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NW Filmmakers' Un-Conference

Page history last edited by Thomas Phillipson 8 years, 10 months ago





Saturday, November 14, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum
1219 SW Park Ave.
Northwest Film Center
934 SW Salmon St. 

The Northwest region is brimming with filmmaking talent and expertise—and the Filmmakers’ Un-conference provides an opportunity for these makers to come together and share their own ideas and inspiration. The Un-conference is unique in that it is largely user-organized: participants suggest the topics, make the schedule and lead the discussions. It’s a dizzying carnival of practical breakout sessions where novice filmmakers might meet their next collaborators and accomplished filmmakers might meet their inspiration. Thanks to KIND Healthy Snacks for providing breakfast snacks and to Chipotle for providing lunch vouchers. Contact Festival Manager Thomas Phillipson at thomas@nwfilm.org to sign up.  

ADMISSION $10. (This includes the Chipotle free entree card and proceeds help the Northwest Film Center provide services to filmmakers).


For those new to the BarCamp world, welcome to a user-generated un-conference organized for and by filmmakers like yourself.  This is an opportunity to meet and share information with scores of experts and foragers alike.  Think about topics you would like to know more about or that you might want to share your own expertise about and then imagine a roomful of whipsmart filmmakers think-tanking the issues and sharing best practices and scary roads to avoid.  It's fun, it's lively, and it's the best way we could ever imagine to get our wildly talented and creative film community (that's you) to help each other and to help themselves with on the ground ideas and inspirations you can plug right into your next production. Remember, user-generated means just that you are needed to help organize the event and you decide how it all comes together.



Add your name to the list of participants (toward the bottom of the page) by clicking “Edit page”

You will be asked to register with wiki—the password is: c4mp

Important note:  If you prefer not to receive e-mails every time a BarCamp page is edited, go to: https://my.pbwiki.com/?p=home and adjust your preferences.


Once you have registered, you are logged in and will come to the edit page where you can add your name, title and contact info and also suggest a topic. You just type right onto the page and then click "save" at the bottom. If you have a topic you would like to present, just add your name behind that topic.  It sounds a little scary to be fiddling with the web page, but know that I save versions of it often so if something goes wildly awry, just e-mail me and I should be able to sew it back up lickety-split.

If you are totally confounded, e-mail film@nwfilm.org  with the subject: UN-CONFERENCE


Event details

Northwest Filmmakers' Un-conference

Resources, Information and inspiration for filmmakers of the Northwest

Saturday, November 12, 2015  10 am - 4 pm


Promptly at 10am (DOORS OPEN AT 9:30)

Meet at The Northwest Film Center's Whitsell Auditorium inside the Portland Art Museum (1219 SW Park Avenue)    



1219 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR ‎ 

Map of the business location

11am - 4 pm

The Conference moves to the Northwest Film Center's School of Film for the breakout sessions.



The Schedule


9:30-11am: Whitsell Auditorium: Introductions and agenda setting.

11:00am: Northwest Film Center's School of Film (934 SW Salmon) Breakfast snacks provided by KIND healthy snacke (thanks kindly!)/

11:30-12:30First block of presentations begin at the Northwest Film Center’s School Of Film (934 SW Salmon Street)

12:30-1:15pm: Lunch (We have free burrito/bowl coupons from Chipotle Mexican Grill. Bringing your own food is also an option.

1:15-2:15pm Second block of presentations

2:30-3:30 pm: Third Block of presentations

3:30 pm: Gather and toast another heroically productive Un-conference.

4:00-6pm: "What's Wrong With This Picture?" Watch and participate as Seattle film guru, Warren Etheredge examines a few films that were not selected for the 41st Northwest Filmmakers' Festival and offers his insight minced with audience input, to the makers.



Participants  (You!)

Thomas Phillipson, NW Filmmakers' Festival Manager thomas@nwfilm.org

Paul Bingman / honorary (we'll miss you Paul)


  . .add your name here (start a new line above this one)





Proposed Topics : What do you want to hear about or what do you want to talk about?

Tips and best practices in working with video clients

Film and Video Preservation

How to have a successful Kickstarter Campaign

How can I win the Oregon Media Arts Fellowship?

How can I make my production green/sustainable?

How to distribute and market our locally made films



- add your topic idea here (add a new line above this one)



People We Need

Moderators— anyone want to help organize this and get the word out?

Volunteers— to help find sponsors or to set up, clean up, greet participants and help run the event e-mail


Please email at: film@nwfilm.org