

Page history last edited by Manav Mishra 15 years, 7 months ago

Blogcamp Pune was a HUGE success. We followed up this event with Blogcamp Mumbai Style.

Currently we are planning next Blogcamp in Pune.



Venue Sponsor


Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsor


To know our sponsors better visit the BlogCampPuneSponsors page.



For any queries/concerns..or anything regarding the blogcamp feel free to call the following numbers:

Tarun 91-9321117710

Tushar 91-9850967969

Ranjan 91-9810144907



Event Details

Date: 16th June 2007 (Saturday)

Time: 8:30am to 5:00pm

Venue: SCIT (Symbiosis Center for IT)

Plot 15 Hinkjewadi IT Park, Pune 411057

How to get there:

Google Map

Another Map



What's it all about?

BlogCampPune is a FREE unconference focusing exclusively on blogging, organized by bloggers for bloggers. It‘s built upon the principles of the famous BarCamp (ad-hoc unconference) focussed on sharing, learning and new ideas. This is going to be an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction between attendees. Any blogger who wants to contribute is welcome and invited to join. In the spirit of BarCamp, if you attend, be prepared to present something (even if it's just 10 minutes).

Visit our Blog.


Plan for the event

Activity Time Place
Start Registration 8:30 am Atrium
Put up the whiteboard 8:30 am Atrium
Kick Start the event 9:30 am Auditorium
Start the various Threads 10:00 am Respective rooms, in acads block
Break for Lunch 12:30 pm Pool-side
Second round of threads 2:30 pm Respective rooms
Final Discussions 4:30 pm Auditorium
Wrap up 5:30 pm Auditorium



  • Ideas and demos.
  • Laptop, pdas (if you have one)
  • Memory Stick/thumb drive, wifi dongle (if you have one: for transfering presentations, demo code, etc)
  • POWER STIPS/Extensions. Please each one bring one (if you have more than one bring that as well, you may help some one in need).
  • If you have T-Shirts, corporate pens,Trial softwares, free accounts (for the cool service you just launched) etc that you want to share, this is probably a good place. We love freebies, if we like, we may blog it as well.



  • Wiki, Wifi and Power
  • Lunch, Coffee/Tea and snacks
  • Tables and chairs
  • Projector& White Boards
  • All the help you need, to present at the camp



Post event Blogs

Name Blog URL
Kiran Thakkar BlogCamp Pune
Lokesh Sapre BlogCamp Pune
Lokesh Sapre BlogCamp Pune
Lokesh Sapre BlogCamp Pune Snaps





Add your name to the list.

Get a Blogcamp Pune badge for your blog.

Incase you have any problem in adding your name to the wiki please contact Tarun Chandel (tarunchandel AT gmail DOT com) or any of the unorganizers.

