Suggestion: If possible, please insert your logo alphabetically according to your city or institution. This way your logo can be found quicker. I have tried to fix some of the logos order (using the file name as key), there are still some out of order logos in the list, feel free to help sort them in order when you see them. Thanks.
Also, if you are looking for a vector file, go to the "files" section where you will find several .ai files to work with. Also try the SpreadBarCamp page.
New York
New York, HealthCampNy
San Francisco HealthCampSf
Washington DC
BarCamp Phnom Penh
BarCamp Sihanoukville (BarCamp The Beach)
BarCamp Kampong Cham
BarCamp Battambang
BarCamp Angkor
BarCamp Banteay Meanchey
BarCamp Kampot