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Page history
last edited
by Kris Stephenson 14 years, 3 months ago
You've found the wiki archive for the 2008 event.
Interested in our '09 edition? Go here: eDemocracyCamp2
Wiki password: c4mp
Welcome to eDemocracyCamp!
The place for innovators, optimists, and engaged citizens. March 2, 2008 in Washington, DC
We are building off the momentum of the 2008 Politics Online Conference which always draws a spectacular crowd. If you are coming into town for one of these events you should definitely check out the other one in order to make the most of your time here in DC.
eDemocracyCamp will be the first BarCamp with a focus specifically on e-democracy. eDemocracyCamp will connect citizens, researchers, developers, practitioners and anyone else interested in the topic to learn about the current state of e-democracy and share their visions for its future direction. Topics may include (but aren't limited to): e-democracy, e-participation, e-government, e-voting, online civic engagement, online political campaigning, online dialogue and deliberation. Technical tracks may cover things like the importance of open standards, hacktivism, mashups etc.
The general goal is to learn/share how the web can help us better govern ourselves, support democratic structures, make online civic participation more accessible, convenient, fun, efficient etc.
- What is out there today (in terms of tools, processes, projects, products, initiatives etc.)?
- What works, doesn't work, needs work?
- What are opportunities for collaboration as we move forward?
- Meet the movers and shakers in this field.
Diversity is key: The more people we have who come to this from different angles, the better.
Event details
- When: Sunday, March 2nd (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, see schedule below for details)
- Where: Josephine Butler Parks Center, 2437 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009 (Directions to the Center can be found here, or take a look at a map of the area on Yahoo! or Google)
- Kick-off get-together: Saturday, March 1 at 8pm: Uncle Julio's Rio Grande Cafe (Tex-Mex), 4301 N Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22203, (703) 528-3131, http://url.ie/9rd
- Coffee hour: Saturday, March 1 at 3pm, Teaism, 400 8th Street NW
- Note: This is the weekend prior to 2008 Politics Online Conference, to be held March 4-5, 2008 in Washington D.C. Hopefully, some of the people attending POLC will be able to make it to eDemocracyCamp as well.
- Cost: Free to attend, thanks to our sponsors!
Get involved
The actual start and end times:
From |
To |
Duration |
Agenda |
Mahagony |
Piano |
Dining |
View |
8.00am |
9.00am |
60' |
Venue setup, breakfast |
Breakfast |
9.00am |
10.00am |
60' |
Doors open, breakfast |
Breakfast |
10.00am |
10.30am |
30' |
Welcome round (introductions, session planning) |
Welcome |
10.30am |
11.10am |
40' |
Session 1 |
11.15am |
11.55pm |
40' |
Session 2 |
12.00am |
12.40pm |
40' |
Session 3 |
12.40pm |
2pm |
80' |
Lunch (on site) |
Lunch |
2.00pm |
2.50pm |
50' |
Session 4 |
2.50pm |
3.45pm |
55' |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
3.45pm |
4.35pm |
50' |
Session 5 |
5.00pm |
5.15pm |
15' |
Closing round (feedback) |
Closing |
5.15pm |
6.00pm |
45' |
Clean-up, venue hand-over |
Organizers & Volunteers
Attendees (a.k.a. Campers)
List your name here, if you will participate:
More than 110 people have also signed up for the event on Facebook and on Upcoming...
- Jesse Thomas
- Alexander Moll
- Bilaal Ahmed
- Justin Abbott
- Kathie Legg
- Eric Batscha
- Pieterson
- David Stern
- Oliver Zeisberger tentative / possibly leaving at 1pm
- Joe LeBlanc
- Lucas Cioffi
- Mark B. Cohen
- Christian Hochhuth (online only)
- Jasmine Sante
- John Brothers
- Olaf Bertram-Nothnagel
- Joe Loong
- Julie Emery
- Susanna Haas Lyons
- David Moore
- Donny Shaw
- David James - Founder of CommunityGoals.com
- Tim Erickson - E-Democracy.Org, Twitter, Facebook
- Dave Witzel - Forum One, Policy Commons, Twitter
- Dana Walker
- Hillary Hartley, NIC Inc. -- twitter, facebook
- Arin Sime
- Zvi Band
- Matthew Mansfield
- Samantha Tanzer
- Tim Bonnemann -- Founder, Intellitics
- Matthew Bradley
- Greg Schnippel
- Justin Thorp -- Developer Community Manager, Clearspring Technologies - My t-shirt size is XL.