Serial Name Email What will I be doing T-Shirt Size
1 Tarun Chandel tarunchandel(at)gmail(dot)com Attending, Sharing, Blogging, showing off on my blog M
2 Parag Shah   Attending, Sharing, Blogging M
3 Hozefa   Will not miss it for sure
4 Ranjan   Attending, Sharing, Blogging XL
5 Keval Desai keval (dot) desai (at) snapgalaxy (dot) com Attending, May speak
6 Aditya Raj Attending, Sharing views, Presentation M
7 HostingSankarshan sankarshan at randomink dot org Attending
8 Nigel Fernandes nigelfds at bookeazy dot com Attending, Discussing, hopefully contributing XXL
9 Aditya Mhatre aditya at theindicast dot com Attending, Can talk about Podcasting L
10 Abhishek Ashokkumar abhishek at theindicast dot com Attending, Can talk on Podcasting
11 Sucheta Dhere Sucheta from Roamware Want to talk, thinking about suitable topic
12 Mitesh B Ashar miteshashar at gmail dot com Attending, Sharing views, Presentation. Will try for a session M
13 Prasann Joshi   I'd like to present my research on 'Study of blogging practices of bloggers in Pune
14 Balasaheb Darade I would like to present topics for Tech Bloggers
15 Kausikram   Speak and Attend
16 DEVendra Gulve Attending, Sharing views
17 Syed Nazir Razik The Knowledge Foundation initiatives and about Investment Blogging in India
18 Roy Amalraj roy(at) Attending, Sharing views, Presentation - Monitizing your blog L
19 Sriram V Iyer Business Analyst - Cognizant 98405 87187
20 Lokesh Sapre lsapre(at) Attending, Discussing & sharing views L
21 Nikhil Kulkarni kulkarni.nikhil(at) Introducing a new webApp for Bloggers to share posts with each other
22 Rashmi Sharma rashmi_puneri(at) attending, may speak
23 Kiran Thakkar Kiran Thakkar Attending
24 Anand Kishore Semantic Void Attending
25 Fagun Bhavsar attending, blogging
26 Freeman Murray freeman(at)  
27 Varad More Attending
28 Tushar Gandotra gandotratushar at gmail dot com Attending XL
29 Rochit Jain Unofficial blog Attending, Sharing, Blogging, showing off M
30 Raja Sekhar Techincal Blog Attending, Sharing, Blogging, showing off [] XL
31 Abdul Qabiz mail(at) attending, discussing, photographing..
32 Ganesh Kulkarni Learning and sharing M
34 Anupam Shah shah dot anupam at gmail dot com attending sharing discussing XL
35 Ritu Kamthan ritukamthan at gmail dot com attending
36 Vishal Sagar dexkid at gmail dot com attending L
37 Vineet Agrawal vineet at osscube dot com attending
38 Abhishek Thakkar abhishek at webaroo dot com unconferencing, blogging, and some GupShup XXXL
39 Sheece Baghdadi sheece at webaroo dot com unconferencing, blogging, and some GupShup XL
40 Ketan Khairnar ketan.khairnar at gmail dot com attending XL
41 Sakshi Juneja blog AT sakshijuneja DOT com/blog Attending M
42 Melody melodysvoice AT gmail Attending XS
43 Santosh Navlani santosh.navlani AT gmail Attending  
44 Satish Mishra Satish AT betterlabs Dot Net Attending XL
45 Akhil Sharma conindia(at)gmail(dot)com Attending, Sharing and on future possibility. L
46 Mayank Shekhar   Attending, Sharing  
47 Jasmine Desai   Attending S
48 Mitali Parekh mitali.parekh at gmail dot com the business of blogging M
50 Bhavya Siddappa bhavsidd AT gmail Attending, Discussing M
51 Amit Srivastava Attending M
52 Yashraj Akashi yashraj12 at gmail dot com Attending, Sharing, Blogging, learning, can help too L
53 Sham Rathi   Attending, Sharing
54 Vijay Shinde Software Testing Askme Will Try to Attend! Definitely showing off on my other blog Internet Poised!! M
55 Pradipkumar Ramesh Patil Attending and Speaking My no. 9823121812 M
56 Santhi Thakur santhi.thakur AT gmail Attending  
57 Sam chatidea456 AT gmail Attending  
58 Sasidhar sasidhar(at) attending, (maybe) podcasting(webcasting?) live, showing off Shayari  
59 Sameeksha sameeksha17(at)gmail(dot)com Attending  
60 Shagun Gupta shagung(at)gmail(dot)com Attending  
61 Mahesh Mhetre Attending M
62 Dinesh Soni Attending, Participating in discussions, volunteering M
63 Harish Shankaran harish at webaroo dot com unconferencing, blogging, and some GupShup L
64 Lalit Kale lalitkale(at)gmail(dot)com Attending actively M
65 Sathishkumarsklepy satgss(at)gmail(dot)com Attending M
66 Shweta Kshirsagar shwetaksagar at gmail dot com attending XL
67 Vikrant Aivalli Regular Expressions Attending, Blogging, Photo-blogging M
68 Divya Uttam Talking about Blogging to Fame as a concept and contest, an opportunity to win US $100,000] M
69 Saurabh Uttam Attending L
70 Dhruv Mehrotra Attending  
71 Atul Shinkar atul(dot)shinkar(at) Attending L
72 Chetan Aswathanarayana Attending, sharing views L
73 Anil Wadghuleaukcje anilwatmangospringdotcom Attending, Sharing views M
74 Rohit Srivastwa rohit(shift+2)rohit11(dot)com Attending, Sharing views L
75 Dhruv Mehrotra bluelagoon132000@yahoo Attending  

