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Page history last edited by Alice Smith 8 years, 2 months ago



As we participate in Barcamp Innovators PA

The BarCamp is a conference generated by participants: no one is simply all contribute to the success of the event by bringing a project, an idea, preparing a presentation, participating in the discussion or helping in the organization. In short, it is not the typical conference where there is a set theme and a rigid ladder of interventions and subject matter. There is one track, in our case is " sustainable innovation for a PA that passes by the proclamations to concrete actions ", and the space available to be used to propose a topic and discuss it.

It 'important to signal their intention to participate by following the instructions at the following: how many we will be is important because it will allow us to better organize the logistics (size of classrooms, wi-fi connections, and so on).

Attention! Recording to Barcamp is through this wiki you are reading but it is important to register before the PA Forum in order to have the funds and pass through the turnstiles of the Fiera di Roma. Registration is carried out directly on the web by accessing this link: http://profilo.forumpa.it/forumpanet/m.php?a=reg 


For those who want to join the discussion 

If you want to participate in the discussion, you have to do is indicate your intention by entering the name in the list of participants that will find by scrolling this wiki. If you have a point of presence online (a blog, one spaces, an account on twitter or other social networks, do not forget to enter the address). 

We will try to give, as far as possible, an opportunity for everyone, but we must rally and try to " merge " similar themes and threads in shared moments (or shared tables).

It would be appropriate to post the slides, projects, movies, before Barcamp on http://www.innovatoripa.it/ (access to social networks of public innovators are free!)


In fact, we propose to give us a bit 'of ladder not to overlap and beat us up, because enrollments are already exceeded expectations and we (first year) one room and one day free. Nothing is hard, nothing is fixed, but it is right to try to give a chance to all those who rightly want to bring ideas, proposals and value.


Of course, the important thing is to be there , counted and become contaminated. The rest is done by the people and relationships. 


A 'idea for the day

Here is a proposal for the articulation of the day:


10:00 to 10:30 introduction and startup

10.30- 15.12 first session

12:15 to 14:00 second session

2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. break with catering

15:00 to 16:45 Third Session



The day begins with a brief initial presentation (Introduction and start - 30 minutes) in which we present the works

Then it falls into three 1-hour sessions and 45 each, according to the interventions posted on the panels, modifiable and combinable



Each session provides a startup in plenary with the presentation of the 8 themes from the speakers: the presentation is a 3-minute functional flash to convince the participants to follow their own table

In the table : the rapporteur (who proposed the theme) is a presentation of 20-30 minutes and then you start the discussion. Participants can sit or stand around the table. So: 20/30 minutes Opening for the rapporteur; 40/30 minutes for the table work; 15 minutes to take place before and after the session


The roles and principles:

Each table has a clearly visible number (eg. A flag)

Each table has a facilitator who has the task of informing on the table, to meet deadlines, encourage participation and real-time post (two three updates during the session) a post on innovators PA (the social network open to all innovators public http://www.innovatoripa.it) with title, participants and topics under discussion

The principles : we can take the first two principles OST (whoever comes is the right person, and whatever happens is the only thing that could happen) and the "law of two feet" (all have two feet and be prepared to use them, moving where they want)



The final reflection takes place on the net


Warning: the creativity room that will host the Barcamp is in Hall 9




the result could esserte a mix between




The boys of Formez , who will follow you in the room, they tried to outline a proposal of this kind, of course, you can amend or expand:


