Session Ideas
Got an idea that you'd like to hear presented but don't know anything about it? Jot it down here and let the community know.
- Community Building and Management
- DOM Scripting (how can I be amazing, fast?)
- Identity 2.0 (OpenID vs. CardSpace)
- Metrics
- Mobile Web
- W3C Mobile Web Best Practices
- Mobile Content Adaptation
- Jabber (XMPP) with OPBX (i.e., Asterisk to Google Talk)
- OpenID
- Programming Geekery
- Second Life
- Social Media
- Web Accessibility
- WCAG 2.0
- When using Javascript for visual effects.
- Web Services
- Open Democracy (using to web for congressional transparency)
- Iconography Design/Use
- Monetizing a site that doesn't have text content (stuff adsense wouldn't be that great for)
- WYSIWYG VS Handcoding
- POSH - it's not just for Geeks who <3 *!
- Using Open Source / Free Design Tools