- John Wonderlich
- Brian Devine
- Gabriela Schneider
- Josh Ruihley
- Patrick McGill
- Ben Parizek
- Rob Pierson
- Avelino Maestas
- Raines Cohen, *Camp Counselor, Democracy Begins At Home
- Jill Foster
- Mike Madison
- Evan Paul
- Justin Grimes -- Center for Information Policy and E-Government
- Shannon Simmons -- iSchool @ University of Maryland
- Craig Cook
- Charles Ellmaker
- Phil Attey -- Facebook , Twitter
- Peter Corbett, iStrategyLabs, @corbett3000
Potential sessions: topics you'd like to talk/hear about...
Post them here: eDemocracyCampSessions
Sponsors and budget
This event will be free to attend, because of the generous support of our sponsors. From past experience, the cost per active participant tends to vary between roughly $15 and $40 (depending on many factors such as venue, food, technology, schwag etc.). We'll list all our sponsoring (incoming cash and in-kind donations) as well as all outgoing expenses publicly on the wiki.
List your name here if you or your organization want to become a sponsor. Sponsors are highly encouraged to actively participate in the event. Cash donations are limited to a maximum of $300.
Incoming funds (pledged and collected)
No. |
Name |
Pledged in $ |
Collected in $ |
Status |
Notes |
Sponsor statement |
1 |
Democracyinaction.org |
300.00 |
300.00 |
paid |
2 |
SunlightFoundation.com |
300.00 |
300.00 |
paid |
The Sunlight Foundation supports, develops and deploys new Internet technologies to make information about Congress and the federal government more accessible to the American people. Through its projects and grant-making, Sunlight serves as a catalyst to create greater political transparency and to foster more openness and accountability in government. |
3 |
AmericaSpeaks.org |
300.00 |
293.18 |
paid |
AmericaSpeaks is reinvigorating American democracy by engaging citizens in the public decision-making that most impacts their lives. Through AmericaSpeaks' innovative deliberative tools such as our 21st Century Town Meeting®, more than 130,000 people across the country and around the world have had an impact on their communities. |
4 |
E-Democracy.Org |
150.00 |
- |
pending |
Supporting online democracy at the local level with Issues Forums in the US, UK, and New Zealand. |
5 |
University of Michigan, School of Information (SI) |
in-kind |
- |
paid |
Travel fare for 2 UMich students |
The ischool at Michigan educates the next generation of information age leaders, with graduate programs in social computing, community informatics, information policy, and more. Got questions? Look for an SI student at Camp. |
6 |
NIC Inc. |
300.00 |
300.00 |
paid |
Hillary Hartley (#26) will be attending. |
NIC manages more eGovernment services than any provider in the world. The company helps government communicate more effectively with citizens and businesses by putting essential services online. NIC provides eGovernment solutions for 2,600 state and local agencies that serve more than 69 million people in the United States. |
7 |
JESS3.com |
in-kind |
- |
paid |
creative direction |
8 |
New Media Strategies, Inc. |
200.00 |
- |
pending |
9 |
Forum One Communications |
300.00 |
330.00 |
paid |
Forum One Communications partners with influential organizations, providing business strategy, online communications, user experience and technology expertise, to respond to some of the world's most pressing problems. |
10 |
Market4Good.com |
250.00 |
250.00 |
paid |
Widgets and Websites with a Message. Confer Converse Connnect and be heard! |
11 |
CommunityGoals.com |
300.00 |
300.00 |
paid |
CommunityGoals catalyzes community change by connecting people who have goals, people who give money, and people who provide solutions. |
12 |
Democracy Begins At Home |
176.18 |
- |
pledged, $61.62 PENDING |
Look for founder/Cohousing Coach Raines Cohen Sun. AM |
Sharing tools for community organizing, in real neighborhoods, online, and inbetween. |