Session 1: 10.30 to 12.15

table 1

Social networks: identity and belonging

7. James Mason - 32. Alessandro Nasini  [slideshare]

table 2

Innovate PA

3. Domenico Flagpole - 3a. Salvatore Marras

table 3

Territories and innovation

40. Jesse Marsh - 21. Alberto Cottica

table 4

Multimedia and territory

27. Gianluca Sabena 47 Carlo Infante

table 5

PA lighter

26. Croella Marco Antonio Tombolini - 34. Claudio Forghieri

table 6

eLearning 2.0

12. Mauro Sandrini - 31. Roberto Chibbaro

table 7

integrated public communication

39. Paul Subioli - 38. Eugenio Iorio

table 8

Individual and Innovation

37. Fabio Masetti - 4. Oreste Salvaggio 36. Marco Trevisan

Session 2: 12.15 to 14.00

table 1

Change managenment experiences

5. Maria Luisa Chiofalo - 11. Filippo Lubrano (the last-transport problems, sorry)

table 2

digital PA

15. Ernesto Belisario - 2. Flavia Marzano - 48 Elio Guarnaccia

table 3

Innovation transfer to the territory

22. Renato Di Gregorio - 43. Luigi Taccone

table 4

Portals and accessibility

16. Gabriele Bartolini - 10. Marco Camisani Calzolari

table 5

Technological innovation

42. Gianni Altamura - 1. Paolo Colli Franzone

table 6

Enterprise 2.0

(Deleted speakers, sorry)

table 7

Open content / document Open

33. Italo Vignoli - 9. Marco Scialdone

Session 3: 15.00 to 16.45

table 1

Interoperability of health information systems

14. Stefano Canepa

Work problems are forcing me to stay in Genoa

table 2

digital citizenship

29. Michele Vianello - 44. A. Attilio Romita

table 3

Integrating PA and businesses

24. Sergio Duretti - 13. Ugo Bonelli

table 4

Open Source & Free Software

18. Cesare Brizio. 41. Rachel Muscara - 46. Paulo Well

table 5

technological innovation for small municipalities

45. Carlo Verdino - 20. Emanuele Tonelli

table 6

Web 2.0 and participatory systems

6. Corrado Truffi - 17. Daniel Pauletto

table 7

for content management tools

25. Marco De Rossi - 8. Paolo Valenti


When : May 13, 2009 

Where : a ForumPA 2009, Fiera di Roma 







View Larger Map  

About : ( The innovators who will participate)

(Here must be added the holdings, which do not necessarily mean an intervention. If you have a blog or a website, enter the address after the name) 

