City Mobile, True North Media House, and a full slate of social and community media platforms (FM radio, cable TV, satellite TV, fibre optic network, telepresence, mobile, printing, and creative technology incubator) available for the Downtown Eastside, the city, and international partners. Update on W2 and its Fearless City Mobile social enterprise from Irwin Oostindie and April Smith
  • Getting big software companies to embrace open source and the cloud: by Sage software using Drupal, Ruby on Rails, and Amazon EC2. Presented by Richard Zhou from Sage and Arnold Leung from Appnovation Technologies.
  • Social Media, $$ and day trading.  Twitter, stocktwits, chats, irc, voice, online are all contributing to growth of online communities that are focused on money and usually day trading.  Dave Orchard (the real @DaveO) has become a disciple of @stockguy22 and has spent quite a few hours staring at green candles, tweezers, and moving averages. 
  • What do you do when you arrive in a new city? Extreme hard core travel. Twitter local. Yelp. Foursquare. Augmented reality. Mapping, Social networks. Local recommendations. Internet access. Mobile telecom access. Why do we pay so much to roam? What are your tricks? Who's listening? Proposed by Noah Bloom, Zedmo
  • Olympics are in our city! Are we properly welcoming the world? What can we do from a technology side: internet access, community, local recommendations, streaming coverage, video/multimedia/parties. Proposed by Noah Bloom, Zedmo
  • City WiFi initiatives. Who wants a community of free WiFi access around town. What's been done to date? Can Vancouver be a leader? Proposed by Noah Bloom, Zedmo
  • Participatory Design for Usability. Learn how and why to get your end users involved in the design process. Bonus: the audience gets to participate in a fun paper prototyping activity! Karen Parker
  • I thought we were friends? A discussion group on trust in social media platforms, and in our contacts and friends. (link goes to notes & thoughts on session)
  • Balancing Frustration and Passion - Notes and thoughts
  • Non-profits using Technology - A roundtable discussion about how non-profits can use technology and tools to meet their goals on different scales. Page includes the social media strategy developed for the David Suzuki Foundation.
  • Calling-Up: Challenges for leadership in the digital age - by Christopher Dwan - How do you reach people and call them to excellence when they may care more about their digital persona than their real life? The session is an open discussion. Session notes to come.

Remote Topics

Our location this year has a very special feature: a boardroom with video-conferencing capabilities! As such, we'd like to be able to solicit session speakers from outside of Vancouver to submit sessions they'd like to moderate from a remote location. See the Remote Sessions page for sign up and details.  

Participant Promotions

BarCamp Vancouver 2009 attendees can get at 15% discount on Computrace® LoJack® for Laptops by Absolute® Software. LoJack for Laptops is the only anti-theft solution with a Theft Recovery Team that gathers evidence from your stolen Mac or PC and works with police to get your computer back. Simply go to and enter LoJack15 

Web Site Badges

Like to advertise that you are attending BarCampVancouver 2009 on your own website or blog?  Check out the handy Barcamp Vancouver 2009 web site badges in a variety of shapes and sizes, courtesy of sponsor Kontent Creative. Badges should link back to this page, or to for registration. 

Register / Attendees 


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