76Ashish SinhapluGGd.inTentative wyposażenie gastronomii

77 Nakul Goyal nakulgoyal(shift+2)gmail(dot)com Attending, Sharing views M
78 Aditya Thatte Attending M
79 Sumit Jagdale Attendig, Speaking  
80 Amey Samant ameyas7(_at)yahoo (_do_t)com Attending, Blogging L
81 Elango Muthu Attendig M
82 Shauvik Roy Choudhary Attending M
83 Prashant S Pathak Attending M
84 Sachin Kulkarni Attending M
85 Tarun Dua Attending M
86 Tarun Goel Attending, Sharing  
87 Sameer Agarwal Attending,Sharing Views,'PodCasting...hello!' XXL
88 Neil Sequeira Attending,Sharing Views XL
89 Ashwin Murali ashwin(dot)murali(at)gmail Attending, Sharing, Live Blogging, Talking L
90 Rahul Garware rahulgarware(at)gmail(dot)com Blogging M
91 Priti Patil prithisd (at) gmail (dot) com Attending, Blogging, Interacting XL
92 Tushar Kharbanda tushar.kharbanda(at)gmail(dot)com Attending, Sharing, Blogging XL
93 Satyen Dave satyendave(at)gmail(dot)com Attending, Sharing, Speaking, Blogging M
94 S T Manikandan Who will be the next Google? Barcamp_Manikandan.asf Could not able to make it, only virtual participation call me in SKYPE stmanikandan M
95 Vikram Karve attending 44
96 Prashant Karandikar iprashblog AT attending M
97 Jayanand jayanand.ukey AT gmail attending M
98 Moksh mokshjuneja AT gmail attending  
99 Vijay vijay.kurhade@gmail Attending, Interacting L
100 Sheetal Attending M
101 sagar mahapatro Attending M
102 Vishal Sharma Attending M
103 Umesh Gholap umeshg AT gmail DOT com Attending, Sharing, Speaking, Blogging XXL
104 Fropper Team Fropper Team Blog Attending, Sharing, Speaking, Blogging  
105 Kanishka Vatsa   Attending M
106 Abhishek Mehta   Attending M
107 Darshan Tilak   Attending L
108 Nagendra Jaiswal Attending L
109 Shantanu   Attending M
110 Ajay   Attending M
111 Rahul R   Attending, Blogging M
112 Ejaj Khan ejaj11111 AT yahoo Attending  
113 Shailesh S. Khandekar shailesh dot khandekar at gmail dot com Attending M
114 Atul Kapoor atulkapoor at gmail dot com Attending XL
115 Hitesh Manglorkar Attending,videoblogging,sharing videos  
116 Harshada Deshpande Attending  
117 Puja Madan   Attending S
118 Vikram Patil Attending M
119 Harsha harryunplugged AT gmail DOT com Attending, Blogging M
120 Rushal Thaker Attending, Speaking XL
121 Timmy Jose Attending M
122 Tejas Nandarshi Attending M
123 Viyang Chaudhari Attending M
124 Ankesh Kothari ankeshk AT Attending, Participating M
125 Geetu Ahuja Attending M
126 Amit Kumar Sharma Attending L
127 Deepak Raj Attending L
128 Preetu Gupta Attending  
129 Meenakshi Chaudhary Attending M
130 Manavi Deopura Attending M
131 Roshan Mogali Attending L
132 Vishwas Chavan chavan.vishwas(at) Attending, Speaking M
133 Shinil Subramanian Payamal shinils(at) Attending L
134 Swapnil Bhosale swapnil3630(at) Attending M
135 Rajat K. Jaitly rajatkjaitly(at) Attending L
136 Akshay Mahajan Attending and Speaking L
137 Sudhanwa sudhanwa AT Attending and Speaking XL
138 fritz fritzd AT Attending M
139 medhavi geminicious AT Attending L
140 VishalP pukstar AT gmail DOT com Attending L
141 Sarvesh sarvesht AT gmail DOT com Attending L
142 Abhimanyu Seth Attending L
143 Attending M
144 Saurabh Nanda saurabhnanda (at) gmail (dot) com Attending, Goofing around, Circulating oozing with thoughts & ideas L
145 Vaibhav Gupta vaibhav (dot) gupta (at) gmail (dot) com Attending and more L
146 Rahul Bansal rahul286 (at) gmail (dot) com Attending, Blogging and may be speaking L