  1. Cogo Gigi: http://www.webeconoscenza.net - http://www.innovatoripa.it/blogs/gianluigicogo
  2. Gianni Altamura: http://www.ipanematech.com
  3. Gianni Dominici: http://www.giannidominici.it
  4. Flavia Marzano:  http://occasioneperduta.ning.com - http://finalmentelibero.ning.com
  5. Marras Salvatore: http://www.innovatoripa.it/blogs/smarras
  6. Nicola Morning:  http://blog.nicolamattina.it/
  7. Colli Franzone Paul  http://www.net-ics.it
  8. Flagpole Domenico http://metromagazine.it
  9. Lao Fabrizio: http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/fabriziolao
  10. Chiofalo Maria Luisa
  11. Coppola Margherita: http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/marghecoppola
  12. Truffi Corrado: http://corradoinblog.ilcannocchiale.it
  13. Salvaggio Oreste http://www.linkedin.com/in/orestesalvaggio
  14. Verdino Carlo
  15. Siri Crisitano http://www.linkedin.com/in/cristianosiri
  16. Nasini Alessandro  http://blog.nasini.com
  17. Manconi Laura http://www.innovatoripa.it/blogs/lmanconi
  18. Mason James http://intranetmanagement.splinder.com
  19. Wolly aka Paolo Valenti  http://www.paolo.valenti.name | http://www.wordpress-it.it
  20. Staccioli Nicoletta http://bloggingaroundtheworld.worpress.com
  21. Scialdone Marco http://scialdone.blogspot.com
  22. Favoino Marieva http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/urp
  23. Galoppini Roberto http://robertogaloppini.net
  24. Agostinelli Sergio http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/sagostinelli
  25. Martines Andrea http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/andreamartines
  26. Antonella Napolitano http://svaroschi.blogspot.com
  27. Infante Carlo http://www.performingmedia.org 
  28. Montevecchi Giulio http://www.wekey.it
  29. Alagna Luca http://www.stilografico.com
  30. feel Giulio
  31. Perone Michele http://www.micheleperone.it
  32. Gelao ANDREAwww.conetica.it
  33. Marco Camisani Calzolari - http://www.camisanicalzolari.com
  34. Amodeo Michele
  35. Pauletto Daniele http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/mentelab
  36. Filippo Lubrano http://www.spezialmente.it 
  37. Scotti Federico http://www.fescotti.it  
  38. Calzavara Chiara http://www.linkedin.com/in/chiaracalzavara
  39. Mauro Sandrini http://www.elearningeinnovazione.org
  40. Piersanti Valentina
  41. Ciceri Emma http://emmart.tk
  42. Mizzau Francis
  43. On Francis - http://www.Passpack.com
  44. Guido Vetere http://guidovetere.nova100.ilsole24ore.com/
  45. Antonino girl
  46. Pavolini Antonio - Conversational
  47. Bonelli Ugo -  http://www.linkedin.com/in/ugobonelli
  48. Canepa Stefano www.stefanocanepa.it
  49. Forghieri Claudio http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudioforghieri
  50. Ciriaci Francesco http://www.linkedin.com/in/francescociriaci
  51. Ernesto Belisario http://blog.ernestobelisario.eu
  52. Schininà Eugenio http://www.schinina.it
  53. Bartolini Gabriele- http://www.devise.it/
  54. Tonelli Emanuele - http://www.linkedin.com/in/emanueletonelli
  55. Massimo Azzolini - http://www.linkedin.com/in/massimoazzolini
  56. Cesare Brizio - http://www.linkedin.com/in/cesarebrizio
  57. Germano Paini - http://www.thinktag.org
  58. Martelli Simone - http://www.simonemartelli.it
