Event details
Happened on Saturday, November 21st, 2009. 8:30am. At Yokohama International School, iPhone Map Pin: . With the theme of Modeling 21st Century Education: What does it look like?
- Apple Japan providing Eco-bags
- Yokohama International School providing morning refreshments, snacks throughout day, lunch, venu, wifi,
- TokyoHackerSpace
- OpenSolarias providing shirts, watches, CD-ROMs, frisbee-like games
Schedule, Blog posts & Videos
alansmitheejp http://movapic.com/pic/200911211639264b07992ed6a07
Flickr Group http://www.flickr.com/groups/ybtg/pool/
Flickr Tag ybtg09 http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/ybtg09/
Topics I would like to hear about
- What is 21C Learning?
- Writing for the web - who's going to find you?
- Social Media for Building and Galvanizing Community
- Kurisuteen - Main Facilitator
- BTG 2009 Committee: Kurisuteen, J.Mac, Leanne E., Sunita, Brian F., Dan C., Jamie R., Roger
- Brian Lockwood - YIS Director of Technology
120 Participants (aka Campers)
- Jim Grisanzio
- Stuart Woodward (confirmed)
- Alberto Tomita
- Rafik
- Derek A.(Confirmed: Photographer)
- Karamoon
- KyleHase
- Sireneast
- Oren
Honor Dargan sorry had to cancel due to some unexpected news
- Kim Ahlström (Kimtaro)
- Mehdi
- Lhuga
- LonelyBob (Kevin)
- Kurisuteen (blog, Twitter, Friendfeed)
- J.Mac
- Leanne E.
- Brian F.
- Sunita
- Jamie R.
- Dan C.
- Roger
- Brian Lockwood
- Rick Martin (@1rick)
- @mqtodd
- Bruce Mcintosh (Cannot find on Twitter)
- fbjohan twitter fusionbureau
- pascal hamonic @uploada bunkersofa
- Dave Sonntag (@dcsonntag)
- Adrian David Cheok
- Jonnyli
- julien hamonic @gbboy bunkersofa
- Paul Cohen @sonicviz @komusotokugawa (tentative)
Jim Maricondo blogtwitter @upandbeyond
- Peter Jacobs blog twitter @pjacobs
- Michiko W. @michikow
- Genki
- Ben Brooke (Cannot find on Twitter)
- Sean Beeson twitter facebook soundcloud
- Jacinta Plucinski
- Miwaza Jemimah @miwaza
- Yongsoon Choi @goodsoon96
- Todd Porter @toddjapan
- Norbert (Cannot find on Twitter)
- Damon Coulter @DamonCoulter
- Aaron Marlin @urcreative (Blog)
- James Ferrer @snacktreat
- Marica Odagaki @ento (the girl with the cape)
- Lem Fugitt @robots_dreams
- Junya Ishihara @jishiha
- Kareem Michael Yosef
- Eli Parra @elzr, elzr.com
- Lauren Shannon @littlestgator tokyohackerspace.org
- Jessica Risser @jessrisser (twitter) the-squirrel-in-Japan (skype)
- Kozue Ishii @cocokozue (twitter)
- Mitch Norris @MisterNorris (twitter) (confirmed)
- Tara Ohta tara_ohta@hotmail.com
- Gary Law glaw@mohg.com
- Hala Eldemellawy halaeldemellawy@hotmail.com
- Colin Campbell wordpress
- john snowball: snowballj@yis.ac.jp
- stephen mcilroy: mcilroys@yis.ac.jp
- Adam Clark
- Simon Taylor taylors@yis.ac.jp
- Peta-Jane Buchanan buchananp@yis.ac.jp
- Jarrod Buchanan jarrod_buchanan@hotmail.com
- Laura Merz merz_laura@hotmail.com
- Brad Johnston (blog), @johnstonb (twitter)
- Dennis Stanworth stanworth@yis.ac.jp
- Kim Cofino @mscofino
- Eddy Jones jonese@yis.ac.jp
- Simon Lorimer lorimers@yis.ac.jp
- Cindy Mullins
- Terri MacMillan
- Susie Clifford cliffords@yis.ac.jp
- mike mural
- Mary Lang
- Henry
- Donna Saito
- Monika Surma
- HIRUTA Ryuichi
- Masafumi Ohta(@masafumi_ohta)
- Steve Christie
- Keiko Yamamoto
- Gashaun Nadau
- Masao Uebayashi: uebayasi@tombi.co.jp
- Shalabh Pandey @shalabhpandey Wish I was there- but attending Barcamp Singapore
- Carolyn Gedling
- Elif Atali
- Reina (@angorausagi)
- @hichiriki
- Ivan (http://twitter.com/vanzaj)
- Hiroki Takeuchi ( tkhiroki@umich.edu ) / ( takeuchi@otogenlab.com )
- Chris Rayne rayne@yis.ac.jp
- Asako Clark
- Miguel M. @miguelrene
- Takashi Ota @takot / skype: takot
Tags for flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.
Who's blogging?
- Lauren / happy to write it up on THS and send it around to other groups
- Public Google Wave.
Related Barcamp
- Seoul Barcamp4 will be exploring the theme "Digital Natives," in conjunction with a research workshop on the same topic. We hope some Tokyo Barcampers will be able to make it to Seoul.
- Singapore BarCamp may want to Skype in for sessions.
- BarCampKanazawa( Japan) Saturday, February 20th, 2010.