147 Ashish Shrestha kcha.asis(at) gmail (dot) com Attending L
148 Hem Acharya Attending L
149 Anuroj Shakya Attending XL
150 Shyama Dutta shyamad AT gmail Attending  
151 Pramila pam AT infinishare DOT net Attending  
152 Abhishek Attending Large
153 Sameer Shaikh Attending XL
154 Aditya Bharadwaj nighthawk24 AT gmail Attending Online
155 Priya Shah contact(at) Attending (most likely) M
156 Nihit Tandon Attending M
157 Swapnil Bende Attending M
158 [Hrishikesh S. Jagtap] Attending L
159 Shivam Bharadwaj shomodor27@gmail Attending Online , not sure
160 Bipin Dalbhide Attending M
161 Ankur Khangaonkar ankur.khangaonkar (at) gmail (dot) com Attending, May speak XL
162 Rahul P. Lonkar Attending, Learning, and Sharing M
163 Jatinder Singh Attending, Discussing and sharing XL
164 Onlineshop Onlineshop Portal M
165 Rajiv Dingra rajiv(at) Attending, Discussing and sharing M
166 Gautam Bhatia gautam(at) Attending, Discussing and sharing XXL
167 Priya Shah priya(at) Attending, Discussing and sharing S
168 Ekalavya ekalavya(at) Attending, Discussing and sharing M
169 Praveen Shirali justgetmethrough (at) gmail (dot) com Attending XL
170 Hemant Joshi joshihg (at) gmail (dot) com Attending  
171 Varun Datar Attending XL
172 Pravin Bhagat Attending M
173 Nitin Jadhav Attending, Sharing, Blogging L
174 Hrishikesh Rajpathak Attending S
175 Deep Ganatra deep13a tgmaild0tcom Attending L
176 Ashish Mehta ashishmmehtaa tgmaild0tcom Attending XL
177 Dushyant Kanungo dushyantkanungo (at) yahoo (dot) com Attending, Learning, and Sharing L
178 Aparna Khatri   Attending M
179 Steve Attending, Discussing,Network,Sharing,New Ideas,Ads M
180 Somya Attending Online  
181 Satish Attending,discussing M
182 Pankit Shah   Attending M
183 Arnold D'Souza Attending,discussing L
184 Nirav Sanghavi   Attending M
185 Mitul S   Attending M
186 Raju Arora Attending M
187 Gaurav Bhaskar Attending L
188 Rakesh Agarwal    
189 Vinayak Kawtikwar    
190 Manalee Danait    
191 L Isac Attending L
192 Gaurav Pratap Attending L
193 Praveen Pandey Attending M
194 Sameer Attending L
195 sanket belose attending to learn L
196 PRL parul dot raj at tcs dot com listening M
197 Praveen Kr. Pandey    
198 Gaurav Pratap    
199 Vijayendra Darode (Medium T-shirt Size)    
200 Mira de Fries   Attending S
201 Atul Kulkarni atulskulkarni AT gmail DOT com Attending, Sharing,  Blogging XL
202 Mayur Sarda Attending XL
203 Maharudra Bargaje Attending M
204 Sanket Daru sanketdaru AT gmail DOT com Attending M
205 [ Rajiv Manuel Attending XL
206 suneet Attending XL
207 Elangovan Attending XL
208 Bhushan Attending L
209 Priyanka Attending M
210 Sreeram Upendran Attending  
211 Pallavi Attending  
212 Tushar Burman Attending M
213 Saurabh Jain Attending M
214 Tech 4 Novices Want to attend XXL
215 Schreibtisch da Hough   Attending XL
216 Bhavika Mali (Small T-shirt Size)    
217 Mitesh Rami Attending M
218 Josephine Klerks   Attending M
219 Księgarnia internetowaKowalski Kowalski at alojzy dot org Attending
220 Jibin Rajendran Attending M
221 Melvin Joseph -- Attending M
222 Loknath Swain Attending
223 Amol Khire Attending M
224 Cici Cocuk Oyun -varmısın yokmusun-Kız Oyunları-bedava oyunlar
225 saurabh purnaye saurabhdotpurnayeatgmaildotcom Attending M
226 Avinash Bikumalla avinashdotbikumallaatgmaildotcom Attending M
227 Vulk Teja   Attending XXL
228 Dnyanraj Mali Attending


