

Page history last edited by Brett Cooper 14 years, 3 months ago


Happy Halloween From The ProductCamp RTP Team - Download this file and run it - Turn up your Speakers


Past ProductCamp RTP Events
Home Register for ProductCamp RTP, October 30, 2010

Session Topics - Abstracts


Submit an Abstract

ProductCamp RTP, May 22, 2010 Mini ProductCamp RTP, January 28, 2010 ProductCamp RTP, May 2009 ProductCamp RTP September, 2009






ProductCamp RTP, Saturay, October 30, 2010

Get ready to share in the conversation!


See what participants are saying about ProductCamp RTP:


Where:       Cambria Suites at RDU Airport
                 300 Airgate Blvd

                 Morrisville, NC 27560-8492

                 Map It!

When:        Saturday, October 30, 2010, 8:00am-6:00pm


ProductCamp RTP Happy Hour is a great way to connect with professionals in product management, product marketing, and related fields in RTP.

To register to attend ProductCamp RTP, please visit

To submit a session abstract, please submit an abstract here



Pragmatic Marketing

Cambria Suites



If you would like to sponsor ProductCamp RTP please send an email to


Sponsorships are available at a variety of levels, including:

  • Location Sponsor:  $300
  • Breakfast Sponsor:  $250 (Taken)
  • Lunch Sponsor:  $750
  • Happy Hour Sponsor:  $750
  • T-Shirt Sponsor:  $1,000 (Taken)
  • Badge Sponsor:  $500 (Taken)
  • Event Sponsor:  $250 Multiple Sponsorships available at this level (One Taken, more available)


Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on October 30, 2010 at ProductCamp RTP!


Background on ProductCamp RTP

ProductCampRTP: A collaborative unconference about Product Management and Marketing

In the spirit of BarCampProductCamp is a collaborative, user organized unconference, focused on Product Management and Marketing. At ProductCamp there are no "attendees", since everyone is an active participant in some way: presenting, leading a roundtable discussion, sharing their experiences, helping with logistics, securing sponsorship, setting up wifi, or volunteering. ProductCamp is a great opportunity for you to learn, share, and network with professionals involved in the Product Management, Marketing, and Development in the Research Triangle Park area.



ProductCampRTP will follow the Open Grid Scheduling process for specific session scheduling, but the basic outline is below. We are using BrainShark for previews of ProductCampRTP sessions.


8:00-9:00am:      Continental Breakfast and Networking

9:00-10:15 am:    Welcome and overview by the Product Camp Team

                          - explanation of the Open Grid scheduling process 

                         -  two-minute overviews from each presenter

10:15-10:45 am:        Open Grid scheduling process

10:45-11:30 am:        Session 1               

11:45 am-12:30 pm:  Session 2

12:30-1:30 pm:          Lunch and networking

1:30- 2:15 pm:          Session 3

2:15-2:45:                 Break and Networking

2:45-3:30:                 Session 4

3:45-4:30                  Session 5

4:30-5:00 pm:           Wrap-up, Feedback, etc.

5:00-???:                  Happy Hour and Networking