13 |
Intellitics |
100.00 |
145.73 |
paid |
Office supplies, breakfast ($79.94) |
Intellitics is a startup in the making, based in San Jose, CA (USA). We are here to explore new and meaningful ways for group problem-solving and decision-making online. |
Total |
2,676.18 |
2,218.91 |
Outgoing costs (ordered and actually paid)
No. |
Item |
Ordered in $ |
Paid in $ |
Status |
Notes |
Payment info |
1 |
Venue |
912.60 |
500.98 |
purchased, $411,62 PENDING |
Ballroom and 3 extra rooms are booked through 6pm. Cost for all four rooms past 6pm: $237/hour) |
Sunlight $200.98 (check), CommunityGoals $300 (check), NMS Inc. $200 (check, PENDING), E-Democracy.Org $150 (check, PENDING), Democracy Begins At Home $61.62 (check, PENDING) |
2 |
T-shirt |
593.18 |
593.18 |
purchased, paid |
AmericaSpeaks $284.64 plus 3% service charge (credit card), Democracy in Action $300 (check) |
3 |
Breakfast |
379.94 |
379.94 |
purchased, paid |
Marvelous Markets: Mini muffins, croissants, scones, danishes, cinnamon swirls |
NIC $300.00 (credit card), Intellitics $79.94 (credit card) |
4 |
Lunch |
349.02 |
349.02 |
purchased, paid |
Papa John's: 31 large pizzas (up to five toppings), 15 plain, 8 meat, and 8 vegetarian |
Market4Good $250 (check), Sunlight $99.02 (credit card) |
5 |
CostCo & Safeway |
330.00 |
330.00 |
purchased, paid |
Drinks, coffee, fruit, paper plates, cups etc. |
ForumOne $330 |
6 |
Staples |
65.79 |
65.79 |
purchased, paid |
Drinks, coffee, fruit, paper plates, cups etc. |
Intellitics $65.79 |
Total |
2,630.53 |
2,218.91 |
At 65 attendees, that's about $40.47 per participant (ordered) and $34.14 per participant (actually paid). |
Budget summary
As you can see, we had a little more money pledged (A) than our expected costs (D). But since we ended up paying less for the venue (only $500.98 of the $912.60 we had agreed to), our final cost (C) was lower. Hence, we collected less (B) than was originally pledged. Please note that the amounts for what we collected (B) and what we paid for (C) match exactly, which means there are no "loose" amounts still floating around.
Amount in $ |
Notes |
A |
Funds (pledged) |
2,676.18 |
B |
Funds (collected) |
2,218.91 |
$257.27 more pledged (A) than collected (B). That's because some sponsors ended up not having to pay the full pledged amount, while others paid more than they had originally pledged. |
C |
Costs (actually paid) |
2,218.91 |
Funds collected (B) and costs paid (C) match. |
D |
Costs (total orders) |
2,630.53 |
$411,62 less paid (C) than was originally ordered (D). That's because the venue didn't collect the full rent. |
Donations after the Event
At the end of the conference, we organized a food and supply donation to two programs in the Washington D.C. that address hunger and homelessness: Martha's Table and Loaves and Fishes. Martha's Table Martha's Table provides educational programs, food, clothing, and enrichment opportunities to at-risk children, youth, families and individuals in Washington, D.C. Loaves and Fishes Loaves and Fishes, Washington D.C. is one of the few weekend meal programs in Washington D.C. and serves over 300 people in the Mt. Pleasant community of Northwest D.C.
After the conference ended, we divided up the supplies and leftover food into perishable and non-perishable goods. We decided to send the non-perishable goods and all leftover supplies to Loaves and Fishes since they weren't going to be serving again until the next weekend. We called ahead to Martha's Table and scheduled a time after the conference when we could drop off the food. In the end, we were able to donate one full carload of extra supplies and food to each of the shelters.
More information on the issue of homelessness in D.C.
Tagging (for Flickr, del.icio.us, ma.gnolia, Technorati etc.)
Please use the tag edemocracycamp for content related to this event.
Who's blogging?