229 Viral Panchal viralpanchal31 at Attending M
230                                           Manav Mishra maanuv at Attending                                   L



Virtual Participation

Bloggers outside India or those who can't make it to the Blogcamp Pune can also participate in the event virtually, using Youtube, Slideshare, Skype etc. There are couple of ways:

1. Make a video, and upload it on youtube or similar site, we will play that at the camp.

2. Make a presentaion and mail it to us (tarunchandel AT gmail) or upload it on slideshare or similar site and we will play that at the camp. You can also intereact with other participants using Skype or your phone.


Suggested topics

Add the topics you want to discuss about or the topics you want to hear about at the Blogcamp Pune.


  • order of presentations for event will be worked out at the event itself, using the whiteboard.
  • sessions can be for maximum half an hour
  • suggested session length will be 20 minutes+ 5 minutes Q&A
  • try to keep it short and punchy
  • DEFINITELY include a demo/examples if you have one - "A picture is worth a thousand words"
  • carry your presentation in powerpoint format on a CD or flash/jump drive; also upload it somewhere on the web or on this wiki (to be doubly sure)
  • after the event is over, we'd request you to upload the ppt on the wiki for benefit of those who can't make it to the event


Sr. no Topic
1 The changing face/future of web applications/services in India
2 Making a Better Blogosphere
3 I Blog for Me
4 Regulation over the be or not to be?
5 State of Indian language blogs and the way ahead
6 Blog: a MASS and MASS's media !
7 Blogging: A media for citizen journalism
8 Blogging: A change in mindset
9 Blogospere a reflection of our society
10 How much is the blogosphere worth???
11 Monetizing your blog
12 Blogging ethics
13 Your blog is your resume
14 Photo Blogging, a better form of expression!
15 A pic is worth a 1000 words... hmm... Does that mean Photo Bloggers are 1000 times better than the Bloggers who just write???
16 Photo Blogging as a first step towards professional photography
17 Video Blogging
18 Negatives of Blogosphere (flames, threats, intrusion, spam etc.)
19 Podcasting: sometimes it's easier to listen than to read
20 Blogging: Indian Perspective
21 Corporate Blogging - medium of communication within an organization.
22 Blogging for continuous learning
23 SMS Blogging - Less Is More
24 Bloggers and Stalkers
25 Making money out of our creative and innovative mind through Blogging
26 Political Influence in blogging
27 What do bloggers give back to society?
28 Blogging to Fame as a concept
29 New trends in Blogging world
30 Blogging as a career
31 Blog! The way to revolutionize Indian education
32 Traffic! How To Grow Your Blog Traffic
33 How to ward off constant attack on blogosphere and Internet in general by mainstream media based on misconceptions, urban legends or generally sloppy journalism
34 Use of Blogs for commercial purposes.
35 How to catch more traffic on Blogs/ How to earn money through blogs ?
36 Creation of attractive blogs.
37 Blogging for better future through +ve Change!
38 Why Blog?
40 BlogShowcase - a feed is all you need