  59. Perugini Luca - http://www.lucaperugini.it
  60. Siino Tony - BlogItalia
  61. Cottica Alberto - Kublai
  62. White Tito - www.innovatoripa.it/users/titobianchi
  63. A. Attilio Romita (an idea http://www.slideshare.net/guesteba501/barcamp-innovatori-pa-auto
  64. Giaccai Susanna - giaccai.wordpress.com
  65. Mondello Daniel- Olomedia
  66. Gaia Perone from Salerno
  67. Sissa Giovanna- http://www.osservatoriotecnologico.it
  68. Chiappe Roberta - http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/rchiappe
  69. Francesca Congedi
  70. Nardella Massimiliano- http://www.floppolitik.blogspot.com
  71. Paruta Salvatore
  72. eyelet Andrea
  73. Americo Iurleo
  74. Francesca Ferrara newsmaker / journalist
  75. Manicardi Roberto
  76. Duretti Sergio -  http://www.csp.it/
  77. Cioffi Fabio
  78. Palombelli Gaetano
  79. Luigi Reggi -  http://www.linkedin.com/in/gigireggi 
  80. Dimitri Tartars
  81. Vincenzo Cosenza (Digital PR): http://www.vincos.it and http://www.businessandblog.com
  82. Furbini Fabrizio 
  83. Mauro Mauro Alovisio - fire.rettorato.unito.it/blog/
  84. Lucarelli Giulia
  85. Campanaro M.Grazia http://comunitando.blogspot.com/
  86. Giacomo Di Giulio
  87. Head Paul http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/testa
  88. Quaratino Francesca http://www.manafactory.it
  89. Pacifiers Alessia http://www.queenmother.it
  90. Tombolini Antonio http://antoniotombolini.simplicissimus.it
  91. Izzo Peter http://www.casaizzo.com
  92. Stefania Piantoni
  93. Sabena Gianluca http://www.intertest.com
  94. Michele Vianello - Deputy Mayor of Venice - Venice Connected
  95. Tognetto Gabriella
  96. Poccia Danilo - http://blogs.sun.com/danilop
  97. Frongia Daniele http://segnalazionit.blogspot.com/ 
  98. Franco Corsetti - http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/info4
  99. Trunks Alessia - http://www.comune.monza.it 
  100. Chibbaro Roberto - http://www.votailprof.it
  101. Sanna Eric - http://segnalazionit.blogspot.com
  102. Martinino Paul
  103. Italo Vignoli - Association PLIO / Going Open
  104. Angelini Eugenia - http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugiangelini
  105. Mascarello Alessio
  106. Trevis Marco   - Bazzmann Srl
  107. Carlo Vaccari - Istat ( Carlo's blog )
  108.  Alessio Jacona - Blogs4biz.info
  109. Paolillo Magda - Spotanatomy.info
  110. Vacirca Daniela
  111. Emili Geronimo - PRITALIA
  112. Luzzi Elizabeth
  113. Luisi Piero - http://www.linkedin.com/in/pieroluisi
  114. Fabio Masetti - http://scriptavolant.net/blog
  115. Leo rises   - Uchronia
  116. Ioro Eugenio   - comunicazione.regione.puglia.it
  117. Passantino Francis - http://www.iteam5.net/francesco
  118. Calzavara Chiara - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/chiara/calzavara
  119. Marco Traferri - www.heyzoom.net
  120. Vernati Barbara- www.facebook.com/people/Barbara-Vernati/1597542953
  121. Pietro De Luca - http://www.univiu.org
  122. Morales Alessandro - http // www.microsmeta.com / dblog
  123. Subioli pauline Amelya
  124. Tucci Salvatore - tucci@torvergata.it
  125. Nicola Salvi         ListaEtica
  126. Marsh Jesse- jesse@atelier.it 
  127. Rocchi Franca
  128. Rachel Muscarà
  129. Rizzi Giuseppe
  130. Citarelli Imma