- 2008/03/16 -- Policy Commons: Brooks Lindsay of Debatepedia helps launch Policy Commons Interview Series
- 2008/03/07 -- Herbert: eDemocracyCamp Write-up entries
- 2008/03/03 -- The Democracy Movement: Why Not a National Newsletter? by joe
- 2008/03/02 -- Mind Muse: eDemocracyCamp 2008 - Review
- 2008/03/02 -- Market4Good.com: How to make websites and widgets interactive: A Bar Camp Report
- 2008/03/02 -- The American Mind: eDemocracyCamp: Interactive Messaging
- 2008/03/02 -- The American Mind: eDemocracyCamp: CRM and Social Networks
- 2008/03/02 -- The American Mind: eDemocracyCamp
- 2008/03/02 -- Mind Muse: eDemocracyCamp: National Policy Discussion and Online Component
- 2008/03/02 -- Mind Muse: eDemocracyCamp: MySociety – MySociety.org
- 2008/03/02 -- Mind Muse: eDemocracyCamp: Communicating with Congress
- 2008/03/02 -- Mind Muse: eDemocracyCamp
- 2008/03/02 -- Jill Foster (via Utterz): eDemocracyCamp - cool session board
- 2008/03/02 -- Jill Foster (via Utterz): eDemocracy: interview w/ policycommons.org, dave
- 2008/03/02 -- Jill Foster (via Utterz): eDemocracyCamp: interviewing Tim, organizer king
- 2008/03/02 -- Dumb Things I Have Done Lately: The Easier an Exercise in Online Activism, the More Worthless It Is
- 2008/02/29 -- OpenCongress - Congress Gossip Blog: Going to Washington
- 2008/02/29 -- Policy Commons: DC eDemocracyCamp coming together
- 2008/02/29 -- Collective Insight Blog: eDemocracy Camp
- 2008/02/28 -- Goat at Large: eDemocracyCamp in DC!
- 2008/02/27 -- AmericaSpeaks News: AmericaSpeaks CoSponsors e-Democracy Event
- 2008/02/25 -- Forum One Communications Live! Interviews: Interview with Tim Bonnemann on Washington DC's eDemocracyCamp
- 2008/02/24 -- Policy Commons: Live interview - Tim Bonnemann and DC’s eDemocracyCamp
- 2008/02/21 -- MediaShift Idea Lab: Crashing the E-Politics and E-Democracy Gates
- 2008/02/21 -- E-Democracy.Org - Project Blog: Connecting at the first e-democracy “Barcamp”, the Politics Online Conference in Washington, DC the first days of March
- 2008/02/19 -- Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space: eDemocracyCamp in DC March 1-2, 2008
- 2008/02/18 -- Jess3: eDemocracyCamp Logo
- 2008/02/17 -- Open Source Connections: OSC to attend eDemocracy barCamp
- 2008/02/17 -- Donor Town Square: eDemocracy barCamp
- 2008/02/15 -- Policy Commmons: eDemocracyCamp, GreenDevCamp, and F2C - new events
- 2008/02/12 -- akuchling: Links for the day: Tuesday, February 12 2008
- 2008/02/07 -- Steven Clift's Notes: Conferences - E-Democracy Barcamp, Politics Online Conf, We Media, SXSW
- 2008/02/04 -- Dr. DigiPol Great Conferences Coming Up
- 2008/01/29 -- Design vs. Develop: Widget DevCamp Wrapup
- 2008/01/27 -- NCDD blog: eDemocracyCamp: A Barcamp on e-Democracy
- 2008/01/20 -- eParticipation: eDemocracyCamp - a barcamp on e-democracy
- 2008/01/18 -- William Lawrence: Mar 1, 2008: eDemocracyCamp at TBD (Washington, DC)
- 2008/01/16 -- Planblog: Meet me at SXSW Interactive, March 7-11, 2008 in Austin Texas
- 2007/12/14 -- Zapboom: eDemocracy BarCamp
- 2007/11/21 -- Planblog: Meet me at Politics Online Conference 2008 in Washington DC
- 2007/11/21 -- davidroethler via Jaiku: http://jaiku.com/channel/civilmedia07/presence/14858296
- 2007/10/30 -- Steven Clift's Notes: Nominate a Panel for the Politics Online Conference
- 2007/10/19 -- politik.netzkompetenz.at: 3. Web Montag in Salzburg
- 2007/10/16 -- Planblog: eDemocracyCamp: March 1-2, 2008 in Washington DC
Related *camps
- TechnoPolitics, December 2006 in San Francisco, CA (USA)
- CitizenCamp, March 2007 in Rome (Italy)
- Demcamp, June 17, 2007 in Arezzo (Italy)
- BarCampWellingtonNZegov, September 2007 in Wellington (New Zealand)
- Participation 2.0, November 15-17 in Salzburg (Austria)
- eGovDevCamp, December 2007 in Washington DC (USA) (did not happen yet, postponed)
- BarcampUKGovweb, January 27-28, 2008 in London (United Kingdom)
- EGovBarCamp, February 2, 2008 in Cambridge, MA (USA)
- PolitCamp Graz, Spring 2008 in Graz (Austria)
Related initiatives & communities
Task List
Please cross out when it's done.
