

What are MobileTech4SocialChange Barcamps? 

Mobile Tech 4 Social Change Barcamps are local events for people passionate about using mobile technology for social impact and to make the world a better place. Each event includes interactive discussions, hands-on-demos, and collaborations about ways to use, deploy, develop and promote mobile technology in health, advocacy, economic development, environment, human rights, citizen media, to name a few areas.  Participants for Mobile Tech 4 Social Change barcamps include nonprofits, mobile app developers, researchers, donors, intermediary organizations, and mobile operators.  

NYC Event details

Host and Hunter College's Integrated Media Arts Program 

Registration -- WE ARE SOLD OUT


Topics I would like to hear about 


Participants (aka Campers) -- PLEASE ADD YOURSELF! (make sure you've registered - otherwise we won't be able to let you in: Registration is here:

Session Notes 