  131. Taccone Luigi- http://www.taccone.net 
  132. Jeannette Emanuela http://it.sun.com (Business)
  133. Mauro Murgioni
  134. Bugatti Stefania
  135. Patrizia Filippetti
  136. Lorenzo De Tomasi - Isotype.org / communicates the quality
  137. Monti Pietro - http://paweb20.wordpress.com
  138. Sassone Assunta http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/assuntasassone
  139. Bua Antongiulio http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/antongiuliobua
  140. Amedea Maria Pasquali
  141. Patruno vincenzo http://segnalazionit.blogspot.com
  142. Pieroni Marta
  143. Marrassini Elena
  144. Leonardo Ricci
  145. Gabriella Cattaneo
  146. Laurenti Stephen http: // www.laurenti.it
  147. del Bene Paolo http://www.gnu-linux.it http://paolodelbene.pbwiki.com/hacking http://paolodelbene.pbwiki.com/FrontPage http://paolodelbene.blogspot.com/2008/08/free-software-licenses-refund.html http://del-bene-paolo.blogspot.com http://gnuandlinux.blogspot.com http://bavaglio-ad-internet.blogspot.com
  148. Davide Gorini - http://www.sourcesense.com
  149. Nicola  "Smeerch" Bruno.
  150. small Paul
  151. Giovanni Battista Gallus- Municipality of Selargius (CA) -  http://www.giuristitelematici.it
  152. Croella Marco - http://secondome.simplicissimus.it http://www.secondome.com/blog
  153. Brugi Miranda
  154. Valentina Cinelli bastet
  155. Guarnaccia Elio - www.giurdanella.it - istitutoinnovazione.eu - www.cesda.it/dae
  156. Marandola Giorgio - http://www.technicoblog.com
  157. Mizzella Stefano - http://www.nexres.org - http://www.socialmedialab.net
  158. De Persio Roldano - The Marketer - HJORDA
  159. Armando Leotta - http://blog.armandoleotta.com http://armyz.wordpress.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/armandoleotta
  160. Russian Mariarosaria http://www.innovatoripa.it/users/mrusso
  161. Melis Michele http://michelemelis.wordpress.com
  162. Madotto Paolino http://www.madotto.com http://www.madotto.it
  163. Brugnara Guido http://www.posit.it/soci/guido_brugnara.html
  164. Giannini Veronica fraktalia.it
  165. Momoli Gianluca
  166. Mastrolonardo Raffaele
  167. Fiorenzani Paul http://paolofiorenzani.blogspot.com/
  168. Stump Alessandro www.jdk.it
  169. Cornero Alessandra
  170. Maurizio Rossi   http://www.ieffe.net/   http://groups.google.it/group/form-innova?lnk&pli=1
  171. Gianluca Vannuccini
  172. Andrea Bartocci
  173. Michele Ficara Manganelli (better late than never) http://www.micheleficara.com/blog
  174. Fabio Masia http://www.suono.it
  175. Simona Giuliano
  176. Paul Alderigi www.polotecnologico.it
  177. Stefano Noferi http://www.noze.it
  178. Myriam Ines Giangiacomo www.spaziodellanima.it
  179. Marco Sgroi
  180. Paola Ricci www.garamond.it
  181. Leonardo Natali
  182. Laura Botti www.alitec.eu
  183. Alessio Cartocci  http://blog.iwa.it/
  184. Ivo Ovens www.ivoforni.it
  185. Marco Fioretti http://mfioretti.com
  186. Mary Queen Bortolato
  187. Walter Moriconi blogs.sun.com/moroplace
  188. Giorgio Marandola http://www.technicoblog.com    -   http://www.facebookcafe.net  http: //www.facebookcafe.n and "
  189. Paola Pierri  http://kiua.wordpress.com/
  190. Francesca Ferrara - progettoCampania2.0  -
  191. Alberto Scocco - http://www.lemappedelpensiero.it 