- Set a date March 1-2, 2007
- Create a mailing list (e.g. on Google Groups) http://groups.google.com/group/edemocracycamp/
- Set up Skype Use the Barcamp channel (someone who's already on it has to invite you)
- Set up Twitter account
- Set up IRC chat irc://irc.freenode.net/#barcamp
- Design logo (see logo near-final version)
- Build team (organizers, volunteers)
- Find a venue
- Find sponsors
Work in progress
- Provide info on venue accessibility (e.g. step-free access to rooms, bathrooms, elevator details)
- Breakfast -- e.g. muffins, donuts (inquiries sent, price quotes currently being assembled)
- Lunch -- e.g. pizza
- Name tags
Not started
- Coffee
- Lunch -- either sponsored on-site (e.g. pizza, sandwiches), or list restaurants near the venue
- Drinks
- Name tags
- List public transportation options (incl. accessibility information for people with disabilities)
- Childcare (see discussion)
- Mark the ways to the facilities
- Gotta have stellar wi-fi
- Provide enough plugs (to charge your gear)
- Make sure sessions are recorded and archived on the web
- T-shirts (incl. girl T's)
- Little details that make all the difference...
- Projectors
- Paper
- Markers
- Pens
- Paper towels
- Garbage bags
- Toilet paper
- Surface cleaners
- Kitchen gadgets (for breakfast/lunch)
- Ice chests
- Garbage cans
- Add your detail here!
- Organize trash duty and general clean-up (the day of the event)
Not this time around...
- Create nice badges (make sure name tags work from both sides, names should typed in large-enough font) ... We'll use simple name tags instead. ;-)
Thanks, Crystal, Christiane, Fred and others for documenting various BarCamp, conference, or unconference how-to guides!
Also, check out the CampKit to see what useful stuff and personal supplies you yourself can shlep along.
- What is a barcamp? BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. For more, read this article on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp
- What can sponsors expect in return for their contribution? All sponsorships are listed on the wiki, all sponsorships are announced over the various channels (Twitter, Google group, Facebook). Potentially, signage could include sponsor logos (we'll look into that). Oftentimes, there are favorable mentions in the coverage (in blogs etc.) that comes out of the event (we can't control that, of course, but it has happened). However, much more than that we ask sponsors to attend and actively participate, as this is where sponsors in the past say they've gotten the most value out of their contribution.
- Is eDemocracyCamp a partisan event? Absolutely not! The event is not affiliated with any party or cause. Like all barcamps, we welcome diversity and encourage participation from anyone who is interested in the topics.
- What does e-democracy mean, exactly? According to Wikipedia, "E-democracy [...] comprises the use of electronic communications technologies, such as the Internet, in enhancing democratic processes within a democratic republic or representative democracy. It is a political development still in its infancy, as well as the subject of much debate and activity within government, civic-oriented groups and societies around the world. The term is both descriptive and prescriptive. Typically, the kinds of enhancements sought by proponents of e-democracy are framed in terms of making processes more accessible; making citizen participation in public policy decision-making more expansive and direct so as to enable broader influence in policy outcomes as more individuals involved could yield smarter policies; increasing transparency and accountability; and keeping the government closer to the consent of the governed, increasing its political legitimacy. E-democracy includes within its scope electronic voting, but has a much wider span than this single aspect of the democratic process."
- Isn't that the same as e-government, then? Not quite, though there is definitely some overlap. According to Wikipedia, "e-Government (from electronic government, also known as e-gov, digital government, online government or in a certain context transformational government) refers to government's use of information technology to exchange information and services with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. e-Government may be applied by the legislature, judiciary, or administration, in order to improve internal efficiency, the delivery of public services, or processes of democratic governance. The primary delivery models are Government-to-Citizen or Government-to-Customer (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B) and Government-to-Government (G2G) & Government-to-Employees (G2E). The most important anticipated benefits of e-government include improved efficiency, convenience, and better accessibility of public services. [...] There are many considerations and potential implications of implementing and designing e-government, including disintermediation of the government and its citizens, impacts on economic, social, and political factors, and disturbances to the status quo in these areas. In countries such as the United Kingdom, there is interest in using electronic government to re-engage citizens with the political process. In particular, this has taken the form of experiments with electronic voting, aiming to increase voter turnout by making voting easy. The UK Electoral Commission has undertaken several pilots, though concern has been expressed about the potential for fraud with some electronic voting methods."
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