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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 1 month ago



BioBarCamp is a unconference focused on life sciences, biotechnology, synthetic biology, personalized genomics & medicine, bioinformatics, do-it-yourself biology and related topics.


Date: August 6/7, 2008

Location: The Institute for the Future, 124 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA, 94301



Thu Aug 7th

Schedule available here:


8.30am - 9.15am: Breakfast (provided)

9.15am - 9.30am: Welcome & announcements for day 2






Attendance is free, but registration is necessary as there is only space for 75 participants, and meals aside from dinner will be provided (depending on available funds from sponsors).

Register by adding your name to the participant list on the BioBarCamp Google Group.



Stay tuned for details on the exact start times, but count on the entire day on August 7 and the afternoon/evening of August 6. The session schedule will be determined on August 6.


Relevant Links:

BioBarCamp Google Group - for any contact information and questions or email Attila Csordas: attilacsordasatgmail.com

The Institute for the Future - location of BioBarCamp

Google Map - location and suggested nearby hotels.


New to BarCamp?

See the BarCamp.org main page or Wikipedia for an explanation.

Other science-themed BarCamp events include BarCamb and SciBarCamp.


Sponsorship information:

BioBarCamp is still looking for additional sponsors to cover meals for participants. Companies can sponsor the event for $250, and individual donors may contribute as well (suggested individual donation: $50). Donations can be made through Paypal or by cheque. See the top of this page for sponsorship contact details.

Current sponsors: Nature Publishing Group 23andMe, Ion Torrent Systems Inc., Gahaga Biosciences Inc., Entelos, Scimatic Software, Ahram Biosystems, Wired, Labmeeting

Individual donors: Deepak Singh, Attila Csordas, John Cumbers, Mackenzie Cowell, Matthew O'Connor, Jim Shaw, Alexis Madrigal, Chris Patil, Joseph Jackson, Ricardo Vidal, Vivek Murthy



(updated on July 30)




We need confirmations from the following people:

Bess Ho

Joe Kaufman

If you know any of these people please ask them to confirm their attendance on the BioBarCamp google groups



  1. Eva Amsen (writing, blog 1, blog 2) both days, vegetarian
  2. Monya Baker (Nature Reports Stem Cells, The Niche) 7th, August
  3. Alex Bangs (Entelos, bio, www.mydigitalhealth.com) both days, dinner on the 6th
  4. Pedro Beltrao (blog, postdoc@UCSF)
  5. Mackenzie Cowell (diybio.org, pobol, cis-action) both days, dinners included
  6. Attila Csordas (Pimm) both days, dinners included
  7. John Cumbers (Brown / NASA Ames) both days, dinners included
  8. John Delacruz (Lab Website)
  9. Daniel Erlanson (Sunesis Pharmaceuticals) both days
  10. Jim Hardy (blog, web site)both days, dinners included
  11. Andrew Hessel both days
  12. Kambiz Kamrani (Anthropology.net)
  13. Alexis Madrigal (Wired Science, home) 6th only
  14. Jamie Mcquay (Scimatic Software)both days, dinners included
  15. Cameron Neylon both days, dinners included
  16. Michael Nielsen (home, blog) both days
  17. Charles Parnot both days
  18. Chris Patil (blog) both days
  19. Heather Root 7th only, dinner too
  20. Peter Tsai
  21. Ricardo Vidal (blog, OWW)both days, dinners included
  22. May Wang
  23. Shirley Wu (psb workshop,blog), both days, dinner on the 7th only
  24. Kevin Braithwaite
  25. Nitin Gupta (UCSD webpage, personal web)both days, vegetarian.
  26. Kurt Qemish
  27. Adam Glickman (aglick35) InfoMonger of Technology
  28. Michael Andreg 7th only
  29. Matthew "Oki" O'Connor
  30. Joseph Jackson both days, dinners included
  31. Guido Nunez both days, dinners included
  32. Siamak "Ash" Ashrafi
  33. Joel Dudley both days
  34. Hilary Spencer (NN) both days, vegetarian, dinners included
  35. Aubrey de Grey (Aug 7th only, dinner)
  36. Martin Brandon (Center for Molecular & Mitochondrial Medicine & Genetics)
  37. Prasanth Potluri (Center for Molecular & Mitochondrial Medicine & Genetics)
  38. Peter Binfield (PLoS ONE, Managing Editor)
  39. Eri Gently
  40. Jim Shaw
  41. Jon Trowbridge (Google, info, added by ACs)
  42. Nikesh Kotecha
  43. Jason Myers (Ion Torrent Systems) both days
  44. Dan Kaplan (VentureBeat) both days
  45. Todd Huffman (blog) both days
  46. Melanie Swan (MS Futures Group)(Blog) both days, vegetarian
  47. Bess Ho
  48. Issac Trotts
  49. Ravi Vinayak (dinner on the 6th)
  50. Mark Kaganovich (Labmeeting)both days, vegetarian
  51. Jeremy England (Labmeeting)both days, vegetarian
  52. Joseph Perla (Labmeeting) (Blog) both days, vegan
  53. Gary Wolf (Contributing Editor, Wired, The Quantified Self added by ACs)
  54. Lucy Southworth
  55. Sarah Kummerfeld (Stanford) 6th only
  56. Vivian Distler (IFTF) both days
  57. Rod Falcon (IFTF) both days
  58. Kaitlin Thaney (Science Commons, Creative Commons) both days, dinner on the 6th
  59. Bryan Bishop www
  60. Vivek Murthy (Epernicus, Brigham and Women's Hospital) both days, vegetarian, dinner on the 6th
  61. Kristi Miller www.americanheart.org
  62. Joe Kaufman
  63. Russell Hanson (SciColab.com - for scientific collaboration, hansonr.org)
  64. Michelle Cadieux LinkedIn
  65. Kim Liu
  66. Alex Griekspoor website 7th only
  67. Amanda Mcdaniel August 6th only
  68. Jonathan Stray (writer) both days
  69. Silvia Santos (Ferrel lab)
  70. Gerry Cagney http://proteomics.ucd.ie/members.html
  71. William Andreg 7th
  72. John Schloendorn both days, vegetarian, dinner too
  73. Jeff Hall 7th only, dinner on the 7th
  74. Xavier Deupi (Laboratory of Computational Medicine)
  75. Shai Shen-Orr 7th, dinner too
  76. Daniel Reda 7th
  77. Alexandra Carmichael 7th



    • Waiting List
  1. Newton Chan (Profile)


Please Note** If you are on the list and can not make it please remove your name.