Of these participants some plan to lead an intervention ...

(Must be added here interventions, putting the first name and surname, linked to the possible blog, and following the intervention topic)


important :


We want to point out that there will be absolutely frontal presentations privileged.


The projector is there, and if a group wants to join to attend a presentation you can also do, but this Barcamp is CONVERSATIONAL, and INTERACTIVE TWO-WAY !


The format that we propose is that of "theme cluster" of 8 tables and 3 sessions.


In this context we will present and discuss projects, proposals and visions but, please, as in every true Barcamp "dialogical", take the opportunity to talk and socialize, inside and outside the hall.


Better off :-)


If you still think that this is a conference where he presented the slides you have the wrong place and time.



  1. Paolo Colli Franzone : Innovation in the PA figures. By ICT as a cost center to ICT as a generation of value.
  2. Flavia Marzano : New freedoms in the Information and Knowledge Society. By regional legislation with national legislation (including CAD): do to implement them?
  3. Domenco Flagpole : Innovate PA. A professionalism problem? When networks are not enough hardware and software.
  4. Oreste Salvaggio : Innovate through border routes, breaking and then normalize.
  5. Maria Luisa Chiofalo : Strategies system to "break and then normalize", "when networks are not sufficient" to make it clear "ICT as value generation" hardware and software and not just "as a cost center": A concrete administrative experience compared.
  6. Corrado Cheat : The Web 2.0 to support participatory budgeting local
  7. James Mason : intranet, identity: like going from the top down to the company intranet internal networks by focusing on the people.
  8. Paolo Valenti aka Wolly : The infrastructure behind the content, use Wordpress to manage events
  9. Mark Scialdone : free Licenses and Generated Content from PA
  10. Marco Camisani Calzolar i: national portals ...
  11. Filippo Lubrano : Change Management in the Public Administration - the experience Assochange
  12. Mauro Sandrini : The efficiency in content production: reusability and sharing of content for e-learning. Technical approach to the social.
  13. Ugo Bonelli: The relationship between business and PA: Innovation or simplification?
  14. Stefano Canepa : Interoperability of health information systems according to known standards (HL7, ...)
  15. Ernesto Belisario : The laws of Digital PA: constraint or opportunity?
  16. Gabriele Bartolini : Quality and accessibility of websites in the PA. Analysis of a sample and methods to control the sites and ensure a high standard.
  17. Daniele Pauletto http://www.slideshare.net/guested1f7d5/innovazione-nella-pa   (slide action if I can not be present) 
  18. Cesare Brizio - update on PloneGov in Italy
  19. Germano Paini - The re-use of knowledge as a factor of competitiveness for the country
  20. Emanuele Tonelli - Together we can, indeed you must! The Computer Service Associate as the only way to address innovation in small towns
  21. Alberto Cottica - User generated government: the experience of Kublai and other things seen in Europe
  22. Renato Di Gregorio - Enterprise Together , Training action - territorial organization: integration of local actors in order to improve the quality of life in the territories
  23. Silvia De Luca
  24. Sergio Duretti - A model for technology transfer to companies: Innovation4Business and the catalog of the assets of CSP -  http://www.vimeo.com/2217207
  25. Marco De Rossi - PA and Liquida.it : organize and structure the contents generated by the masses
  26. Antonio Tombolini / Marco Croella: for a lighter bureaucracy, Paperless Democracy
  27. Gianluca Sabena: introduction to MindTouch and case study on management of a Framework Programme Agreement
  28. Daniele Frongia: Enterprise 2.0 Solutions for the AP: "When innovation becomes culture"
  29. Michele Vianello (Deputy Mayor of Venice): A new frontier for rights: the digital citizenship 
  30. David Di Marco, E2.0 for PA
  31. Roberto Chibbaro : meritocracy in the public services of the web, the case Votailprof
  32. Alessandro NASINI : "The Tribe of the PA: belonging, sharing, value"
  33. Italo Vignoli : Open Document Format: the standard and open format to serve the citizens there, just adopt ...
  34. Claudio Forghieri - Innovative models of delivery of public services amministrazion: multichannel and new intermediaries (download a preview of the intervention)
  35. Marco Trevisan - public communication in the new millennium: to integrate social participation with institutional information.
  36. Fabio Masetti - You can do ?, I have already done! - A personal approach to innovation in the innovation of the PA
  37. Eugenio Iorio : Integrated Public Communications: interdialogabilità and interoperability in communication systems and industry information.
  38. Paul Subioli : shared URP. A new model for relations with citizens in small municipalities in the era of scarcity of resources ( here are the slides ).
  39. Jesse Marsh: Living Lab and territorial innovation: the Territorial Living Lab in Sicily, the EU network ENoLL , the project MEDLAB
  40. Rachel Muscarà: Migration Experience to Open Source. The Park Authority Torinesi Hills ( slides )
  41. Gianni Altamura: Optimizing the use of IT to improve productivity - http://iniziative.forumpa.it/expo09/master/ottimizzare-luso-delle-risorse -migliorare-la-produttivita-1
  42. Luigi Taccone -  http://apps.facebook.com/c auses / 163278  - @ LèAgora of Labor and Education, a participatory process in the province of Florence on social issues
  43. Attilio A. Romita : For a network designed by the cittadidini for citizens, that respects the rules, but is not tied up in bureaucracy, or the law for protection of the citizen not as a limit to the functionality ( http://www.slideshare.net / guesteba501 / barcamp-innovators-pa-auto )
  44. Carlo Verdino: The "Cloud Computing" to the PAL service with particular reference to small municipalities


    Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman

    Web-based programs like Google's Gmail will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems That will cost blackberries and more over time, according to Functional the free software campaigner


    Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, believes's That cloud computing endangers liberties Because users Their sacrifice privacy and personal data to a third party. In November 2007, the Free Software Foundation released the Affero General Public License, a version of GPLv3 designed to close a perceived legal loophole associated with Free software designed to be run over a network, Particularly software as a service. An application service provider is required to release any changes they make to Affero GPL open source code.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing Similarly, Richard Stallman , founder of the Free Software Foundation , believes's That cloud computing endangers liberties Because users Their sacrifice privacy and personal data to a third party. He Stated That cloud computing "was simply a trap blackberries Aimed at forcing people to buy into locked, proprietary systems That would cost them blackberries and more over time." 

