Page history
last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago
Everyone at BarCampWashingtonDC participates. What are you going to talk about? (Note that these are not set in stone, as that would be counter to the "un" part of "unconference.")
- WCAG 2.0 Will Make Your Life Easier - JustinThorp
- Microformats as APIs - JasonGarber
- Facebook and the Future of Social Networking - Nick O'Neill of http://www.allfacebook.com
- Ruby on Rails
- Open Rails Session - Bill Kocik
- Bring your Rails questions/problems and we'll work them out together. Or, barring that, I'll try to show you some cool stuff.
- The Live-Coding Intro to Rails - KevinLawver
- Rails Scaling and Performance - KevinLawver (someone else is welcome to take this one)
- Community Building in Drupal - Michael Haggerty
- CRM Systems Integration in Drupal - Michael Haggerty
- Blog design - Jesse Thomas www.jess3.com
- Ethics and Word of Mouth Marketing in the 2.0 World - Holly Samee
- Irregular intervals: grid systems fifty years on - David Ramos - (slides: http://davidramos.org/thesis/presentations)
- Open Democracy - Matt Bradley, Jeremy Carbaugh (Sunlight Foundation)
- Using Firebug: Web Development Inside the Browser - Russell Heimlich http://www.russellheimlich.com/blog/
- Trace-Driven Design: How an Architecture Practice Makes Web Application Design Better - John Athayde
- Widget Warfare! Build, publish, and track your first widget on Facebook, iGoogle, Netvibes, etc. - Dylan Greene and other members of the Clearspring Crew.
- Ruby: A Crash Course (\"Hello World\" to Metaprogramming) (slides) - Nikolas Coukouma
- Web Typography - Nathan Herald
- DOM Scripting (how can I be amazing, fast?) with the new Dojo - Matt Bowen
- Accessible Forms - John F Croston III
- User Experience Design: a discussion on why the hell designers do what they do - Samantha Warren www.badassideas.com
- Alternative Web App Structures - The Seaside in all of us - Brock Wilcox
- Failing the Joel Test - Matt Lester
- Developing on the Facebook Platform - Zvi Band http://zviband.com
- (If you can help out, or have something specific Facebook-related, drop me a line skeevis AT skeevis dot com)
- Let's design a dream set-top box for Miro - Ross Karchner http://rossnotes.com/archives/2007/08/03/dreaming-of-a-set-top-box-for-miro/
- Stump the Chump: CSS Edition (bring real-world CSS problems / screenshots of troublesome layouts / etc. and we'll solve them {or die trying}) - Charlie Park
- E-mail screenshots to charlie at charliepark dot org ahead of time, if you can. If not, no worries.
- Web Application Security (and why it matters to YOU!) - Doug Wilson and Mark Bristow *Free Book Giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
- Introduction to Haskell Programming - Conrad Barski
- Blogging Healthcare - Andrew C (andrew at chronolink dot net, www.pharmcountry.net)
- I'll present this if I'm able to get in. I'm number 14 on the waiting list though.
- Promoting FOSS in the Workplace - Scott Wells
- All of that for a to-do list? How do eight to-do list applications stack up with Getting Things Done (GTD)? - Patrick Smith
- Subject-Specific Portal Site Design: The Case Study of Nanotechnology - Ahson Wardak
- Software & Productivity Tips that will Rock your World - Jared Goralnick, setconsulting.com / technotheory.com
- What the 2008 Nader/Gonzalez Presidential Campaign is Up To - Web Team, DC Office www.votenader.org
Info for presenters
- Available equipment: projector, sound system, WiFi (possibly dubious)
- How we should announce when we're doing stuff?
- There will be a big board with a list of slots and names. People will be like hey ill go to that one.
- How many rooms are we working with?
- Will presenters need to come ready with a laptop or will there be computers on hand connected to the internet for use with projectors?
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