• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Raven Zachary 17 years, 2 months ago

iPhoneDevCamp San Francisco 2007


Making the web a better place for iPhone.


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Adobe NDA


Update 07/04/07: Adobe has waived the NDA requirement for the event.

Please be advised that all visitors to Adobe are asked to sign the following, on site, either electronically or on paper. This agreement is in place to protect attendees in case they are exposed to any confidential information from Adobe. We do not anticipate that attendees will be exposed to Adobe Confidential information, but the NDA is required for admittance, and only applies to Adobe Proprietary Information.

Almost all of the information at iPhoneDevCamp is not covered by this NDA. Confidential or Proprietary Information (which is covered by the NDA) is easy to distinguish. In all cases, an Adobe employee or representative will explicitly label such information as 'confidential' or 'unannounced'. This notice will take written, or more commonly, verbal form. For example, you may ask a question of an Adobe employee that s/he may wish to answer in confidence. That person will give notice and receive confirmation of assent before divulging such information.


Confidential Nondisclosure Agreement


  1. Proprietary Information is technical and business information describing or relating to business activities of Adobe and which: Adobe has (1) created and holds in confidence, or (2) has received from third parties under an obligation to maintain as confidential.
  2. Signatory agrees not to disclose Proprietary Information to any third party and not to use it except as may be required to perform contracted services for Adobe.
  3. Signatory agrees to limit disclosure of Proprietary Information received from Adobe to only those employees of Signatory with a need to know such information in order to perform contracted services for Adobe.
  4. The obligations and duties set forth herein shall continue for a period of three (3) years from the receipt by Signatory of Proprietary Information.
  5. In the event that Signatory or the company employing Signatory has another nondisclosure agreement with Adobe which is currently in effect, the terms of such agreement shall prevail if they conflict with the terms of this agreement.


By actual or electronic signature in Adobe's lobby registration system, Signatory confirms that s/he has read this Confidential Nondisclosure Agreement and agrees to be bound by its terms.