   46. ​​Paul Del Bene Free Software in Public Administration and the obstructionism of the various governments http://bavaglio-ad-internet.blogspot.com

http://paolodelbene.blogspot.com/2008/08/free-software-licenses-refund.html (will be excluded from my speech, those who represent multinational hardware and / or non-free software), video shooting must then be converted to * .ogv with

http://v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/ffmpeg2theora-0.24.linux32.bin.bz2 and installation is very simple: http://v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/install.html audio needs be processed with GNU / Audacity and converted to * .ogg or * .flac, all must be released under the GNU General Public License Version 3 for texts is allowed only the use of the GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3

  47. Carlo Infante about Performing Media: new formats of interactive public communication and territorial innovation .

  48. Elio Guarnaccia - Government 2.0: some proposals for public digital innovation

  49. Pauline Madotto - " un'ICT not make a summer" , the organization's changing stories and process innovation thanks to technology

  50. Maurizio Rossi   - Coaching, Team Coaching and Facilitation of learning: it makes sense to talk about the PA?

  51. Paola Ricci - E-Books to School: Ministerial Circular no. 16 and Digital Innovation in Public School Italian 


 hospitality :


(In this space please include participating hotels, hostels, guest houses, friends, etc.)

Guesthouse Rome , near Termini  

Rome hotels , tourist information  




How to get to the Barcamp:


from the airport:


by train, taking the FR1 in the direction of Rome line, get off at the Fiera di Roma stop. From there a shuttle bus to the entrance door NORD.




the Leonardo Express train (direct train Fiumicino Airport-Rome Termini) non-stop. 


by taxi (about 10 minutes).


Warning : access for visitors is from the entrance door NORTH 


  • From the station:

From Termini Station there is a direct connection to the Nuova Fiera di Roma. Take the metro line B (direction Laurentina) to easily reach the Ostiense Station (Piramide metro).


From there, take the train line FR1 - Fiumicino direction to the stop Fiera di Roma (every 15 min. About; integrated ticket metro + train fare 1 Euro).

A shuttle bus will take you to the Porta NORD.


The FR1 also stop at Tuscolana, Tiburtina, Ostiense stations connected to lines A and B underground. FR1 other stations are: Settebagni, Fidene, Nuovo Salario, Nomentana, Trastevere, Villa Bonelli, Magliana.


For those who want to help in the organization 


(You can help in organizing the event in different ways.


For example:


  • by conveying the event by writing a post or a twit, reporting it on a social network or - more simply - by sending an email to friends;

  • actively participating in the group on http://www.innovatoripa.it/ and inviting your colleagues to join;

  • candidandoti to follow an event aspect of the organization, describing it in the paragraph below: "media partners, fans media";

  • giving you as a volunteer during the two-day event to help us manage the reception and logistics;

  • suggesting other ways to collect the contents of people of good will ;-)

Car sharing :


If by chance you come by car and you have made available, write to your route later ....... and how to contact you


1) From the FM3 station La Giustiniana (4 places), via GRA- contact: a.nasini@maple.it

2) From Florence by car (3 seats available) starting 6.30 area south Florence, return still not programmed - for contacts: 336.680361 lugi@taccone.net



Social dinner May 12 in Trastevere :



Arriving on May 12 or days before it is welcome that we are organizing the social dinner in Trastevere.


To join, simply add your name to this list.


Payment is to the "Roman" (everyone pays for itself :-))


A proposal for dinner:


We requested various menu in Trastevere area: among the proposals arrive the best (quality / quantity / price) seems to Taverna Trilussa , in Via del Politeama 23-25 ​​(virtually Trilussa Square).