Live Blogger's, Podcaster's, Videocaster's


Name Blog Url remarks
Rajesh Segu Rajesh Segu I did live blogging for many such events.
Vikrant Aivalli Regular Expressions Search for 'Vikrant Aivalli' ! :-)



If you are coming to SCIT by car please add your details here if you want to carpool.


Name Route Contact Details Time
Vishwas Chavan Green Park, Baner Road - Sadanand Hotel - Venue chavan.vishwas(at) 8.00 a.m. at Hotel Green Park
Lokesh Sapre PMT Bus Depot Kothrud - Bavdhan - Venue lsapre(at), l.sapre (at) 8.00 a.m. at PMT Bus depot, Kothrud



If you are coming to SCIT by bike please add your details here if you want to bikepool.


Name Route Contact Details Time
Pradip Ramehs Patil Karve Nagar, kothrud depo, Chandni chowk, Hinjewadi 9823121812 Just give me a call.
Varun Datar Karve Nagar, Chandni chowk, Sus Road, Hinjewadi     9822662546 Call me..
Dushyant Kanungo Mundhava, Kalyani Nagar, Koregaon Park, Shivaji Nagar, Aundh, Venue 9890108814 Just give me a call.




For campers coming from Pune

You can take The Symbisis Busses from Atur Center (Model Colony, near Om Super Market) to Hinjewadi. You will have to pay some nominal fair to use this bus service. Buses will be available at following timings:

8 am
8:40 am
9:15 am

These buses come via Aundh, so if you are coming from there, you can also board these buses at the Tennis Court Crossing (where people board Volvos)


Public Transport

I am aware of following routes, if you know more please add the details below:

1. Nigdi to Hinjewadi via Dange Chowk & Pimpri Road to Hinjewadi

2. Kothrud Bus Stand via Aundh Parihar Chowk to Hinjewadi

3. Maldhakka(Pune Station)to Hinjewadi

4. Corporation to Hinjewadi (Route No. 100)


For Campers coming from Mumbai

There are Volvos almost all the time from everywhere in Mumbai to Pune. Hinjewadi is jsut 4-5kms from the Expressway, you will have to get down just after Wakad at the Hinjewadi flyover. From there you can take a ric or hitch hike.


Where to Stay

Coming a day early?? Coming from outside Pune??

You can stay at The Tammana Hotel or The Lemon Tree Hotel at Hinjewadi, they are just 300mts away from SCIT.


Share Accomodation

People would like to contribute some space for the out-station participants can go ahead and file their names with contact numbers.


Name No.of people you can accomodate contact remarks
Rajesh Segu 3 people can stay at comfort 9923600373 3 bedroom penthouse on the 10th floor, you would surely love it
Pradip Ramesh Patil 2-3 9823121812 HK,not very big or so but surely helpful




Do I need to register somewhere? Do I need a pass?

No! Just put your name on the wiki here and show up on the day of the event!


Is there a fee?

Nope. Thanks to our Sponsors, you don't need to pay anything to attend the event. Rather all the campers will get a Blogcamp Pune T-Shirt for free and did I mention that the lunch is also on us. So you just have to be there.


