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  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago




  • Date: May 30, 2006 confirmed with MaRS team, we are go.
  • Time: 6:30 - 8:00, drinks to follow for those interested
  • Location: MaRS, 101 College Street West. Afterward, we will head back to Molly Bloom's, at 191 College Street West --- they're expecting us this time, so service should be a lot smoother.
  • Expected Attendance: All are welcome! Please add yourself to the Attendees list below so we have some idea of the size of the crowd.


As David announced last time, please come to TorontoWikiTuesdays. The format is simple: We start and end with beer.




  • What's the point?
    • Building on the success of the initial TorCamp and the first Demo Camp, we want to continue to develop an active startup community in Toronto. Do you have a tool, a piece of software, a set of scripts, new toy, hardware hacks that you want feedback on? Bring it. Show it. Share!
  • Who can come?
    • Everyone is welcome! Just Edit this Page and add your name under Attendees, below, so that we have a rough idea of numbers.
  • What are the rules?
    • Rule #1 of DemoCamp: Talk about DemoCamp ;)
    • Rule #2 of DemoCamp: No powerpoints allowed. Why no .ppt ? Well, do you have working software or don't you?
  • Do I have to have a demo?
  • Nope! You are welcome to come along and give feedback to the people who do (or just watch and absorb if you don't feel like talking).
  • Have another question?
    • Join the mailing list ask your question, and someone will answer it for you. (Don't hesitate to ping the instigator)


Demo Schedule and Format


We will have 5 demos, demos should follow roughly 2 minute introduction, 8 minute demonstration, 5 minutes for questions. wino kredyt mieszkaniowy sprzedam mieszkanie sprzedam bilet


All presenters should read Tips for presenting at DemoCamp. We are going to reduce the number of slots from 6 to 5. There are 5 available presentations that are available on a first come, first serve basis.


  1. Skydasher/Feedcache: Skydasher is Tucows latest super-secret attempt at bringing great services to Webhosters and ISPs and their customers. Feedcache is a big, queryable cache of syndication feeds that application developers can play with. Presented by Ross Rader and Joey deVilla, developer relations dudes at Tucows.
  2. BlogScope: Online analysis and visualization tool for blogosphere. By Nilesh Bansal, grad student from database group, University of Toronto.
  3. BumpTop: Next-generation desktop organization software powered by a physics engine. Presented by Anand Agarawala. Video also available.
  4. Joshua Wehner - Rails based web application
  5. semanticPAL - learnable natural language user interface from nSM Semantic Modules Presented by sasha uritsky




