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Page history last edited by Muhammad Haseeb 7 years, 3 months ago

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The day's schedule and links to session notes are listed below.

Thanks everyone for posting their notes!


Check out a high-level view of a tagcloud on the session notes below:













































































































































 1A - Main Room


1B - Main Room


2 - Boardroom


3 - Kindergarten Room


4A - Roof


4B - Roof


10:15-15am Freelancers=New Movie Stars; Get Paid like Tom Cruise Sales - Sharing challenges and techniques Blindspots,

What we see that our clients don't.

FreelanceCampTagging:What and Social Media 101 Blogging for Niche Industries Rapid Prototyping w/Flash
11:30-12:30pm Collaboration (Broad) How much should I charge? Best bang for the buck: Marketing Strategies for a Small Community Design Co-op: How do they work? Do they work? Business Plan How changing nature of info affects info providers?



1:30-2:30pm Finding Your Niche Remote Teams Finance Planning Finding and working with web programmers What Your Lawyer Wishes You Knew Mentoring/Coaching Interns
2:45-3:45pm Collaborative Workspace How to set long term goals eCommerce Online Business Networking Mentoring Balancing Business and Parenthood
4-5pm Half Baked   Part-Time Work in a Full-Time World    




Visit: Freelance outsourcing


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