Do I have to have to have to have to give a session?

You are very strongly encourage to give a session. That said, you can also help in other ways - update the wiki in real time, Blog the whole event, shoot videos, make podcasts, take pics, help with organization, organize car pools, spread the word. But please don't just show up as a mere spectator! Be an active participant!


Do I need to get the topic of my talk/session approved?

No approval of any sort is required to present. Just add the topic of your session on the Wiki!


When (if?) will the schedule of sessions be made available?

We will put up a whiteboard on the morning of the event, where all the speakers can add their topics. Depending on the number of speakers we will spawn new threads. Thanks to SCIT we have a lot of space at our disposal.


Any guidelines for speakers such as duration, QA format et al?

Guidelines are given in the sessions section above.


I won't be able to come to SCIT, but really I want to attend. I am so sad, wish I could be there!

Hey don't be sad, it's Blogcamp Pune, if you can't make it to the venue, you can still participate and also keep a tab on the event. To participate virtually please read the Virtual Participation session above. To know what's going on in the event, keep checking our wiki, we will keep updating it and we will keep uploading pics and videos as well. We will try to stream the event live, but that's not yet finalized. Keep checking the wiki ...



Blogcamp Pune on the Blogosphere

Have you blogged about Blogcamp Pune?

Add your blog here

Blog Post Blog Blogger
BlogCampPune... towards making a better Blogosphere! NEOBinaries - News Blog Ankit Dangi
Blog Camp Pune - June 2007 techsutras Techsutra
Blogcamp in Pune Never Ending Story Dinesh Soni
BlogCamp Pune Ranjan Jha's Blog Ranjan Jha
Blog Camp Pune The Cook's Cottage deccanheffalump
Blog Camp Pune Virtual Poona Virtual Poona Blogger
Blogging for the learning professional Enabling conversations that lead to learning Parag Shah
Why BlogCamp Pune i think... Tarun Chandel
BlogCamp Pune GupShup Webaroo
BlogCamp @ Pune Webaroo Blog Webaroo
BlogCamp at Pune Pashi Santhi
Blogcamp at Pune, India Me and my food thoughts Santhi
BlogCamp Pune coming next month! Rajesh Segu Rajesh Segu
BlogCamp event in Pune T i g e r Atul Shinkar
BlogCamp Pune Nothing you ever wanted to know about Tarun Dua Tarun Dua
BlogCamp Pune iPrash Prashant Karandikar
BlogCamp Pune Milestone Ashish Shrestha



Media Coverage

Add your post here

Article Website
Come, walk in the bloggers’ park Indian Express News Paper
Bloggers get an ‘unconference’ DNA News Paper
BlogCampPune: Countdown Begins
BlogCampPune on IT Vidya



We need volunteers for shooting pics, videos, recording podcasts, media coverage, hospitality arrangements (like buses, refreshments) etc.

Add your name here

Name Contact Info
Prasanna Joshi []
Balasaheb Darade []
Fred M. frdmill.2005(at)blogger(dot)com
Ganesh Kulkarni g.n.kulkarni@gmail
Pradip Kumar Patil
Dinesh Soni []
Amit Srivastava



Name Email URL From What can I do
Tarun Chandel tarunchandel AT gmail DOT com Mumbai Unorganize
Parag Shah Pune Unorganise
Tushar Gandotra   Pune Unorganise
Ranjan Jha ranjanjha(at)gmail(dot)com Delhi Unorganizer
Kausikram Krishnasayee kausikram {at} gmail {dot} com Chennai Unorganise
Syed Nazir Razik snrazik at gmail [.] com Chennai Unorganise
Rajesh Segu rajesh.segu(at)gmail(dot)com Pune Unorganizer


Blogcamp Pune was a HUGE success. We followed up this event with Blogcamp Mumbai Style.

Currently we are planning next Blogcamp in Pune.