  1. DavidCrow - davidcrow.ca
  2. Joey deVilla - Tucows Farm / Tucows Developer / Accordion Guy
  3. RobHyndman - hyndmanlaw.com | robhyndman.com
  4. Kristan Uccello - Domainer Inc. / Ryerson Univeristy
  5. Sunir Shah - MeatballWiki
  6. Greg Wilson - University of Toronto
  7. Jonathan Lung
  8. Glenn Archer - The Jonah Group
  9. Mani Fazeli
  10. Yimei Miao
  11. Robin Gambhir - OpenBlue Networks - Integrating Retail, Wholesale & Manufacturing - Current Development TheLocalJeweller.com
  12. Jonathan Taylor - Idee Inc
  13. Olivier Yiptong
  14. Blake Winton
  15. Vlad Mnih - The Jonah Group
  16. Thomas Purves - Thomas Purves
  17. Christopher Stumm
  18. Andrew Louis
  19. Andrey Petrov
  20. Adam Goucher
  21. Ryan Dewsbury
  22. Chris Loyal Johnson
  23. Gary King
  24. Petcharat Viriyakattiyaporn
  25. Nilesh Bansal
  26. Nick Koudas
  27. David Janes, BlogMatrix
  28. Tim Desjardins, BlogMatrix
  29. Glenn Clarke, BlogMatrix
  30. Jeff Richman
  31. Rehan Zaidi
  32. Alifiya (Hussain) Kanchwala
  33. Estelle Havva
  34. Anand Agarawala
  35. Bob Hutchison
  36. Adriana Ieraci\
  37. Pavel Zaitsev
  38. Daniel Quinn
  39. Dmitry Buterin of Bonasource. Would be interested to present beta version of Wild Apricot
  40. Randy Charles Morin, RVDad
  41. Colin McGregor
  42. AR Thomas
  43. Ryan Coleman, Clay Tablet Technologies
  44. sasha uritsky - nSM Semantic Modules
  45. Sandy Kemsley
  46. TaylanPince - taylanpince.com
  47. JayGoldman - Radiant Core
  48. Rohan Jayasekera
  49. JohnPhilipGreen - Nuvvo e-Learning, Married Inc.
  50. MalgosiaGreen - Nuvvo e-Learning, Married Inc.
  51. Patrick Ryan
  52. MatthewBurpee
  53. David Jones
  54. Kedar Tupil
  55. MichelleTampoya
  56. Michael Glenn - Radiant Core
  57. Jonathan Sen
  58. Nicolaas Handojo
  59. Brian Ivanovick
  60. Reg Pew
  61. James M Woods - Names@Work / Warpjam.com
  62. DeborahHartmann
  63. Faye Baron
  64. Lucas Lochovsky
  65. Michael Bodalski
  66. SachaChua
  67. Alan Hietala
  68. Slava Sakhnenko
  69. Neil Lee
  70. Matthew Solo
  71. Pete Forde - Unspace
  72. Anthony Watts - Unspace
  73. Hampton Catlin - Unspace
  74. David Janes - BlogMatrix
  75. Grant McInnes
  76. Cliff Mees
  77. Pavel Simakov - 3Genius
  78. Arlen Ritchie - 3Genius
  79. Floyd Marinescu
  80. Austin Hill
  81. Tim Shore - Freshdaily.ca
  82. Arnold Wytenburg
  83. Ben Vinegar
  84. Paul Dowman
  85. Mark Ruddock - Ventures West
  86. Greg Lapouchnian
  87. Jonathan ehrlich
  88. Salim Teja
  89. Richard Dice
  90. Jason Doucette
  91. Sulemaan Ahmed
  92. John Mertl
  93. Ross Rader, Tucows Inc. - Random Bytes
  94. Kaleem Khan
  95. Ryan McKegney
  96. Derek Szeto
  97. Matthew Milan
  98. Liam Stewart - Idee Inc
  99. Kevin Downing - MaRS Discovery District
  100. Rod Hynes
  101. Adam Pritchard
  102. David Scannell
  103. Wang,Yi
  104. Adam Kruger
  105. Daniel Thanos
  106. Gabriel Grant
  107. Jamie McQuay - Scimatic Software
  108. Igor Foox
  109. Ryan Dewsbury
  110. Leila Boujnane - Idee Inc
  111. Daniel Charles - digital ketchup
  112. Roy Pereira - Snipe Networks
  113. Colin Smillie - Autotrader.ca
  114. Nirav KAKU - CSI e-Secure
  115. BrentAshley
  116. Stefan Saroiu
  117. Troy Ronda
  118. Victor Glazer - Idee Inc
  119. Brent Pittman - Alias
  120. Jen Campbell - University of Toronto
  121. Kelvin Chan
  122. Rob Della Fortuna
  123. Jordan Christensen
  124. Juan Gonzalez - Blast Radius
  125. Andrew Miklas
  126. A. Alfred Ayache - The Last Byte, Inc.
  127. Gabriel Mansour
  128. Robert Guerra - Privaterra
  129. Michael Pierson
  130. Andres Lagar-Cavilla
  131. Iuliana Calin - HomeGuides.ca
  132. Ian Irving - FalsePositives.com
  133. Levi Cooperman - FreshBooks
  134. Equbay Kiflay
  135. Peter Dawson - Thought Flickrs
  136. Anthony Saad - Anthony F. Saad.com
  137. Luke Stanley
  138. Sergey Sozontov
  139. Yuliya Udovenko
  140. Nick Lewycky
  141. John Carbrey - Intrafinity
  142. Adam Swansky - Zabezpieczenia




  • If you are planning on demoing, make sure you add yourself to the Demo Schedule too
