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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago


A MobileCampNYC3 event is being planned for November 15th, 2008. Sign up now!

MobileCampNYC2 took place on Saturday November 10th, 2007



What is a MobileCamp?


A BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. Check out the TheRulesOfBarCamp to learn what to expect.


A MobileCamp is a mobile technology themed BarCamp. They aim to bring together mobile enthusiasts, explorers and professionals to share the current state and their visions for the future direction of mobility. A MobileCamp hopes to support the many voices helping to unlock the potential of a truly digital life. Topics may include - but are not limited to - mobile gaming, entrepreneurship, social mobility and presence, near field communication, physical hyperlinking, mobile storytelling, the importance of open standards, protocols, and platforms, linux based devices, and mobility on other continents.


In May 2007, the first such event, MobileCampNYC was held in New York City.



What was MobileCampNYC2?


MobileCampNYC2 was the first MobileCamp to be held in the Los Angeles metro area. The logistics were as follows:




Saturday, 10th of November, 9:00 - 18:00 Eastern




Downtown Conference Center

157 William Street, 12th Floor

New York, NY 10038



Pictures from MobileCampNYC2:



A MobileCampNYC2 Recap


Some sessions held at MobileCampNYC2 are listed below. Feel free to add your session if we don't have it listed!


  • One World. No Borders. 3 Billion Connected People. Claim Your Piece. - David Harper

    Dave Harper, CEO of Winksite, a suite of tools to immediately create and support mobile communities, gave an hour-long session sharing his experience on what it takes to scale mobile applications to 189+ countries and over 5 million hits per month. After providing tips and tricks on mobile advertising and mobile SEO, Dave showed and explained QR Codes and their real-world applications using a plethora of examples. People got really excited about this and again, ideas were bounced back and forth and were discussed far beyond the session.


  • halfbaked.com - Entrepreneurial Improv - Alexis Rondeau

    Each team selected 2 random words and got 20 minutes to come up with - and pitch - the next mobile killer application! Besides having the very nice side-effect of making people play and interact, the resulting mobile startup ideas ranged from outrageous to VC-fundable. After every team presented their startups' product, revenue model, marketing plan, tagline and logo the most promising one was selected. Special prizes were given to the team with the most original idea. Judges included Sean Owen, Dennis Crowley and Michael Sharon.


  • MegaPhone Demo and discussion - Dan Albritton

    Dan Albritton from playmegaphone.com gave the first workshop in the morning showcasing their mobile real-time multiplayer game engine. MegaPhone is an interactive installation where any cellphone becomes a game-controller by placing a phonecall. Within 1 Minute Dan had the crowd punching their phone-keypads ("Peow-peow!P-p-p-eow!") to score and shouting into their mics ("Grabgrab! Grabgrabgrab! Grab!") to reach the Top 10 of the game. After an overview of the underlying technology and showcases, the group went into a long conversation on creating new applications of the project.


  • Using Geolocation in your mobile applications

Lets discuss the available mobile geostack and the pitfalls or benefits related to each one. If you have a mobile app that uses location, bring it and show it off.


  • The New Walled Garden - Header Crippling Carriers & Transcoding Services


  • Is Mainstream America Ready for Bar Codes? The Convergence of "Realspace" and "Mobilespace. - Discussion led by David Harper, Founder, Winksite


  • The Head Trauma Cinematic Games - Creating story worlds that engage audience across multiple screens and platforms.

No one is safe from the Net effect of HEAD TRAUMA, the brainchild of Lance Weiler, culture hacker and acclaimed writer-director. Murder and mayhem emerge from the streets, mobile phones, social networks, and online video clips as Horror 2.0 updates thrills from today’s most pervasive mediums.


  • Subversive (Mobile) Storytelling - Knifeandfork explores methods of embodied narrative using mobile phones. Brian House presents case studies of Hundekopf (2005, Berlin) and The Wrench, a forthcoming project for Rhizome.org using the new open source TXTML platform.


  • Android's Open-Source Barcode Reader - with Sean Owen, Google


  • Barcoding at Orange and partnership opportunities - Two things in this short talk (probably less than 20 min): an overview of what Orange does in barcodes, and then information about a few programs that we have set up to help developers get their apps to work in the hands of users.


  • Moving Code Scanning from Potential to Profit - Standards to Build a New Industry, led by Jim Levinger


Learn more about Mobile Bar Codes:

Nokia - Mobile Codes

2D Barcode Manifesto

Mainstream America is Ready for Bar Codes - Converging \"Realspace\" and \"Mobilespace\"

Mobile Codes Consortium

Active Print project

Physical Hyperlinks



Check out these links to some of the blog coverage of the event!


Selected Quotes

  • "MobileCampNYC2 was sponsored by Nokia. The event was free, the food fantastic, and event prizes were the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet and N95. Wow!!! I won one playing the Noisy Noisy Hippos game. Thank you MobileCampNYC2 and Nokia."
  • "This was the most organized unorganized event I’ve ever been to."
  • "Toys to inspire creativity were a plenty both in and ouside of the conference sessions."
  • "MobileCampNYC2 proved to be a compilation of active, intelligent, good natured people. It was wonderful to meet so many minds and hear what they were working on."
  • "Also, I had the pleasure of attending this year’s MobileCampNYC2, which was an amazing day of mobile madness."
  • "At today’s MobileCampNYC the whole group got a sneak peek at ZXing (Zebra Crossing), the barcode reader Google is planning to include in the Android SDK being released on Monday."






MobileCampNYC2 was organized by Indira, Ritwik, Andy and Alexis. Please feel free to join the Google Group for ongoing discussions, questions and feedback.





Nokia Nseries



Tags for flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.


Please use the tag MobileCampNYC2 for content related to this event.


  • Flickr photos Please make sure you release your photos under a suitable license such as creative commons.



Mobile Site


We have setup a mobile site which you can use to check on details and updates on the fly:

Type in http://winksite.com/mobilecamp/NYC2 in your mobile browser or use this QR Code to access it directly