Their proposal set menu is this: Appetizer: Mozzarella in a carriage, grilled bacon, Umbrian prociutto, buffalo ricotta cream, fried typical Roman (zucchini, eggplant, artichokes, sage, broccoli, broccoli); First: Rigatoni Amatriciana (best amatriciana Lazio 2006); Second: DK fillet with rocket and cherry tomatoes; Side dish: Roast potatoes, roasted artichokes; Water, house wine, coffee, bitter



The price is € 55 per person.


Methods of payment: balance at end of dinner (no american express, no diners).


We expect to know what you think to confirm reservation!


  1. Gigi Cogo
  2. Gianni Dominici
  3. Michele Vianello
  4. Carlo Mochi Sismondi
  5. Domenico Flagpole
  6. Flavia Marzano
  7. Franco Corsetti
  8. Claudio Forghieri
  9. Paolo Colli Franzone
  10. Marco Trevisa
  11. Paul Subioli
  12. Jesse Marsh
  13. Francesca Ferrara (maybe)
  14. Luca De Pietro
  15. Stefania Ugatti
  16. Patrizia Filippetti
  17. Alessandro Nasini (2009-05-12, 13:25. So, is there a date for dinner?)
  18. Carlo Verdino
  19. Salvatore Marras
  20. Laura Manconi
  21. Roberta Chiappe
  22. Alberto Cottica
  23. Giorgio Marandola 



Sponsors, sponsorships, media partners, fans and media organizers  



Partner Logo Intervention
Forum PA   Room and Wi-Fi
Formez technical and organizational support
the Veneto Region Badge and handbags
Simplicissimus Book Farm portabadge 
Cisco System Italy   Gadgets
Google Italy   Gadgets
Microsoft Italy   T-shirts

netics   catering
BlogItalia web Media
liquid   web Media
Interviews in web streaming




volunteers :

  1. Gianni Dominici
  2. Gianluigi Cogo
  3. Salvatore Marras
  4. Laura Manconi
  5. Flavia Marzano
  6. Domenico Flagpole
  7. Sergio Agostinelli
  8. Michela Di Bitonto
  9. Michela Leonetti
  10. Carlo Verdino
  11. Roberto Galoppini
  12. daisy Coppola
  13. Attilio A. Romita 
  14. Tony Siino
  15. mariarosaria Russian
  16. Roberta Chiappe
  17. Gianluca Affinito
  18. Giorgio Marandola




  • If you talk about this event always use the tag innovatoripa and follow the conversation via Technorati .

  • If you enter Tracks always use the tag innovatoripa  

Blogs that talk about it: 


Mainstream speaking it:



Social media:


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=37151409617&ref=mf

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1482197&trk=hb_side_g

Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/group/innovatoripa

Ning: http://innovatori.ning.com/profiles/blogs/barcamp-innovatoripa

Ning: http://occasioneperduta.ning.com/profiles/blogs/barcamp-innovatoripa

ThinkTag:  http://www.thinktag.org/index.php?page=Documents:DocumentView&documentId=801706  


Some topics, freely adapted from the discussion on Facebook , we'd like to discuss:


  1. New freedoms of the Information and Knowledge Society

  2. eGovernment and quality of life

  3. The era of the network in doing business: simplification vs. innovation in relations with the PA

  4. The Government Code. What would change? As? What tips to implement more and better in PA?

  5. A new paradigm of IT to reduce costs and increase efficiency: Cloud Computing

  6. School: liberty to learn and know

  7. interoperability standards

  8. Interoperability of health information systems according to known standards (HL7, ...)

  9. Worst practices in the PA innovation

  10. Web 2.0 for whom? prepare for the invasion of the 'Screenager' (who will be and what they will expect from PA?)

  11. Bring the 2.0 behind the firewall: examples and practices of internal social networking and collaborative projects "cross departement"

  12. Culture 2.0: bring citizens closer to the cultural services offered by the PA


always in progress!