iPhoneDevCamp-Austin is an ad-hoc gathering of iPhone enthusiasts to get together and teach each other about iPhone and mobile technology. In other words, come prepared to code and learn. You will need an Intel based Mac to create a native iPhone app. Web applications can be created on any web server using your standard tools.
This DevCamp is an official satellite of the San Francisco iPhone DevCamp taking place concurrently. We will have a live video feed from there. And our hacks can be entered into their hack contest.
This DevCamp currently has one formal track: Beginning iPhone Programming. We are recruiting organizers for a web and a game track.
Our venue is kindly provided by the fine folks at TechRanch, listed below. We wish to thank the fine folks at Conjunctured and CocoaCoder.org for their support of the local iPhone and Mac OS X programming community over the past years.
Event details
August 1st and 2nd, 2009, 10 AM - 5 PM.
2311 W. Rundberg Lane, Suite 200
Austin, Texas 78758
phone: 512-339-3242

Contact Information:
Andrew Donoho: Austin-iPhone@DDG.com
Friday, July 31st
- 6 PM mixer at a local Mexican Restaurant: TBD.
Saturday, August 1st
- 10 AM: The doors open at TechRanch.
- 11:30-11:45 AM: Introductions from San Francisco.
- 11:45-12:45 PM: Keynote from San Francisco.
- 02:00-05:00 PM: Beginning iPhone Programming Track. We'll be following examples in: Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK (Paperback) by Dave Mark (Author), Jeff LaMarche (Author) <http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1430216263>.
- 02:00-05:00 PM: Web-based iPhone Programming Track: Leader TBD.
- 02:00-05:00 PM: Programming Games on iPhone with Game Salad. Lead by Gendai Games.
- 02:00-05:00 PM: Hacking Contest iPhone Bullpen: Leader TBD.
Sunday, August 2nd.
- 10 AM: The doors open at TechRanch.
- 12:00-12:30 PM: Demo: Andrew Stone (@Twittelator), “How the NeXT Computer Became the iPhone”
- 12:30-01:00 PM: Keynote: Steve Demeter (@Demiforce), “Doing It Yourself
- 01:00-03:00 PM: Work on our hacks for the hack contest.
- 03:00-05:00 PM: Presentation and judging or Austin Hacks for the San Francisco Hack Contest.
Proposed Sessions
Topics I would like to hear about
Participants (aka Campers)
Task List
(please -cross out- when it's done)
- Wifi
- Projector, White Boards
- Photo
- Video
- Audio
- Streaming or Stickam or Skype
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Coffee/Tea
- Tables and chairs
Tags for Twitter, flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.
Please use the tag #austinipd for content related to this event.
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